If You Ever Doubted The Power Of Steemit, Read This Post!

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

Earlier this week, I posted about a disheartening situation in my Appalachian community. At a local festival, one of the vendors was giving away live baby chicks to children--whether a parent was present or not--as prizes for winning little games. This is not only idiotic and kept many parents from letting their kids near that booth, but it's against Virginia law. Thousands of people passed by that booth and saw what was happening, and not one of them realized it was illegal even though most were disgusted by it. I ended up having a lovely and productive conversation with the Chief of Police in that jurisdiction, learned that he indeed investigated. Kudos to Chief Shawn Short of the Cedar Bluff Police Department. He stepped up when many others would have simply blown this off. Who cares about baby chickens anyway, right, when they're eating dogs and torturing strays in third world countries?

I'm not ignorant about situations in other parts of the world. I know horrific and heartbreaking abuse of animals (and humans) occurs daily. Hourly. Each minute. But this is America, and as a world leader, we should be leading. Not excusing. There's a great deal of resistance in my rural farming community to any kind of progressive thinking when it comes to animals. All animals--domestic or farming--are "property" to people here, to be used or killed at will. It's very difficult to explain how essential the Five Freedoms are to the moral code of humanity when animals are viewed as wholly non-sentient and alive only for our convenience.

But this time something was different. We brought the problem to public attention, many locals complained about our post and some became abusive, and chaos ensued. Then some Steemians stepped in. Comments began appearing on the post from countries all around the world. The issue became elevated beyond the plane of local bully tactics and ignorance...and guess what? A big thing happened.

As a rescue organization, we've had difficulty in the past getting information out to the community. We don't have funding for major PR projects like mail-outs and pamphlets. Our Facebook posts about simple matters like the law attract incredible drama...or no attention at all if they aren't controversial in some way. Local media outlets shy away from animal issues altogether. This week, someone made a decision to write the question about the chicks at the festival to one local paper, but someone somewhere had to make a decision to publish it with the answer. This is huge. Virtually unprecedented in Tazewell County, VA. This Q&A is part of a weekly column that runs on the front page. I have to believe that county officials chose to address this topic publicly because of the international attention Steemit brought to the equation.

I've publicly thanked Mike Dennis and everyone else who played a role in addressing this in the newspaper. Like Chief Short, he stepped up. And I will always believe Steemit played a huge role in breaking through the wall of ignorance and hostility our region is known for.


The power of an incredibly large yet decentralized community. ♥ ❤ ❥ ❣ ❦ ❧

Yes! This definitely makes a statement.

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nice one..
you did well and thanks for sharing this also @rhondak

Nicely done. Every so often around here I'll mention your earlier post on the Chicks to people... I live in a farming community... and everybody around here is horrified.
It's such a stupid prize.

As a writer I don't use the word stupid lightly.

I've lost count of the times I hear locals say, "it's like this everywhere." No! No, it is not. We are just so far behind the curve in Appalachia. . .but it's time we started catching up. This is a GREAT first step. Thank you for everything you are and everything you do, Andy. :-)

You're right. It's not like that everywhere. Up here the SPCA comes down hard on anybody and hands it off to the Police. Charges get laid and its front page news, who's charged and what they did. It's so not tolerated.

Great news. THIS is why you are my Queen.

My noble Sir Muxxy--my hero. :-)

I live in a similar area in W V. I've not seen the chick giveaways here, but I'm so glad to hear that the police chief realized the situation was not good!

Most states have laws regulating the sales of young animals and the promotional use. Here's one link with information listed state by state. Other than the sheer cruelty there are also heath issues.


Thank you for being alert and advocating on their behalf!

Thank you for that link!!! I have bookmarked the page. That is excellent info to have on hand.

I just hope that the attention this drew to our area's lack of awareness will really hit home with local leaders. They've taken the ostrich way out too long. Time to pull those heads out of the sand. . .or wherever they may have been stuck. . . .

steemit is or already is going to revolutionized the world as we know it baby!

I think you are absolutely correct!

I am impressed and overjoyed that they went a step beyond the question and pointed out vaccination laws. This can save lives!

Me, too, Rebecca. :-)

OMG!! I did not know it had such a great power. Thanks a lot!!

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