Sighting: Unusual Wild Woolly Rabbit [Photography]

in #animal5 years ago


This strange looking creature is a rabbit, I kid you not. It has the longest fur I have ever seen on a rabbit. The soft downy coat is honey orange, tan around the edges, and white underneath. I spotted it this morning outside my window as it nibbled through the grass of the neighbor's front lawn.


It seemed so docile as I watched it, I really thought it was somebody's pet dog at first.


Then I saw the cotton-tail when it hopped every so often. Two tiny ears on top. There was no mistaking it was a bunny rabbit.


When it makes the gerbil gobbeldy mouth movements, and twitches its head around like a prey animal does, it becomes easier to identify based on its behavior. However, because I was able to stand as near as the sidewalk to photograph it, this made me wonder if it was a tame pet someone released into the wild or lost. I could not see any tag or collar, and I did not want to bother it.


Rabbits are very unusual to find in the suburbs. We have many dogs and cats that will scare rabbits away, but on this cold day there were no cats roaming about. This rabbit was enjoying the peaceful cool air, and lounging in the sunlight, sometimes hiding under the wheel of the red car.


It sure does resemble a Kuala Bear, a dog, or any rodent other than a rabbit from a distance.

Anyways, I just wanted to share what I found with my friends today.

Photos in this post are all #originalworks by @creativetruth, unless stated otherwise. Camera: Samsung Galaxy Avant.

#animals #bunny #fluffy #furry #adorable #sighting #wild #rodent #unusual #cotton-tail


Definitely not a kuala bear, whatever that is (he he, they're koalas and not bears at all). We saw a beautiful hair outside our place the other day - such gorgeous creatures. My son has a pet lop (he's 22) which is super cute. I never really 'got' rabbits until I met Bun.

You should had caught it and sold it @creativetruth :P
I haven't seen such rabbits too, amazing.

I think you're right. Most likely domestic, and not usually seen running wild around neighborhoods. Adorable though!

The only "domestic" wild rabbits I've seen were in Cannon Beach. Someone let some domestic rabbits loose there a few years back. The town became overrunned by what had become wild rabbits. They were really fun to watch. These little creatures were pretty friendly -- didn't seem too afraid of people.

What a beautiful little creature! It's hard to tell from the photos, but it looks like you may have found a Lionhead rabbit. They're a breed known for the large 'mane' of fur up around their heads, and the extra fur around the flanks. My wife and I rescued one several years ago, and she was a wonderful girl.

If it is a Lionhead, then chances are almost certain it's either someone's pet or a breeder's animal that escaped or was released into the wild. They're a designer domesticated breed that comes from mixing two other specific breeds, so you won't find them running around in the wild. I hope it finds its way home. :)

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