
It is truly a pleasure to be able to thank people for using the platform responsibly.

Thank you very much for the upvote and support!

You're doing good work and I, truly, hope it helps rid this fine platform of voting bots. As I told a fellow Steemian, recently, they should trust in the quality of their work to boost their post (as well as their networking capacities, too, since this is a social media platform). But, it spoils it for everyone when you have to buy votes to be seen, and what is trending is not account of the will of the people, but because you paid for it.

Here's a short, light-hearted poem I'd written about this issue, not too long ago. I hope you enjoy it :)

You really are right on target. It is a real shame that the trending list is nothing more than a promoted list of mostly nonsense (trying to be very tactful), and even more that the platform has no proper means for exposure and filtering of quality articles.

This is changing. Several developers are working on new front ends that will replace the Steemit UI for those that are interested in quality.

I enjoyed the poem, would have upvoted it, but it is a few months old now. Looks like you were on the leading edge of this moment!

Thank you for the support!!

It's encouraging to learn that there are changes addressing this unfortunate issue, on the horizon. I think of the blockchain, at large, as a kind of idealistic revolt/revolution against the corruption of large institutions where money talks. I hope this greedy mentality will not also prevail, here (especially, since Steemit has meant a kind of rebirth for me as a writer & I wish to stay/grow).

Thanks, again, @bycoleman for caring about our community and keeping an eye on those that are compromising its integrity, in the form of spam or buying votes.

Should you decide to run for witness, Craig, you have my vote!

Thank you. I have to say replies like yours is what keeps wind in my sails. Sometimes its a rough row to hoe.

Witness, now that is not something you will see from me anytime soon. But I really appreciate the vote of confidence, you would get my vote as well!

You seem like a community-minded, selfless-guy, that's why I thought witness :) (I'm technologically-hopeless, and all I can do is write, sometimes ;)

Wishing you continued success, and grateful for this heartening exchange, new friend! Brave New Week, ahead <3

Thank you, yes I have enjoyed this exchanged.

Just followed you. Big congratulations on your books and listing with Amazon!

Much appreciated, Craig; thanks, for your kind support. I hope my words continue to keep you good company (and, here's a fairly recent profile, on PBS NewsHour, that might be of interest to you). _/|\_

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