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RE: Love: The Greatest Marketing Trick of All Time

in #anthropology8 years ago (edited)

Good post. Great catch on the Renaissance "romanticism" that altered people's perception to create a new image of "love" in our consciousness. I have also mentioned that in some of my own work (not on steemit).

"Love" can indeed be blind. But as you explain, it's not really "love", hehe. It's more accurate for people to say infatuation with our desires, it becomes more correlated with attachment through desire. The term "love" has been diluted in meaning these days to mean so many things. The biochemical aspect of infatuation is referred to as "love", but its not the deeper love of "philos" or "storge" that can be had through mutual respect and admiration of others that extends beyond personal sexual relationships and won't be extinguished simply because we get infatuated with the romantic personal variant or the duty of parenthood variant.

Today, we do use the word "love" to sell so much. We use "love" as a term to refer to things we like, and what other people like, which is often referring to commercial products and activities. I "love this". You "love" that. And there is a commercialized day to sell "love" called Valentine's Day where YOU MUST obey to buy things for the woman... LOL. TO be fair, it is indeed harder for women in the sexual and parenting dimension, as they do usually bear the brunt of the responsibility for raising children in their belly and afterwards.

But there is a valid use for the word, once it can be understood for what it should refer to in reference to reality. There is something to trace the word back to in reality, if we want to find it.

Are you familiar with "The Four Loves" or the "6 Love Styles"? I am not saying these are that specific original definition, but they are other variants that describe parts of our reality. So I don't agree with "If we had to accept that love is just a meme we invented, we would have to accept we are just brutes—and we are." There is a reflection from reality that creates word symbols to begin with. That is their purpose.

  • Storge – affection, familial
  • Philia – friendship, bond, common interest
  • Eros – romance, in love, loving someone
  • Agape – unconditional love
  • Eros – From the Greek word for “erotic or passionate”; a passionate physical and emotional love based on aesthetic enjoyment; stereotype of romantic love; hormones flying.
  • Ludus – From the Latin word meaning “sport or play, a love that is played as a game or sport; winning; fun; may have multiple partners at once; short relationship; lust, getting laid, conquest.
  • Storge – From the Greek word meaning “friendship”‘; an affectionate love that slowly develops from friendship, based on similarity, not physical.
  • Pragma – From the Greek word meaning “practical”; love that is driven by reason, not feeling; practical; common goals shared.
  • Mania – From the Greek word meaning “frenzy”; highly volatile love; obsession; fueled by low self-esteem; need for love; possessive; jealous; highs and lows, Hollywood mania love affairs: angry love, revenge love, killing yourself, controlling others, addiction like heroine.
  • Agape – From the Greek word meaning “divine or spiritual”; “selfless altruistic love”; “true love”; sacrifice anything for the partner; “selfless love”.

I will put a link to my site about how "Truth is Love, Love is Truth", for any who wish to read. But it was written a while ago and has some woowoo concepts I was influenced with at the time tied into it. Despite that, there is still valid material to be gained from understanding the supremacy of truth as the highest form of love. Truth, non-contradiction, the basis for understanding and communicating about reality.

Take care. Peace.


Hi @krnel
Always appreciate your comments. I am well aware of the 4 kinds of love used mostly in ancient Greece under that specific socio-cultural context. I am a Cypriot myself and Greek is my nativ language ( i also studied ancient greek). Those words that you mentioned, today, have completely different meanings— and we are not even sure how they were used in the past. For example ancient greeks demonstrated philia(eros+love) toward their students. our ethical code today does not accept this thus the meaning along with the words shifted.

This brings us again, back to our last discussion about"egoism/selfishness/egotism". Language is a very powerful but also diverse tool. I am not bothered with it so much because it is massively subjective and interpetive. As an anthropologist I rather strip culture into the biology of who we are. This is why I did not mention the 4 kinds of love you mention. There is no reason. There is no magic formula into understanding "love". it was bullshit back in ancient greece, still bullshit today.

In ancient Greece they were not even referred to as "love". Storge, spelled Storgi(Στοργή) is only used from mothers toward their children in order to demonstrate "taking care of someone with love". it has nothing to do with what wikipedia refers. 'pragma' means simply "thing" . mania means "obsession/manic". The words you see and probably taken from wikipedia; they are contextual to poetry and special refferals that some greeks under specific schools of thought had and propegated.

Language is a tool but not a tool that can bring people together. quite the opposite i must say. People meet "in between the lines" through various forms of communication. more is not better. this is also why today with so much technology, being connected than ever through so much media, we are still very much alienated and hard to get each other.

the more you add to somehing (words/meanings) the more entropic it gets.

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