Time Travel Adventures Of Future Anarchists - Original Fiction Script - Episode 5

in #anarchy6 years ago

Voluntarists from the future travel back in time to witness the horrid history of statism.

Year:  2600

The people of earth live in a voluntary society.

Scene – At a history tourism center, people go in a time machine to witness history first hand.  The historical guide for the next tour is meeting a small group of tourists and prepping them for the journey.  They are in a large, vaulted atrium.    

Guide:  Welcome to the tour, everyone.  My name is Miles.  You’ve all chosen to witness a multi-century timeline.  We’ll get to see first-hand some of the reasons that the infamous “plastic bottle mountain” came to be, and how it was dealt with.  Any questions before we begin?

Peppy Perry (jittery):  I’m so excited! Are you guys excited? This is my first time traveling trip, and I just….
Miles:  Sorry to interrupt, but there will be time to chat en route.    

Curious Chron:  What happens to the sound from our voices when we’re going through time?  

Miles:  Well, ok, not exactly en route, which is just helix-seconds, which don’t really exist, but kind of do in order to measure….oh now look, I’m rambling about quantum time mechanics again….

Crystal Clarity (sarcastic):  Could you make that any less clear?

Miles (sighs):  Now look at the can of worms I’ve opened…..no, I’m afraid not.  Now, we must be on our way, or we won’t be able to finish our tour.    

Miles gives voice command and control panel appears.  He punches some snazzy buttons.  Titanic double doors slide open.  The time machine, in the shape of a 48 foot tall bunny, is revealed.   

Curious Chron (befuddled):  How do the aerodynamics on that thing work?

Miles:  Ok, before we go, just a bit on the ground rules for our tour.  The ship will be cloaked the entire time, as will our bodies if and when we leave the ship.  If we should happen to come across some locals, our voices will be inaudible to them.  However, please refrain from touching anyone.  Any interference could cause irreparable damage to the fabric of space time.

Curious Chron:  If we move an inanimate object, could that rip space time?
Miles:  I don’t believe so.

Crystal Clarity:  Clearly, if the universe is to depend on your beliefs, we shall all face great perils.

Miles (grimacing):  Would everyone please step into the bunny, and by all means, if you feel that this might be too perilous for you, feel free to stay behind.   

Peppy Perry’s jitters are more intense.    

Miles (to Perry):  Are you sure you’re ok? 

Peppy Perry:  Oh yeah, I’m fine.  I just drink too much coffee, that’s all.    

The group piles into the bunny.  Miles punches in some commands on the holo-controls.  A kaleidoscope envelops them as they spin through the helix of time.  They end up in the year 2099, hovering a few thousand meters in the air.  Near the bunny-ship can be clearly seen a multi-megaton-mountain of plastic bottles.    

Miles:  What you’re seeing is the infamous peak of Mount Plastic, in the final year of its existence.    
Peppy Perry:  Wow! It’s true! It’s not a myth!   

Crystal Clarity:  Clearly, the worst idea ever.
Miles:  Other than the belief in external authority, you might be right.    

Curious Chron:  How did they get rid of it again?

Miles:  Some voluntaryists released some smart organic nano-feeders, which cleaned the area and repaired the environment in a matter of days.    

Peppy Perry:  They must’ve been the talk of the town!   

Miles:  Actually, authoritarianism was so strong during this time period, that they were executed for violating multiple so-called “codes”.    

Curious Chron:  Codes? Like a security code?
Miles:  No.  A code in this context was a bunch of words posing as law.    

Crystal Clarity:  Which must’ve made things quite unclear as to what Law actually is.    
Miles:  Clearly.

Peppy Perry:  Can we climb Mount Plastic? Can we? Huh? Huh?
Curious Chron (aghast):  How uncouth!

Miles:  Certainly not!
Curious Chron:  So how did this monstrosity come to be?

Miles:  I’m glad you asked.  We’ll now be moving on to witness one of the causes of this once catastrophic situation.  Everybody strap in!

Crystal Clarity:  I don’t see any straps.    
Miles:  It was a figure of speech.  The force fields will hold you in place, of course.    

Miles gives voice command and holo-panel appears.  He punches madly on the floating symbols of light.  The mammoth techno-bunny swirls through a kaleidoscopic helix.  It lands in the year 2015 in Southern California.  They’re facing what appears to be a large industrial plant.    

Peppy Perry:  Oooo, what’s that!? What’s that?!
Curious Chron:  A primitive technology, no doubt.

Crystal Clarity:  That much is certain.

Miles:  Your perceptions serve you well.  This is what was once known as a water bottling plant.  This one in particular was owned by a huge corporation called “Nestle”.  They took natural water sources, bottled it, shipped it, and sold it worldwide.  The bottles were plastic, which was one of the problems, of course.  However, during this time, California was suffering a drought, so it was extremely sickening that scarce natural water sources were being taken and shipped all over the world.    

Curious Chron:  Why didn’t people have their own water sources?   

Miles:  Great question, Chron.  Due to coercive regulations, monopolies on water were created.  For example, people of this time period could get water from a series of primitive underground pipes that were connected to a central source.  That source, typically, was controlled, directly or indirectly, by an authoritarian mafia called government.    

Crystal Clarity:  Clearly revolting!
Peppy Perry:  My blood boils just thinking about it! Blah!

Curious Chron:  So why did they buy the bottled water and not use the water from the pipes?

Miles:  Nearly everyone pipe water for cleaning.  Many would use it for drinking, but many would not.  It was common practice during this time period for fluoride to be added to the central sources that flowed through the pipes.    

Peppy Perry (shocked):  But that’s a neurotoxin!
Curious Chron:  It’s a wonder the human race survived such a tragedy.

Crystal Clarity:  Clearly!

Miles:  The end result was that many who did not want to be poisoned, not just with fluoride but also other heavy metals and toxins that were frequently found in pipe water, bought purified water or spring water in plastic bottles.      

Peppy Perry:  Don’t forget the coke!

Miles:  Ah, yes, thanks Perry for bringing that up.  Another reason so many plastic bottles accumulated was because people drank a sweet and hazardous beverage called “coke” or “soda”.  These beverages were mostly sold in plastic bottles.    

Curious Chron:  But why did they use plastic? Even during these primitive times, they at least had hemp technologies, right?

Miles:  Indeed they did! And that brings us to the next part of our journey.    

The bunny-shaped machine flickers out of sight and reappears in the year 1936 in New York City and hovers above a movie theater.    

Peppy Perry:  Oooo, I’ve read about this place! This was called New York, right?   
Miles:  Yes, this was one of the most famous cities of this time period.    

Curious Chron:  So overcrowded! How could people stand it?
Crystal Clarity:  Yes, Miles, please clarify.

Miles:  Well, that would be another tour all to itself.  However, it does relate to what we’re about to witness.  (hands small electro-crystal chips to each passenger) These will allow you to see inside the building below us, something called a “movie theater”.  A movie theater was a place where audio and video presentations were made.  These were some of the most important centers for propaganda distribution used for social control.  Please place the crystals on your wrists to journey inside the theater.

The passengers' minds enter the theater.  Patrons of the theater are viewing a ludicrous anti-cannabis propaganda film.  The campy action on screen shows someone going insane after smoking cannabis.  

The passengers laugh at the absurdity of it all, then remove the crystals.

Peppy Perry:  Enough of that nonsense!   
Curious Chron:  People actually bought into that?

Miles:  Yes, during this time period, there was extensive propaganda against cannabis.  Once enough minds were influenced, this allowed for the mafia called government to criminalize cannabis.

Curious Chron:  How did they do that?

Miles:  You must remember, that throughout most of human history, people were trained to believe that external human authority existed and was to be obeyed.  Whenever the mafia that was perceived to have “authority” put words on paper and called it “law”, most people obeyed without question.  This is crucial to understanding Mount Plastic.  Do any of you have an idea why?

Crystal Clarity:  Well, we all know how versatile Cannabis is as a fiber, fuel, medicine, and so forth.  I remember that during this time, there were huge monopolies on textile production, energy, and most resources.  Clearly, by criminalizing such a versatile and environmentally friendly plant such as Cannabis, the monopoly holders of the day solidified their positions and reduced competition.    

Miles:  Very well put! Imagine, if all of those plastic bottles had been made of hemp instead! Mount Plastic never would have existed!   

Peppy Perry (shaking):  But that’s so insidious! Why would people do such a thing!? It makes me want to pull out what little hair I have left! Blah!!!!

Miles:  Yes, the belief in external human authority was quite insidious, indeed.  On that note, we move onto our final destination.    

Curious Chron:  When you say “final”, you mean before we go back to our own time, right? 

Miles:  Clearly.    

The oddly shaped timeship swirls through the double-helix of dimensions once again.  This time it lands in a rural part of Florida in 1996.  There’s a huge complex of buildings surrounded by barbed wire.   

Peppy Perry:  This is depressing! Ya got any coffee on board?! Huh? Huh?
Crystal Clarity:  You clearly don’t need more coffee.

Miles:  We are just outside a prison complex.  Sadly, one of many from this era.  Incredibly, the majority of the prisoners were there for violating so-called “drug laws”.  This was an effect of not just the belief in authority, but also from people believing that possession of certain substances is a “crime”.    

Curious Chron:  So what it boils down to, is that people suffered because they believed lies.  They didn’t know the objective difference between right and wrong.    

Miles:  Clearly! (turns to Crystal) Oh, now you’ve got me saying it! Shall we go have a look inside the prison?

All shake heads no.

Miles:  Really? Why not?
Peppy Perry:  Too depressing! I don’t wanna see people suffer!

All nod in agreement.

Curious Chron:  I do have one question, though.  How did these prisoners end up here?

Miles:  They were assaulted and kidnapped by people in costumes and badges called “police”.  These rights-violators called “police” were part of of the mafia called government.  People believed that “police” were necessary for safety and security.

Peppy Perry:  That’s insane!   

Miles:  And that concludes our tour, I’m afraid.  Mount Plastic was created over the course of centuries by lies and actions based on those lies.    

Miles punches some hovering buttons of light and the group is whisked back to their own time of anarchy, morality, freedom, and prosperity.    

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from maxpixel.net

Reefer Madness image is from wikipedia



Great post. they say that the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love.

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