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RE: Six Reasons to Keep Your Grass Cut Short in Texas

in #animal6 years ago

I am so glad that we do not have venomous snakes where I live. Ticks- we have plenty of those. Matter-of-fact both my son and my grandson have had Lymes disease from the nasty critters. Now I'm worried for those toddlers, too.


My buddy just got it too... Had to take a full week off of work during the worst of it. Nasty disease from nasty bugs!

It really is awful. When my kids were growing up it was not anything that we ever worried about. They got ticks and mosquito bites and all those things and it never occurred to us that they would get sick from them. They never did get sick from them, I guess, they were just pesky critters, not dangerous ones!

oh man sir dollarsandsense! is there a medical treatment for them or do you just treat it like the flu?

Not sure to be honest. I believe it’s just one of those things you have to ride out. Lots of fluids and rest, just like the flu

I ain't got time to rest or be out sick and you don't either! lol.

@melinda010100 ha! yes Ma'am me too. hey about the Lyme disease, what was that like? what kind of sickness or symptoms and how do they get well?

My son got bit by a tick when he was here at my house in Wisconsin and he went back to Chicago and went to work, without noticing the bull's-eye rash that had developed on the back of his knee. He developed a high fever and was sick enough to go to the emergency room where the doctor saw the rash and immediately knew what was causing the fever. they put him on an extreme dose of antibiotics for several weeks. He was really sick and off work for some time he had a lot joint pain and he had to quit running. My grandson was quite young at the time they did antibiotics with him and he seemed to recover pretty quickly.

howdy back melinda010100..oh my..that's some serious stuff. Well when he got well there are no lasting signs of it?

That was 5 years ago, and he seems pretty healthy now, thank goodness.

yes Ma'am thank God!

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