in #animals7 years ago

Dogfighting-Pit-Bull-Puppy-ASPCA.jpgImage Source: barkpost.com


Dogs are a member of the genus Canis (canines), which forms part of the wolf-like canids, and is the most widely abundant terrestrial carnivore. The dog was the first species to be domesticated and has been selectively bred over millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes. As stated by abcnews.go.com, it was originally believed the first domesticated wolves appeared around 15,000 years ago in the Middle East. New evidence, however, suggests it was much earlier than that. Swedish geneticist Pontus Skoglund published a study last year in the journal Current Biology, describing his findings of a 35,000-year-old Siberian wolf bone. He concluded that canine domestication may have first occurred 27,000 to 40,000 years ago.

In a certain article that I've read, they've mentioned that women may have been the first one to considered dog as a pet. As dogs are very friendly, loyal, obedience and are often called 'man's best friend". (There is no doubt about it, because me, myself is a dog-lover and I own 5 dogs right now.)

However, it is very sad, pitiful and hangdog that people nowadays don't how to treat properly these animals. The can also feel the pain as what we can feel. Maybe some of these dogs aren't good looking and doesn't suit to your taste to be considered as a pet but always remember this quotes, "you can't judge the book by its own cover". Not all beautiful things are pretty in the inside and not all vile things are evil as it looks like.

Hearing news and watching videos that trends in some social media outlets about abusing (killing- for fun, as meat/ food and even dog-fighting) these dogs are very heartbreaking. Its just that I can't imagine and understand them why do they really do such things?

Imagine, if you were thrown in a cage beaten to the verge of life. Imagine, you were tortured for no reason forced to do something you don't want to. Put yourself on their shoes.

Image Source: Nisha Pandey

Even dogs, cry.

Image Source: www.express.co.uk/news

What’s tragic, and sort of tragically ironic, is that the most desirable traits a dog can have – extreme loyalty and an unrelenting desire to please the owner – and "evilish" human can't treat them well. (They even looks so thrilled and excited looking at these dogs fighting)

In fact, Philippines does have a law in place called the Animal Welfare Act of 1998. It prohibits torture, but it does cover the care of privately owned animals. Your average homeowner who keeps a dog in terrible conditions will never ever be prosecuted or even called out, because abuse is both legal and common. Most people are unaware that chaining or caging an animal is considered abuse in developed countries.

As stated also in the RA 9482 Anti-Rabies Act of 2007 Section 11:
(7) Any person found guilty of trading Dog meat shall be fined not less than Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) per dog and subjected to imprisonment for one (1) to four (4) years.

Image Source: www.happyanimalsclub.org

So, for those people who have complaints and questions about their dogs being abused, or some help or maybe to adopt dogs call 117 or just visit their official site -> http://www.paws.org.ph/how-to-report-animal-cruelty.html

"Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen."– Orhan Pamuk (author, My Name Is Red)

Love your pets, as you love yourself and family. Happy Heart's Month Readers!
Upvotes and comments are highly appreciated. #NotoANIMALABUSE



nakaka awa naman

This makes me sad. Let's raise awareness against animal abuse!

Yes, it is so sad and heartbreaking @angelspeaks :(

but it taste good

No, no no :(

What's wrong with this guy?!


Hahahaha i knew it! I am so shocked about your comment. Hihihihi

I'm a member of PAWS and its appalling to see some of the state of the animals brought in.

Thank you so much Sir @maverickinvictus. Dogs deserve respect also.

You were featured on the #36th edition of steemitfamilyph's featured posts. Congratulations!


Thank you so much @steemitfamilyph.😍😍

I've seen a pitbull fight many years back. It was brutal and hard to stomach. The poor creatures. I support you in this. "No to animal abuse!"

Yes, I hope they will really stop doing such brutal things. @guri-gure

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