My Mega Recommendation Pack For Those Who Want To Dissect World Class Animation Produced Within The Last 30 Years

in #anime6 years ago

I'm making this post after a certain comment by @lionsuit who wanted to know about beginner recommendations when it comes to animated movies. He likes to deconstruct scenes and describe various techniques used. This post is going to be focused on those who like to pick things apart and drool over how they were made.

I usually mostly just end up covering the pieces I love from various angles, as is what I most enjoy, and there aren't too many animations I have really loved. I am not saying that I don't like animation though. I do. I just need to learn more about projects I can relate to. I have tried a few over the years that have missed for me personally (like all types or genres of film at times), but I am open to suggestions if you keep in mind that I would need some beginner recommendations, and I take forever to get through my recommendations list (which I tell people up front now after irritating or bumming out too many people). Be well!

Why Only Anime?

The question would be partially answered in my post Why You Should Watch Anime. I'd add to the fact that almost all of the western animated movie tend to be collectively produced with no real auteur/visionary involvement (And the ones like The Animatrix (2003) are practically just Anime when you look at the credits). There aren't many mature storylines and the the animation is more about burning more cash than creating something truly profound.

There is a lot of effort, work hours, and lots of great technicalities. But......

That was a movie from 1995 made in 10 months by a small group than probably didn't have 1/10th of what Hollywood spend on animated movies. So let Ghost in The Shell franchise itself become my first animation analysis recommendation starting from the 1995 original. Latest installment ARISE didn't do much when it comes to the animation. But the writing was still there.

Akira (1988)

Often regarded as the Movie that put Anime on the spotlight. It was a hugely massive and hugely risky project that payed off 10 times over. It's bit of an abridged edition of a manga that is sort of a Japan's The Dark Knight Returns comic. I can add another sentence to make you appreciate and drool over this anime so much more. Get ready to have some respect!

Every Frame of This Movie Was Drawn By Hand

Let all that sink in for a moment and develop some respect for a movie (according to Wikipedia) was made with a $8.2 million budget.

Digital Frontier Inc.

These guys are leading the world when it comes to CG animation that aims to be realistic. Their most recent and best produced work Gantz: O

I also really enjoyed their earlier movies Appleseed (2004) and Appleseed Ex Machina (2007) which both look dated due to not having enough tech or the budget.

REDLINE (2009) - After This You'd Think Michael Bay makes Arthouse Movies

You haven't seen sakuga until you see REDLINE (2009)

They trailer very smartly leaves out the best and most badass portions that you'd have something that is actually jaw dropping to watch.

Perfect Blue (1997)

It's from the legendary Satoshi Kon and this is the movie that inspired Black Swan (2010). Just imagine Black swan without the singular focused and intense narrative made into a far more intricate and complex movie with more depth.

For animators/editors: Think about having tow people deluding two different realities inter-cutting between the real world while fighting each other in a chase sequence.

Spoilers BTW

Paprika (2006)

Unfortunately this is the last feature film that was released while Satoshi Kon was still alive. But the genius still lives on within animation and amidst the complicated storyline filled with tech and surrealism, there are even moments that were taken to simply explain film making itself. The movie not only explore into human dreams but also the stories we tell (like movies)

The scene transitions make most movies in existence including the many award winning masterpieces look like some hackjobs by some highschoolers with laptops.

that was an actual unedited portion of the beginning of the movie and the is a whole lot of that to be expected during the run time.

I'm feeling like I should wrap up the post after that beautiful and very educational interview/documentary. But that's not very much like me. I regularly go excessive with my posts. So why not have just one more for the sake of awesomeness.

Space Pirate Captain Harlock (2013)

You think you have seen properly done CG animation? Do you think movies like The Polar Express were monumental achievements of CG animation? Think again. Space Pirate Captain Harlock (2013) is not only an amazing story with great realistic animation, the virtual camerawork of this movie can only be competed by a true action visionary like Zack Snyder or the The Wachowskis who are actually capable of directing live action action scenes unlike most directors that actually win awards.

Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists are totally going to fall in love with this movie

The messages are the kind that needs to be spread and the warning the movie make are extremely suited for the recent times. It's not a simple movie about freedom. It's not even about fighting freedom. It's both of those things and much much more.Space Pirate Captain Harlock is a definitive movie when it comes to larger than life epics...... and hope+perseverance.

Bonus: Jus Kidding

You think i was going to stop recommending stuff? well, sort of. I have another bonus recommendation that I'm going to keep a secret. Based on the responses I get, I will decide to reveal or not reveal it. This recommendation has even better visuals and some animated scenes than Space Pirate Captain Harlock (2013). It also have an excellent top quality cast. Maybe you can try to guess.

Happy Steeming! Hail Anime!


Redline was fantastic, and I did enjoy Captain Harlock, but man did this movie get a ton of flak when it first came out, especially for destroying Harlock's character.

I got to know of Space Pirate Captain Harlock (2013) by randomly checking out page and the name looked awesome and I've loved CG animated stuff from Japan like Appleseed. So I jumped in and I actually connected with Harlock a lot and I thought it was great. You can butcher something and still create something good in its own. Resident Evil movies were practically a middle finger to the games. But you can't say that this opening wasn't awesome:

Guy Ritchie also kind of messed with Sherlock in his live action movies.

After your comments, now I'm kind of interested in getting into the original.

Captain Harlock is a classic of the 70s. It was dubbed in French as Albator and was quite famous. I imagined not everyone was pleased seeing their favourite childhood character having his personality destroyed like that. Aramaki is a very creative director and took great risk with that plot. Perhaps he's gone too far, given the movie was a complete bomb in Japan.

Well Redline, Dark City and both Blade Runner movies bombed at the box office. People just tend to have different tastes and Japan doesn't make that much money when it comes to movies with $30 million USD budgets. A wide international release could have made at least some profit for the movie. At least Kingsglaive seems to have done relatively well.

Shinji Aramaki
Shinji Aramaki (荒牧 伸志, Aramaki Shinji, born October 2, 1960) is a Japanese anime director and mechanical designer, born in Fukuoka Prefecture. He was a member of Artmic.
He is noted for work on powered exoskeletons and his mecha and CG design on several anime series.

Fun stuff. Great collection here.
I will come back again to make sure I can remember some of these titles.
Also, I've seen and dig Akira.
Good stuff!

Glad to know that you've seen at least one of them. Hope you'd love the rest too.

Glad to know that you've
Seen at least one of them. Hope
You'd love the rest too.

                 - vimukthi

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Well done, haiku bot and haiku bot creator. Well done.

Yes. Thanks for the list and for the blog mention.
Also, I kinda love this haiku bot popping up randomly here and there.
Be well.

Bonus: Jus Kidding

You got voted by @votefun thanks to Makishima Shougo. To support development, check out @rishi556. Hosted on the @cryptowithincin discord.

Hello @vimukthi, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Finally adding to the list some titles, I was in the rabbit hole the last hour.

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