Wild Conspiracy Theory Creative Writing Contest 2 - My submission

in #antarctica7 years ago (edited)


While preparing the breakfast I see pass through the window of the kitchen military trucks.

Military trucks in this neighborhood?

I ask myself
At the same time I give the first sip of coffee someone knocks on the door.
I head for the door when the knocks on the door come back to ring with more force than the first time.
Who will be the idiot who calls at this hour?
When I open the door two soldiers in black tactical clothes and rude facial expression ask me if I'm alone in the house. Without giving me time to answer they enter violently. At the same time that they register the first floor one of the soldiers asks me again. Is alone in the house?
I answer that yes, I was going to have breakfast to go to work.

What are you looking for?

I get no response … The soldiers seem not to have found what they were looking for and leave my house at the same speed they entered. Just give me time to hear.

Empty, empty, Empty! Let's go!

Even in the hallway with the coffee cup in hand I see two other soldiers leaving the house of my neighbor across the street.

they will be looking for some fugitive, I say to myself.

When I close the door I realize that it is late and I have to leave for work right now.

I look at the cup of coffee and I drink it in one gulp.

I hurried into the car, but the garage light does not work.
What a shity day.
I barely get into the car. When I set out to pull out a deep voice coming from the back seats.

Do not be afraid.

An invisible force seems to catch me. The voice repeats. Do not be afraid. I can not see anything in the rearview mirror. It's too dark. With a chill that runs all over my back I ask. Who you are..? What do you want of me...? The voice responds.

I need your help. I will entrust you with information that you will have to make public.

I do not understand anything. But I can not move a single muscle. In a trembling voice, I answer. Okay, I hear you …


The voice begins…

In the lands that today we would call Australia two hundred and fifty million years ago. In that geological era, what we now know as India, Australia and Antarctica remained united. Forming what we would later call Gondwana. With a temperate climate and the appearance of the seasons, new varieties of shrubs and perennial trees began to emerge. But the most important thing is not what was happening in Flora.

The voice continues

The most incredible was the appearance of these genera of mammalian reptiles, which throughout the Triassic again diversified, playing an important role in the emergence of true Mammals.

We are not going to talk about the genetic branch from which the human being arose.


This small species of reptilians that had to adapt to take the food of the palm trees for reasons that we do not know decided to migrate to the humid forests of the south what today we know as Antarctica.
During those two million years the small reptilian of forty centimeters, had already reached a height of almost double. The abundance in protein of the humid forests would play a very important role in the evolution of this species. The next million years they weighed at least thirty kilograms and measured on their two feet almost a meter.

The voice continues..

In the next million years they not only lived in settlements at the margins of thermal pools, they were already able to take advantage of geothermal energy not only for their homes and buildings also for agriculture. The technological level they had developed equivalent to that of the human being today. Due to the climatic changes that began to take place in the Antarctic the great monuments with pyramidal form in the Antarctic were stopped building.Activity in this area of ​​the land happened to be underground.

As reptilians surpassed massive extinctions both their biology and technological capabilities during those hundreds of millions of years increased exponentially …
All this was possible thanks to the enormous underground constructions that built in what today we know as Antarctica, practically occupying the extension of the whole continent.
At that time the reptilians already mastered the genetic techniques, advanced forms of vacuum energy release already reached the meter and a half. And a great brain capacity that allowed them some kind of telepathic communication. Both spatial and sub-aquatic travel are no mystery to reptilians. They would also have had among their prowess the contact with civilizations more advanced than those that theorized Kardashov. These not-too-friendly encounters occurred when the reptilians tried to enslave the inhabitants of a small planet in the orion constellation.

The voice begins to weaken ..The reptilian wars.

Many resources were extracted from comets and planets of our solar system and neighboring solar systems. The helium 3 extraction bases of the moon were at full capacity. All energy is short in time of war.
David's fight against Goliath could not end well for the reptilians. Many died at that time, to be precise only a few thousand reptilians survived. Some distributed by subaquatic bases others by the five continents recently placed as we know them today many more remained in its native continent the Antarctica.

But all of them relegated to their old planet Earth under threat of total annihilation by the civilization that came out victorious in the reptilian wars.

That moment also marked the separation within the reptilians into two factions, those who behave like humans in the world of humans and those who reside in their underground continent.

The Antarctica…

The voice has weakened so much that I can not hear ...





Great content! A little more work and it'll be ready for creepypasta :)

It is my first story of pure fiction that I write for more than twenty years. I had a hard time adapting the original text to the thousand words that the contest calls for. The original text was more than twice as many words. Thank you very much!

You'll eventually get back on track. Goodluck!

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

a very good post and I really like this post

Im glad you liked it. Thank you very much...

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

Very good post can you please follow and upvote me that would really be very generous from you thanks

I have upvoted you because your drawings seem very good to me. But since you're new lets me give you a tip I got from me not long ago.
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Indeed great content. It was fun reading it. Upvoted and following u. Keep ateeming hard.

You're very kind. Thank you very much.

Those damn reptilians!!

Hahaha, it occurred to me that giving a spin on evolutionary theories could come out interesting. I was hesitating between giants or reptilians, but when I was writing I saw another post with a picture of a giant on the ice. Hahaha, pure coincidence.

We just need to cut of the source of helium 3 and we'll smoke them out of their subterranean ice castles!

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