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RE: The Goverment Is A Reputation System On Steroids

in #anarchy8 years ago

Great points.

I think my perspective is that any system you have will be gamed and corrupted by the simple fact that it will involve people.

This is why any system which is devised will have problems and often the problems are the same. Human nature is at the root of it all.

We did not evolve to live in "civilised" society and there will be a constant struggle between the needs of the group and our own personal needs and desires.

This will always lead to some people losing out and others gaining more than what can be considered their fair share.

It happens in nature too.

Evolution does not give a crap about what is fair or what is moral. It just finds what works.

The hope is that we will eventually find something that works and is also fair.

I'm undecided on if this is actually achievable or if we will always be exchanging one form of unfairness for another, - one inequality for another one.

It would naive to assume that Steemit would solve all these issues.

They have always existed and quite possibly always will.


That was my main point. I just don't agree when I see blind positivism shilled without any constructive criticism. We see concepts like NAP, free markets and free association thrown around as "solutions" but really these are nothing but empty words—just to oppose something vague and generic like "the government"—as if those constituents that exist in government don't exist anywhere else.

I wrote the article after I saw Dan's interview with the Dollar Vigilante. TDV sounded like a car salesman shilling an-cap in a very superifical way and Dan didn't criticize his stanc but played along with it to promot Steemit. i did not like that. Ofcourse there are people who are sceptical about steemit. They see the same flaws as the ones they experience now under a goverment. I think most people would appreciate some honesty and that we are trying instead of claiming we have found true solutions.

it is the same as with being with a shitty health insurance plan and some other guy comes with the same plan but with a different name. You won't change the plan simply because you can't afford the hassle for basically getting the same deal that might even prove worse.

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