Before and After Pics of my 4 adopted dogs and 1 cat

in #animals7 years ago (edited)
After years of having a dog, you know him. You know the meaning of his snuffs and grunts and barks. Every twitch of the ears is a question or statement, every wag of the tail is an exclamation. - Robert R. McCammon

When I was a kid, I used to hate animals. All my siblings and cousins have pets except me. Why? It's a long story. We had a lot of pets in the house. Hamsters (like more than 10 of them), 2 rabbits, a few white mice, water snakes, a bird (which I forgot what kind) and a few dogs. I don't get it why my family likes them. They stink and they're not fun to touch.

I also had a bad experience when I was 7 years old where I almost got bitten by my neighbor's dog when I was playing with a friend. That gave me a trauma... Then I moved to the province. It was even worst there. It's like a jungle. My uncle has a monkey, 2 turtles, a big fat snake that's bigger than my thighs, some dogs and ducklings. Those ducklings are food of the snake. He fed him it with once a week. I consider them my mortal enemies because they like to attack me and eat my socks after school. That explains why I hate animals when I was a kid.

Fast forward to August 2012, my sister brought home a dog from the office. She said it needs a home coz her colleague were giving it away. I use to call him "monkey" because his facial expression looks like a monkey. His name is Ungga, that's a Filipino word related to Orangutans. I used to ignore him a lot. One day, I got home from the office. I was so tired and stressed out. He came up to me and sat beside me. I said to him, "I'm not gonna touch you." Night after night, he did that. He tried to come near me and to show affection. I pet him and we became friends eventually. 

December 2012, we went to the province and celebrate Christmas with the relatives (it's been a family tradition even before I existed). We left Ungga bear and the other pets of my sister in a local Veterinarian Clinic because they have no room in the car. 3 days later, when we got back from the province, I pick them up. Ungga bear seems sad and he doesn't want to eat. 1 day before the New Year's Eve. He died. I cried my heart out when I heard his last breath in my arms. (I'm teary eyed now as I'm typing this). :-(

After Ungga died. I told my mom that I will never get a dog ever again because it's just gonna break my heart when he dies. I was broken-hearted, the weight of my sadness was similar to a parent who lost a child. It was heavy. It took me about 3 months before I was able to move on. 

February 2013, my friend told me that she's giving away a mini pinscher that her niece got as a present. Her niece doesn't want a dog that is not furry and fluffy, so she's looking for someone to adopt it. I didn't think twice, I said YES right away. When I saw him, he looks like a baby kangaroo because he's so hyper and he jumps a lot when I put him in the garage. That's how I got his name, Hopper.

Hopper is a hyper dog. He likes to run around and do something. If not, he will steal your cellphone and you won't be able to get it coz he bites. He's very possessive. 

Before: This is how he looks like when he was 3 months old. 

After: This is how big he is now. He sleeps when traveling.

April 2013, my sister brought home another puppy from the office. She said it's from the same colleague who set Ungga bear for adoption. I said no. We have so many dogs in the house now. And I bet Hopper will get mad at the puppy... I was wrong. Hopper actually likes puppies. He babied him and taught him tricks. His name is Macho bear, but I call him Bebe because it suits him well.

Before: About 2 months old. That's his pee beside the table leg. Eeew!

After: This is how Bebe looks like now. His hair color turned gray. I find it cool. I always wanted to dye my hair gray.

October 2014, my mother brought home another adopted dog. She got it from the church, it was set for adoption by the house keeper in her office. She said their dog gave birth to 5 puppies and they badly need a home. I said okay.


Before: this is Kiko Matching. Half Dalmatian, half Dachshund. He has few tiny black spots.

After: Kiko is the tallest but the youngest dog I have. 

Last December, he accidentally bit me when he got jealous from Bebe. I went to the hospital to have five shots of anti-rabies. :-( But it's okay. It's not Kiko's fault. It was an accident.


Before: Mallows is the oldest pet we ever have. 

Since 2008. He is my sister's but since my sister is always out. I look after him. He is now my baby. Since he's old, he doesn't like to play with my 3 other dogs. All he does is sleep, go to the rooftop and eat. That's how he live his dog's life.

After: His mortal enemy, the nail clipper. He hates it! He prefer to have long nails than short ones.

All of them are guys. No female dogs to have sexy time with. Sorry. But I do have another pet. A cat named Pussy Cat. Yes, I know. What a name right?! She knows that it's her name because if I call her Monenong, she won't respond. When I call her Pussy Cat, she will meow.

Pussy Cat, why so serious?! She's like, "Whatcha lookin' at?"

Pussy Cat likes to get a belly rub and the other pets will get jelly. lol!

You know what her greatest asset is? Her ass. 

Look at that badonkadonk. Wiggle that girl! Hahaha!

The End.

I hope you enjoyed this post. 

If you're an animal lover like me, please give it an up-vote and I will use the money for their food. Thank you! :-)


so cute ~
lovely dogs

I'm glad you liked 'em! :)

very sweet of you to adopt so many animals! all very adorable animals, and pimpin' out your kitty's badonkadonk really brought it over the top! lol

hahaha! isn't she a head turner? lol! thanks Alex! :)

The cat is very handsome.

hahaha! His name is Pussy Cat! <3

Lovely post. You have a very loving nature 😊

Cute animals as always.

Thanks Joey! They are my babies. :-)

Great content!
Thanks for sharing!

Thanks @qagiri! I'm glad you enjoyed the article! :-)

LOL! I love the "badonkadonk" pic at the end. Hilarious!
It's so funny how animals have a way of wiggling their way into your heart. I was terrified of dogs when I was little, and had a couple bad experiences with them, but now we have our own dog Pepper and she is the sweetest girl. She has a very stubborn side though. When she was a puppy we would get into battles over who was the boss, but she's so calm and lovey now... most of the time. lol

nice name for a dog, Pepper. :) Have you painted her and sketch her? I wanna see! Happy weekend! <3

Thanks! I have done a couple quick paintings, I'll have to share them soon!

looking forward to it!

Enjoyed reading their story ☺🐶 They're all cute and adorable. I'm glad they found a happy home. Upvoted and followed.

thanks girl! yes they're all cute lol and adorable. I'll follow you back. :)

Some dogs and cats are so cute.

all of them are cute in my opinion. :))

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