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RE: The King's Coin - "You Must Pay me Tax with my Coin"

in #anarchy7 years ago

thanks for sharing perspective here - you bring focus to key points:

Lazy People refusing to work

This is a bit of a catch 22. If we actually regard and support a somewhat lazy attitude we would be smarter. Think about it like this: If we like to not move and be lazy...yet we want to exist and not perish away...we require to be effective and efficient with our time. As a generalization the way we exist is anything but lazy...most people are working most of the time, and a rarely afforded the opportunity to be lazy. I think this is why deep down there is that point of well "people are lazy" because it's in all of us to be like lazy dogs. And it doesn't have to be a 'bad' thing. It's about striking a balance. The functioning of a town is really about the people who live in it. we've created this sort of stranger mentality...and as a result are not totally at home here as the whole world being our home.

Most inventions come from people chasing dollars

Do kids playing...building....making things...experimenting do it for the money?
They do it because it's fun and enjoyable.
Innovation is like Art - it's a passion that is satisfyingly self-fulfilling.

If we are all provided for they why not just chill

Yes exactly. It's been scientifically proven that we learn best when we are most ease...chill. Everyone has a natural learning ability and our best potential is a result of a nurturing and supportive environment that basically acts like a helping hand in guiding our best developments. Obviously there is the exceptions to the rules on both sides of the fence. slumdog millionaires and millionaire inheritance to slumdog.

Humans are flawed and greedy, me me me mentality

Great point. Huge point. I think we can design systems where we take into account 'gaming the system for self-interest' - we can do this in a way where behavior is structured to manage self-interest by incentivizing and rewarding best behaviors.

Really great comment here - i applaud you for sharing ! You've really got me thinking deeper on this stuff.

*I think everything is just basically in reverse - we look and regard humans as how fucked we are...instead of how great we great we can be. Obviously, yes lots of examples of human fuckedness throughout existence...but perhaps we can collectively create a paradigm shift where we change the perspective and shift the narratives from taxing...debt based slave like thinking and existing to "the Creators of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth". If we are going to think..we might as well think BIG.


I keep thinking about the jobs that must be done but nobody wants to do them. Garbage collection, sewer maintenance, pest control, slaughter house, janitor, ditch digger etc. How are these positions filled? How do we determine who is worthy of not working while they concieve the next big idea? If positions aren't filled how is this handled? Do we have tiers of existence?

I think I would prefer an existence where the federal government only existed to provide defense for the country, treaties an limited trade agreements. The federal government is funded by tariffs only.

State government has a reserve military to protect the state, limits laws based on harm to others and courts that only act as appeal to county courts.

Local government is where services such as first responders, roads, water treatment exist. Courts exist at this level and handle almost all issues other than high level appeals.

This is a of the hand list but it is what I am thinking, sprinkle in some ferry dust too.

Ultimately I think the real solution is a village/tribe where you get as much land as possible and exist within this environment as much as possible regardless of what the official government is doing.

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