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RE: Depicting the japanese animation fans culture

in #anime6 years ago (edited)

This post definitely deserves the curie vote! You have done some great work explaining anime to those who may not be familiar about what it encompasses...while at the same time accurately representing the genre to those that love it dearly. I have never considered myself too invested in the deeper culture...but have always been an appreciator of the fantasy themes and the artwork...and immersing myself in the beauty of the stories and music. So much love goes into making anime and manga...and it really shows! It will always speak to me on an emotionally charged level unlike anything else out there. I suppose it all comes down to the type of show that I find myself drawn towards...but like an old and faithful friend...anime has always been there with a warm hug.


Thanks creativesoul!!! I'm sorry it took so long to reply, internet not helping like always :(
At first I tried to make some sort of explanation about why I would recommend people to watch it and while writing I realized how big of an impact we, as fans, had over the culture itself so the post kind of outgrew my original intentions and took a life of its own...
Well, I'm no expert either, I'm just good at multitasking so I usually watch them whenever I've got time and over the time I just learned to appreciate them, like the music ones or the dramas. It's true that like any man I love good fights and the clash of wills and wits under the pressure of life and death, BUT at the same time I can't help but love others who focus on small pieces of life and love, like one of our members said at another posts, animes isn't usually about some particular superhero, it's about us, normal people as we get involved in many incredible circumstances and deal with them.
They are incredibly charged emotionally, and sometimes you can remember the whole thing and cry just from hearing a song from it or remembering a protagonist.
OHHHH! I just remembered one you WILL LOVE, no two words about it, definitely search for it and give it a look, Re:Life. I seriously considered explaining the idea here but I would be spoiling the suprise... take my word for it and watch it, seriously one of the best mature love stories I've EVER seen (I'm crying just remembering it BTW, but it does have a happy ending, just really full of emotions)

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