Rescue In Hillbilly Hell

in #animals7 years ago

Three dawgs, gotta get rid of 'em today. My son has the asthma.

I'm posting at a disadvantage because I don't have access to a computer. I'm using my phone, which is my only reliable connection to Steemit until I have a new laptop. But that doesn't mean the drama lets up one bit. Another car in my driveway, three more dogs getting dumped by their owner.

What am I supposed to do?


I managed to talk these people into hanging onto their dogs for at least one more day, to let me have a chance to see if our New England rescue partners are interested in taking them. Supposedly the two female dogs are spayed. I ask for veterinary proof of this, since as hard as it is to believe, sometimes people lie about these things.


One of the females does have a large mass on her abdomen, but it does not appear to be a mammary tumor. It is completely contained with in the outer layers of skin, at least on palpation.


The dogs are in poor physical condition. Dull, brittle coats, visible ribs and spine. The little brown male dog is in somewhat better shape.

Most interesting, however, is the claim made by these people that our municipal shelter is telling the community that they no longer euthanize dogs. Perhaps they did lose their certification to kill, but the county vet would, by default, take over responsibility for putting down unwanted pets. The Shelter representative failed to mention this in the phone call. But I will let you see for yourself. I got it all on video.

I'm at my wits end here in Appalachia. I'm fed up with people who don't appreciate the value of life, even in the animals who would follow them to the ends of the earth. I'm fed up with officials insisting we don't have a problem, and becoming hostile toward anyone who suggests otherwise. I'm fed up with the lack of support from major animal welfare organizations across the U.S. I've been willing to give the last five years of my life to helping unwanted animals in Southwest Virginia. But I'm doing this alone, because no one local can be persuaded to be team players, or to work toward a common goal, or to give of themselves to help the less fortunate. I would like to be in a position to offer dogs like these a better future than a kill shelter and a black plastic garbage bag on its way to the landfill. Or possibly just as bad--being dumped on a mountain road and left to fend for themselves. So far I cannot find any solutions in Southwest Virginia. And the people who do care about this problem are too intimidated by local politics to get involved.

Upvotes are appreciated. One hundred percent of all payouts I received from Steemit have gone to helping Appalachian animals who have no other options but me. I appreciate every click everyone has given to my posts in the past, as well as those you will give this one.


"I'm fed up with officials insisting we don't have a problem, and becoming hostile toward anyone who suggests otherwise." They're living in a vacuum. Until the lid blows off and they're exposed - and outnumbered - because outsiders will band together and help poke a stick into that dark hole and push some of the vermin out into the light of day.

Keep on shining a bright light on these assholes. It's the only thing that ever works.

You did a super work, I'm sorry to have seen your post late and could not upvote for it.

However if you like animals you can join my contest Steemit Pets Challenge. All stories will be rewarded to promote love for pets.

I saw this challenge yesterday and it intrigues me. Not sure if I have pet photos with me in them, but I'll see what I can do. :-)

Well :). You can also tell an old story, just be yours and original.

Thank you for taking in those sweet animals. Every act of kindness you give is everything to these sweet pups. Resteeming.

Such sweet faces!

How the hell do you wind up with three dogs before you discover that your kid has asthma?

Exactly what I asked. And was told two of them were dumped on them. Sadly, I don't doubt it.

Actually asthma doesn't mean you can't have house dogs. I have asthma. I live with two. I am not sure what the issue is... perhaps they meant allergy? At least they are givign you a day to make some arrangements. If Bailey is going to go north, these could ride with, but you still need funding for all the transport paperwork. If anyone doesn't know this, Rhonda can't legally cross state lines with these dogs without a whole ton of paperwork proving they are well enough to go. I don't understand all the details of the rules, but this is part of her challenge. If someone else without a rescue took the dogs from these individuals, they could be taken up north to someone without all the vetting, if the northerners would take them. But Rhonda is bound by a lot of rules because she's registered.

Some people just suck. These dogs deserve to be loved and wanted. Thank you so much for doing what you do! 💜

aww thank you for sticking up for the animals! It's so sad when people abandon their pets. They are family to me, how could they give up on family? :(

Thank you so much for doing this @rhondak! Have a great night.

This hurts my heart :( people are terrible sometimes. Animals deserve so much better

Upvote from an Ozarks Hillbilly.

I am 1/4 WV Hillbilly and I've always been proud of it. But the people around her make me wonder if I shouldn't be...

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