Why the Main Stream 'Law of Attraction' Techniques are Bullshit. What has worked for me.

in #anarchy6 years ago

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Anyone else tired of the 'New Age' movement yet? The whole idea that there is nothing wrong with the World and all we need to do is sit in lotus position, sing 'Kumbaya' and all the Worlds problems will float away on a magical unicorn that shits gold dust! I for one am, don't get me wrong I'm all for 'love n light' but can we not address the Worlds poverty, corruption, constant Wars, and paedophiles sitting in the higher echelons of society first? Apparently, if you merely THINK about these things you draw more of it in. CODSWALLOP what you RESIST PERSISTS and cowering away in a gong bath is not going to change Jack.

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Lets's get this straight the 'New Cage' movement was created to hijack true spirituality just like Religion does and make people passive and inactive so they just accept the giant cage being built around them. We need to look no further than the hippies in the 60s, all love n light, hugging, drugs, and what happened? Nothing. Its actually got worse. A generation that was onto something, but then turned into the same cul de sac the New Age movement wants people in.

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So let's talk about the mainstream version of the 'Law of Attraction' what a load of wishy washy bs. To say that one needs only to 'think' about something and it will manifest appeals perfectly to a generation who love convenience and want to put in little to no effort. The clue is in the word folks attrACTION. Yes thats right action is required! If I want to build a house it doesnt just go ahead and build itself! Action is required in this 3D physical realm!

Also don't you just love how books like 'The Secret' keep people tied into a 'me, me, me' materialistic mindset? Think of a Ferrari and it will appear on your driveway etc. It's all about feeding people's love of shit they don't need which feeds the vampiric corporations who are really the only ones who thrive from this mindset.

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The next two parts are my own take on how the REAL Law of Attraction works based on my own life and what has come into it. So firstly as I say action is required, secondly I believe in Natural Law or sometimes known as karma, what you put out comes back. If you do good things you will be rewarded by default, living in line with truth I believe brings good things into your life, or at least increases the chances of that happening. Thirdly we have to understand that we are CO CREATORS with the Universe meaning you can get obsessed with manifesting what you want and get in your own way, when you have put in enough action, I have found anyway, you have to let go of expectations, if you're sitting there twiddling your thumbs waiting for it to appear then there is something energetically that stifles the process. Also I have found that unless you're grateful for what you already have then the Universe won't bring you more of what you want.

Of course this is my own take and a combination of all these aspects has resulted in me getting more of what I want. I'm not saying its the ultimate truth, but please don't swallow the bullshit mainstream version as you will be running around in circles! Ok Im off to bed and I'm going to wake up to this post having gone viral ;) Here is a video I did on the 'New Cage' Movement.

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Tony Sayers,
Love, care, courage

contact- [email protected]

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Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?'

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or paperback version at




Quite a few people are finally realising how the New Age has constructed a New Cage. One thing I particularly dislike is how they tend to steal one idea - usually from an eastern practice - then construct a whole theory around that one nugget that actually belongs within a completely different system. Much of it is also, deep down, about relinquishing individual power to some "higher" power.

Also, re the so-called LOA, the universe operates with polar opposites - positive attracts negative - bringing the "Law" down to the level of a hypothesis at best.

There is a physical process that comes close, that of resonance, but that works in a slightly different way.

Yes its a psy-op that has hijacked true spirituality!

What would the counter-psy-op look like?

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Agreed. You're also right about the disarming of the US. In theory, if they succeed (which if done abruptly will cause quite the bloodshed, which is probably also what they want), then also in Europe and other tightly controlled parts of the world civilian owned guns will be completely fair game (and confiscation will be a lot easier for legal guns, due to the fact that thay're registered). But...I don't think that they'll do it this way (meaning outright confiscation). They'll do it the way in which they have always been the most succesful: the sneaky subtle way. They partially already did that, they'll just have to keep at it..I mean, look at states like New York, California, New Jersey, Massachussets, maybe Connecticut...it's easier to get a legal gun here in Italy, or I know even the UK, for that matter, than it is in those US states. They'll keep on provoking reactions and triggering emotions with this "guns are bad, they kill kids" etc., and eventually they'll do it more and more...and then it will be easier to disarm, even with force, the more recalcitrant states.
And don't forget the new types of weaponry the gov't has at its disposal,like micro-wave tech, 5G tech,sound weapons and the like....unless of course the people start to wake up in great numbers to reality..will it happen?...Sorry I may have gone a little bit off topic

Its all good, you raise some good points! :)

I don't know its feel tickling...I'm not a person who like to have more words in my comments unless I need to explain something..but this one...all of those things are man made, create law to civilize and fillow ( my new word form from two words fill and follow meaning just be it and follow to content ).. cheers

I cant watch the video sorry, thats one price of freedom with having no contracts- you get shit and expensive internet data!

Fucking great post man, and thankyou to put a label to it for me, I have witnessed also what your saying about the "alternative" people such as "hippies" saying exactly that "oh its ok im sure it will get better" kind of thing and then sticking their heads back in the ground..

Love the work your posting, I dont know if your already from pootube or somewhere because im not really online like that but anyway..
Thanks man- resteemed and upvoted!

Edit- ah nice book!

Thanks for the feedback brother. Yes Its all love and light and no cojones! Have a great weekend!

You too man!

I've called out a few cases of abuse of logic by people peddling The Secret, it's basically the Positive Thinking Fallacy and Deliberate Ignorance.

Exactly Im glad people are starting to see it for what it really is!

I feel like the LOA is just part of the neoliberal propaganda. So the oppressed can blame themselves further and the oppressors can bring more unfortunate circumstances to the oppressed.

Totally something very sinister at large with the whole mainstream ideology for sure!

I was only chatting with a friend last night about how all these so called theorist are making lots of money bottom line fear sells books. How much money has the author of the secret made?.
Clever marketing 😊

No idea but it is really clever marketing when you think about it, appealing to greed and doing nothing!

This post has received a 9.17 % upvote from @boomerang.

Excellent post, Tony on the topic of New age disinformation, or what I would like to call "Woo-dom". I read "The Secret" over a decade ago when New Age was just another passing novelty token for me and I thought maybe I could find some sort of spiritual solace within its halls - needless to say, I didn't. I found several kooks, and snake oil salesmen therein. As you mentioned these specific thought paradigms tend to make the average person even more passive and become inclined to only seeing things from a one-dimensional perspective.

We actually have to put our thoughts and ideas into real world action, as you stated. For the lazy, that fact alone might be why thought manifestation is more appealing. However, how are the results? Likely to be non-existent.

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