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RE: Huge Victory And Positive Change! The Dog Meat Trade In Bali Is Finally Coming To An End

in #animalwelfare7 years ago

That's terrible to hear how the dogs were cruelly mistreated, and a great victory that it was stopped; however, dogs are no less food than any other conscious being.

We exist in a thing known to the occultists as an Ouroboros, the snake eating its own tail. In this existence, Life begets Life and there is no other way around it. Even plants are conscious and I'm sure don't like being lined up in rows to be slaughtered when they naturally grow in an extremely bio-diverse area.

Perspective is everything.


Our pets should not be stolen. It's against the law and its not correct to sell dog meat to tourists who believe its chicken :(
I am glad its official now , finally that dog trade is forbidden in Bali.

I totally agree that pets should not be stolen, and that the meat should be labelled correctly.

My question to you, though, is what makes a chicken any different than a dog?

You might have to get a dog and a chicken to find out. I have both.

I have worked on farms.

You are avoiding my question, what is the difference between chickens and dogs?

I eat eggs! I don't eat dogs, cats, monkeys ( the list is long) nor human beings.
Its brutal to strangle, beat and slaughter any "BEEING"
I do not live in the " WILD" and have to struggle for survival in nature.

So you do not eat chicken meat, you only eat chicken eggs?

And as far as the idea of strangling, beating, and slaughtering any being, empirical science shows more and more each day that plants, and the entire vegetable kingdom, display signs of consciousness, and they without a doubt have a pain response system.

Struggling for survival in the forest is only different from survival in the city in that we've caged and boxed everything in. We are not separate from nature but rather we are an intrinsic part of nature, so we are always surviving IN nature.

The only difference between a dog, a chicken, and a tomato is the mind set you use to recognize such.

Why We need to save THE BALI DOG , possibly the oldest breed in the world???

Bali’s beautiful indigenous dog, possibly the oldest breed in the world, is widely misunderstood and may face threat of extinction.
Scientists at the University of California Davis (UCL Davis) genetic laboratory who took blood samples from Bali’s street dogs concluded that the Bali dog is the oldest breed of dog known to man. That means the Bali Dog is older than the Australian Dingo, the New Guinea singing dog, and the African wild dog.
The Bali dog’s DNA is a mixture of Australian Dingo, Chow-Chow originally from northern China, and Akita, a large Spitz breed of dog originating from the mountainous northern regions of Japan. This inbuilt and hitherto protected genetic diversity makes the Bali dog strong. It can survive on the streets in the harshest of conditions without the veterinary attention needed by western breeds.
The integrity of the Bali dog was protected for centuries until a law prohibiting the import of dogs to Bali was lifted in 2004. Since then, breed dogs have become fashionable. Bali’s heritage dog is now threatened with extinction as a unique breed through a combination of crossbreeding, mass culling and the terrible dog meat trade.

OK , I understand already what you try to explain. I still would not eat dogs.

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