Politics - A subject I avoid But Damn

in #anhouraday6 years ago


American's as a group have to be the dumbest group of people on the planet. WE have everything going for them that the world has to offer. Sure as individuals they are bright, educated, hard working, family oriented and of course compassionate people. But you put them in a group and you can sell them the biggest lies that one can come up with. Not only will they believe it, but will in turn help spread the BS and deception.

I was watching the news today, I do try and keep up with current events, and a prominent elected official was talking about ripping children from their parents at the border and holding them in Nazi internment camps.
What caught my attention is that he and the others on the panel were so emotionally involved that not only were there eyes watering but language with many colorful adjectives denouncing anyone who opposed their view.

Ok I get it, elections are coming up and kissing a baby is an election tradition. But if we go back one month and listen to him justifying and supporting ripping a baby from the mother and a Doctor sticking a scalpel in the back of its neck its ok (late term abortion). So the difference being its ok if done by a doctor and death occurs and not ok if law enforcement without a death is horrific.

I am not going to argue either point. My issue is when did people get so stupid and ignorant. In this day and age where all the information is at your fingertips. Available for you to see. Unlike any time in history.

People just follow like sheep to the slaughter. The information outlets (news, TV) blast political talking points and people blindly listen and follow. Never engaging the brain except the emotional side. Where emotions rule the day and dictate the decision making process. I understand that emotions play a part but not when it is dominate.

I say dumbest group because we have the information without having to look for it. A slow steady drip of feelings ruled by corruption. Thank the universe that I have a safe space to go to as long as I agree and follow along with the political correctness. Maybe if I feel like a woman tomorrow it will be a better day.

Planton I


People are generally emotional and their emotions are exploited by cunning fellows. Politics is all about exploitation. Politics will always be a power game, no matter what type of political system one favors. We should be alert but it is not always possible to take right stand in present world in which people's mind is with information bombardment.

everybody knows that when a politician lips are moving he is lying. We also know about the exploitation and corruption. Yet we keep doing the same thing over and over as if the outcome will change

I spent a lot of time teaching students the concept of "critical thinking", of leaving emotion out of it, and looking at facts and the motivation and intention of the speaker. But, I agree; there are way too many sheep in the world who jump on any emotional bandwagon, just because "they" said to.

If their shirts were not starched they would not be able to stand up. have we come to the point where we are so afraid to give our opinion or a wrong because someone might call us a name.

Yep, Mr. Political Correctness is ruling the country :)

libtards and mob rule.
Why have law and order when you can have that

Emotions are just temporary and when you take decisions based on them then don't ask what will happen when they end. On the other side politics is always a game to me.....

More often than not, when politics are discussed, one side takes a logical stand while the other side takes an emotional stand.

Namaste, JaiChai

I find that the emotional state come out in fury when the argument is lost do to their belief in propaganda instead of facts.

Resulting in no progress being made. Thats is the goal of the ones promoting the slanted truths .

howdy there @wolfhart! I feel your pain sir I feel your pain.
but hey this gives me a great idea on how you can increase the popularity of your posts!
just use emotional triggers! forget about important or educational stuff, just use whatever sucks them in emotionally!
thanks for the great idea!

I would be on the trending page every day. But then I would have to be who I am not.

I don't know about that, you may be selling yourself a little short there wolfhart. I think when you hit a rep of 65 or 70 you'll find that being yourself gets alot of attention and you'll be trending without trying.
that's what I predict and I'm a pretty good judge of character.

That would be nice.
I had to look at what my rep was. I never look at it or anyones else's
But I think you have a point it seems people migrate to higher rep people. I have met some great people with rep scores way under 25 and even in the negative. They don't stay there and move up at a neck break speed again LOL

I've seen people with rep scores of like 7 or 8, does that happen because they get down voted?

yea. and every situation is different so you don't know whether its their fault or something that just happened because of BS.
the spammers are a whole different thing

@wolfhart... I am with you on this brother... Even I feel Americans are the dumbest people on earth today for their choice of their ongoing President. I have been there for almost 6 years, and I can day for sure that they are the nicest people you can find on earth. They are the most culturally tolerant, welcoming and compassionate lot. But I feel they have buckled to the constant badgering and propaganda of lies on the internet and social media. They can't be blamed completely, who would have imagined that the their constituency would be gerrymandered? It was shocking to know about it.

gerrymandering has been going on since the nation was formed. It's not new it was designed that way.
They are good people.

I support you, the fact is that now the news in the media is different from the actual events

People don't think for themself instead delegate it to others and just follow. reasoning / debate is nowhere to be found

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