Antifa / Nazi / Fascism - Those Who Don't Know History Are Doomed To Repeat It, especially if they give into Appeals To Authority from Professors

in #antifa7 years ago

The media is of course trying to spin these veterans as Nazis. Of course they have no evidence that is just the go to ad hominem attack. The actual people that are closest to Nazis and Fascists are the so-called anti-fascist. This is partially due to identity politics. It is partially due to poor education from Marxist professors who often lead this movement. They label themselves as being against the thing that they are the best representation in modern day of actual troops and thugs of fascist movements.

How about this Gateway Pundit article?

Armed Antifa PROFESSOR Admits to Chasing Charlottesville Driver With Rifle BEFORE DEADLY CRASH!

This image of Professor of Anthropology at University of North Carolina Dwayne Dixon actually reminded me of numerous brown shirts and SS photos that I saw of actual Nazis. Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.

Furthermore, fascism is typically government ruled by corporations. These groups are mercenaries hired by George Soros. They are also on the side of the largest and most manipulative corporations in the United States. Like I said they have no clue what fascism is though they are anti-fascist. Another possibility is they DO know and instead they are using the Saul Alinsky tactic of accusing your enemy of doing the things that you do.

Let's see if I can find some of the images that image of the professor above reminds me of that are actual Nazis. Oh and for those that don't know. NAZI is the shortened term for the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany.


Since the car driven into the crowd in Charlottesville was a psyop, what does that make this professor?

I am thinking that if Soros' accounts were closed, that both sides of this fight would disappear.

Excellent article. I doubt many snowflakes realize the Nazi's were socialists.

And if they do, they are unable to make the obvious link that their current heroes, Bernie Sanders and Pocahantas are completely open and transparent about being Socialists.

We have a new group of Nazis growing in the world today.

And they are the Liberal extreme Left Socialists, that I guarantee you will be running a candidate for president in 2020.

EDUCATE YOURSELF !!! Resist the new Nazis.

Yeah Fascisms only real difference from Socialism is that the corporations aren't state owned. Instead they are private corporations in cahoots with the government.

Anyways I went through a whole ridiculous situation on facebook back when the Charlottesville incident happened and it was just really crazy how militant the Antifa supporters were on my facebook. I literally got called out and tagged as a racist because I made a status pleeing for people to not promote violence, regardless of the side.

Its been proven time and time again that George Soros is NOT a good influence on national economies. He just put up a bunch of money for all of the "trump refugees" to come to Canada, and a lot of our independant reporters exposed the kind of people that were coming over. Hardly refugees, a lot of them are illegal immigrants escaping arrest. A lot of them are financially well off - gold chains, watches, multiple cell phones etc.

I've come to the conclusion that we should not be calling these people immigrants. We shouldn't even be calling them illegal immigrants.

We should call them invaders... I think this warrants a post.

indeed. I had worked on a huge post way back then but I somehow flailed it. People really need to start thinking about the whole picture rather than regurgitate their liberal arts school professors. I went to a liberal arts school and I only just un-brainwashed myself a couple of years ago when I reallly started to comprehend how inefficient and corrupt our governments are.

immigration without assimilation is invasion
Bobby Jindal

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Agitators and their Paymaster

I think most of what you said has gone over the heads of most people who viewed it...if they even bothered to read all of it.

I hope the driver is now exonerated, but more to the point, I am impatiently waiting to hear of them messing up real bad and since they have been declared a terrorist organisation, maybe they'll get dealt with. For a few hours I hoped the Hawaii fiasco was caused by antifa, but whoever did it, they are covering it up. It will just take us a bit longer to work out what the true story is.

Very important post @dwinblood. Up is down and down is up. I've gone ahead and removed this lengthy post I had here on your page and have a link to the related subject up on my CoS page.

Next time write your own post and reply to me with a link to it so we can get you properly rewarded for your work. :) I appreciate you.

Have you heard anything new about Ben Swann? That is how you and I first crossed paths.

Cheers dwinblood. Will do. When posting this I thought it might seem a little bit like a post hijack and wondered whether I should post it, but I think its closely associated with what you are reporting in your post and I wanted to share it specifically with you because I know you comprehend the underlying aspects of all this media divisiveness and gas lighting.

I think I will do a post on it and link it back and remove the huge portion I have placed up here. I think a lot of people would be curious about these aspects of the Charlottesville event so definitely worth doing. Thanks for the advice. As far as Ben Swann goes, I haven't heard anything new from him geopolitics wise, but he is still at CBS46 in Atlanta. Here he is on December 16, 2017. Ironically, (considering our discussion here), this segment was related to divisive racial issues.

Post is now linked up above.

Also I don't mind people posting relevant stuff EVER in my posts. I don't consider it hijacking but ADDING TO. However, when people put a lot of work into it I think it is worth recommending they do their own post so they have a more visible way of getting rewarded by the steemit community for their efforts.

Armed Antifa PROFESSOR Admits to Chasing Charlottesville Driver With Rifle BEFORE DEADLY CRASH!

info go down the memory hole!

there is no way that data ever hits the public sphere, or that part of it "informed" by the Ministry of Truth

Thanks for the update information, amazing post.

so interesting post. thats preety cool to know

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