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RE: Love: The Greatest Marketing Trick of All Time

in #anthropology8 years ago (edited)

Hi @krnel
Always appreciate your comments. I am well aware of the 4 kinds of love used mostly in ancient Greece under that specific socio-cultural context. I am a Cypriot myself and Greek is my nativ language ( i also studied ancient greek). Those words that you mentioned, today, have completely different meanings— and we are not even sure how they were used in the past. For example ancient greeks demonstrated philia(eros+love) toward their students. our ethical code today does not accept this thus the meaning along with the words shifted.

This brings us again, back to our last discussion about"egoism/selfishness/egotism". Language is a very powerful but also diverse tool. I am not bothered with it so much because it is massively subjective and interpetive. As an anthropologist I rather strip culture into the biology of who we are. This is why I did not mention the 4 kinds of love you mention. There is no reason. There is no magic formula into understanding "love". it was bullshit back in ancient greece, still bullshit today.

In ancient Greece they were not even referred to as "love". Storge, spelled Storgi(Στοργή) is only used from mothers toward their children in order to demonstrate "taking care of someone with love". it has nothing to do with what wikipedia refers. 'pragma' means simply "thing" . mania means "obsession/manic". The words you see and probably taken from wikipedia; they are contextual to poetry and special refferals that some greeks under specific schools of thought had and propegated.

Language is a tool but not a tool that can bring people together. quite the opposite i must say. People meet "in between the lines" through various forms of communication. more is not better. this is also why today with so much technology, being connected than ever through so much media, we are still very much alienated and hard to get each other.

the more you add to somehing (words/meanings) the more entropic it gets.

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