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RE: The King's Coin - "You Must Pay me Tax with my Coin"

in #anarchy7 years ago

hey cool - I've heard of him and I've browsed briefly...will give a closer look, maybe i can refine my standing within money :)


I only suggest that series because it's one of my favorites. The last thing I want to come off is as a know it all. I listen to different educational sources because it shuts my brain off and let's me associate with great people.

cool. I appreciate your sharing's.

It's one of my favorite ways to communicate when we are able to exchange/share sources :)

Generally when i have resistance towards doing something - i try to make an effort to 'do it'...using resistance as a sort of life road map.

You mentioning the vids and sharing perspective is cool support for me to push my investigations further.

the last thing i want to come off is as a know it all.

Great line.

I'm reminded of a line from the most recent game of thrones episode:

A Lion does not concern himself with opinions of sheep

The depth of my self-reflection on the Lion and the Sheep is that we are always both the Lion and the Sheep. Quote supports a reminder to simply express as we please. Authenticity is always Gold :)

Yet if my suggestion makes it past the human defense system without offending them and the person I hoped to help actually reviewed the information. Then that's all I could hope for, and if they found value in what they read and applied into their lives. Then I've changed the world, by merely influencing one person's thinking in a positive direction. What they do with the info is not my responsibility. Yet an improved perspective, will see the world differently and hopefully make better choices. My mistake of the past was in taking it personally seemed to ignore my advise. I've learned I could never know the extent of life changing information on a person. I've had instances where years later I found out how my advice was used by a person. I felt ashamed because I held a grudge against them for ignoring my advice. When in actuality they had acted on it and I never knew. Lol

There's so much Awesome in your comment here - it really showcases your depth of reflection.

I've found shame to be a hallmark sign of real change :)

Yeah. That's life humbling us when our ego flies to high to the sun. Lol

He gives an amazing explanation of our current money system how it was funded how it started. And he goes into details of the difference between money and currency absolutely worth taking the time to listen.

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