Bebe - The Abandoned PuppysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

It was a cold stormy night with lots of rain and strong wind. She was left on the desolated road outside of the city. A car almost hit her while she was gallivanting around on her small unsecured and staggering legs.

This is a story of Bebe.

Bebe - 2 days after she arrives

An Abandoned Puppy

A young couple with their three children and a cat was returning to their city home when they saw her lost on the road in the middle of nowhere. A car before them almost hit her. They picked her up, but they couldn't keep her. So, they called an animal asylum and brought her there.

It happens to be the asylum my youngest son is volunteering for. They called him. About half hour later he brought home this small and wet fluffy puppy, folded in some old towels. She was frightened to death, shaking with whole her body and yelping with her tiny voice. He placed her in my lap.

enter image description here

After some while, we offered her something to eat, but she couldn't. She was still too afraid. She only drunk some water but still glued in my lap. We were pampering and gently speaking to her that she doesn't have to be afraid anymore. Despite that, it took over two hours when she finally stopped shaking and yelping, took a deep somewhat heavy breath and fell asleep.

The above pictures show her about a day or two after she came to us that stormy night.

This is Bebe, two weeks after she came to us! She was about 8 weeks old then.

Bebe - The Abandoned Puppy

My youngest son who was taking care of her named her Bebe. The name is a kind of slang variation for "beba", the Croatian word for baby or doll. We thought she must be some cross between a German shepherd and who knows what breed. The vet told us the same.

At that time she still had somewhat fluffy fur and insecure (even much more stable than before) staggering legs. Her butt was still kind of heavy for her, especially with that constantly wagging tail. She was very cheerful, curious and playful. She was also counting us all like sheep, walking from one room to another checking if we are all there.

In short, from abandoned puppy Bebe becomes our mollycoddle, and we were all in tears when asylum, my youngest son was volunteering for, found a new home for her. My youngest son was devastated the most. He really bonded with her a lot. She was his baby.

Bebe lives in the UK today, where from the couple who adopted her was, and she was just one of many animals that went through our home until they found a new family who would take care of them and love them.

This is an old post of mine that was earlier hanging on another platform, but not anymore. So, I felt I could give it a new daylight.

Posted on Saturday, July 15, 2017


Looks happy! Never heard of a word like mollycoddle

Well, what can I say! That's the repercussions when English is not your first language, you basically know what you want to say but that one word your personal English dictionary doesn't know by heart and you start digging. 😉😊

Same here : ) Finally had the time to check the meaning of the word : )

Happy Bebe! found her new family. My heart goes to your son who is sure missing her a lot....

Thank you, @arrliinn! 🙂

took a deep somewhat heavy breath and fell asleep a sign of acceptance I suppose. Some dogs can be wise beyond their years...much like people.

You son sound like just the sort I'm speaking of. You must be very proud.
I'm sure they both bonded some and it was likely more traumatic for she had just gone through an ordeal.

I'm sure she'll adjust well in her new forever home in the UK.

Thank you, @cryptologyx! - Yes, I'm very proud of my youngest son, but I'm also equally proud of all my kids! 🙂 They are special, each in his/her own way.

And yeah, we also believe Bebe adjust well in her new UK home. 🙂

Spoken like a true and good mother. My mother had five boys and then a girl and I'm sure she said the same about each of us.

Of course there were times she would have to bite her lip so as not to call us anything worse than a bunch of scream'n banshees.


hahahaha - Yes, of course, we also had our ups and downs, but I think it's all part of the process and growing. I mean, while I was teaching them, I was also learning a lot. So, we both grow - they as children and me as a parent. 🙂

I agree, none of us come into this world with instruction manuals and some are more adept then others.

Poor and beautiful creature

Thank God, it's not poor anymore! 🙂

Oh, I am squealing with puppy love but I'm so sad that Bebe was separated from your son. That's heart-breaking. :(((

Yeah, he was also. Better to say, we were all. But that's how it is, unfortunately, when you are the home in the middle, between the street and new home.
Even worse is when you have a dog that is going to be trained to lead and help handicap people (most often for the blind). They gave you a little puppy that stays for socialization for about a year or so. Every time when they have to leave you are falling apart. It doesn't matter at all the fact that you know that from the beginning. It's always a huge emotional stress, and you have to repeat to yourself over and over that it is for a greater good as the only comfort you may have.

Lovely story and a beautiful puppy! I am glad the story has a happy ending and she has a good home now.

Thank you, @denmarkguy! Glad you like it. 🙂

I would have HAD to have kept her! How adorable. I love German dog is half GS. You guys are awesome for taking care of all of those little ones and keeping them safe until they find great homes.

Thank you, @thesimplelife! 🙂

It's so bittersweet when rescue animals are adopted--tough to see them go but also so exciting that they have a second chance. Your son sounds like a true rescue hero!

Yes, he is! 🙂
We really had all sorts of animals at home. Some stayed as long as they lived, some found new homes.

awwww we need more upvotes for Bebe

Thank you, @smartphone! 🙂

He is so cute @ ana-maria

🙂 Yes, she is - quite special.

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