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RE: The Goverment Is A Reputation System On Steroids

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Isolation does kill and reputation systems are most famous for being used to coerce, nobody wants to throw away that which shows they have worked hard. The problem with most reputation systems is that you don't get to chose the rules by which you play, the accident of the place you were born tends to chose that. In the case of Steemit, for example, I did chose to join knowing the rules, the order, and if I want to leave because the rules changed I can, at least for now.

Blockchains don't have to be voluntary though, I'm sure we will start hearing about the firsts state ran blockchains that are not available for public viewing and are not voluntary here soon. People who join a blockchain will not necessarily do it knowingly. Who knows? Because of the usage of blockchains as means of coercion by certain governments, blockchains may actually have a negative connotation in the future for being associated to being involuntary, despite their potential for voluntarism.

Are you familiar with Dash? I'd love to hear how this model you believe present in all governance fits for this technology.


This is actually one of the best comments I have come across on the issue. Indeedthe blockchain is seen as a godsent from the governments. Many people forget that the blockchain is forever. Governments will implement the blockchain system in everything around us and even expand on those chains with other networks.

Much like the discovery of the knife or the atom the consequences can go both way...both for good and bad.

I am not very familiar with DASH. what about it?

The way Dash is going about their governance, their version of democracy, is by letting investors with a certain amount of unspent funds to vote on the development path. They divide the block reward 45% to the miners, 45% to the masternode owners (the investors I mentioned before), and 10% to development which is distrubuted based on how the node owners vote, the people who have invested most.

In a way it is a reputation system, the amount of resources invested in the technology is used to meassure who could have the technology advancement as their priority because they stand more to lose. The more nodes you own, the more money you've spent, the more interest you have and the more vote you have on development.

I don't know how a node owner reputation, the reputation of their character, could be affected by seeing what they have voted for in the past. But their vote can't be taken so long as they keep the node up, or at least that's the idea.

In Steemit I don't know that your vote can be taken, but your ability to propose a vote can. All that's needed is robots to downvote your posts making them harder to find. In state ran operations, your vote/voice can be taken by putting you in jail. Even societal reputations systems can be messed up, all somebody has to do is start spreading rumors about something related to erratic sexual behavior or stealing and you are pretty much done.

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