Reviewing And Analyzing 20 Factors In The Paradigm Shift Towards Freedom And Free Energy - Factor 11

in #anarchy5 years ago (edited)

This is part eleven of a twenty part series.

Mark Passio recently did WOEIH podcast number 219 titled “Tesla And Humanity’s Missing Paradigm Shift Revisited”. 

During the presentation, two graphics that he used were two lists.  Each list contains ten details of what the paradigm shift is, for a total of twenty.  

This is the eleventh installment as I go through that information, one by one.

11.  Knowing and living both pillars of enlightenment.  (NAP and SDP)

Do I know both pillars?

Yes.  The Non Aggression Principle means that an individual does not take aggressive actions that harm others.  


The Self Defense Principle means that an individual uses defensive force, when necessary, to repel aggressors.  It is the right to self defense.  

Do the majority of people know both pillars?

Absolutely not, unfortunately.  If they did, we would live vastly different lifestyles in a vastly different society, where human freedom would flourish.  Instead, we have billions of tax-paying, order-following, compliant, lethargic, enslaved people.  

Do I live in harmony with the NAP and SDP?

I do well in both areas, especially with the NAP.  Of course, there is always room for improvement.

When examining myself in this regard, I’m not just looking at obvious, direct actions.  I’m also looking at other interactions that might not be quite as apparent at first glance.  

For example, in regards to the NAP, I don’t aggress against others directly.  I don’t steal, assault, etc.  However, there are other actions that indirectly support aggressors.  For example, paying taxes.  

While I don’t pay income taxes, which is in alignment with the NAP (because I’m not supporting aggressors that work for a mob called government), I do pay sales taxes.  I find these much harder to avoid.  Obviously, there is room for improvement in this area for me, personally.  

Then there is the question of personal relationships.  I, like many people, have family in the military.  I maintain minimal, cordial relations with some family members that are in the military.  I shouldn’t do this and, more importantly, I should tell them why I'm ceasing relations.  

What I should do is speak out to my family members and tell them what they do “for a living” is wrong, and why it is wrong.  I should also tell them that, while my relationship with them is important and I love them, I cannot morally engage in relations with someone who works for a violent death cult (the military).  If they want to continue relations, they should find a different type of work.  I haven’t had the courage to do this yet, so there is obvious room for improvement here.  

Regarding the Self Defense Principle, there is much more needed improvement for me personally.  My lifestyle as a nomad makes it nearly impossible to carry firearms, or any decent tool for self-defense.  I don’t know any defense techniques, such as martial arts.  

However, I do have some positives in this department.  Here's a shirt that I wear to the airport.



I wear this shirt anytime I think I’ll be near order-following aggressors that can speak English, like at airports, for example.  This is a form of defense.  I am literally putting it in their face that what they are doing is wrong, while they are committing the wrongdoing.  

I’ll also share a personal anecdote.  When I was in my early twenties, I saw the owner of my neighborhood market trying to chase a thief.  The owner was older and in no condition to chase anyone down, so I took the initiative and chased the thief.  I caught him in a couple blocks.  Magically, and simultaneously, cops actually showed up and stopped the guy (what are the odds?) just as I had come on his heels.  Anyway, point being, I did what was right and attempted to help defend private property and stop a wrongdoing.

Also, I’ll quickly add here that I have shot hand guns on multiple occasions at shooting ranges, and know the basics of how to arm and use them properly, so at least I have that going for me.  

So, while I have vast room for improvement in the area of self-defense, I have had some stellar moments, at least.  

Final question for this installment of the series is:

Do the majority of people live in harmony with the NAP and SDP?

In terms of direct, everyday actions that people take, yes, they align themselves with the NAP.  If the majority of people didn’t, then it really would be a “Mad Max” world.  Most people don’t aggress against others.  They don’t rob, kill, steal, rape, trespass, or coerce.  Although, it must also be said, lying is also a violation, and people do seem to lie fairly frequently, especially to themselves.  

However, the NAP is not applied by most people when it comes to "government".  

Actions people take which support the system of aggression that we all live under can be direct or indirect.  People who work for government are a great example of this.  I’m not just talking about government jobs where the individuals involved are actually committing acts of violence, like the police and military.  I’m talking about anyone who receives a government paycheck and/or does work for the government.  This indirectly supports the system of violence known as external government.  

Of course, I don’t wish to put all those in government on an equal level of immoral action versus the NAP.  A cop is far more immoral than a postal worker, for example.  A postal worker doesn’t actively aggress against others.  However, he or she is funded by extortion, so is indirectly violating the NAP.  

This also includes people who willingly pay taxes and actually think taxes are necessary to “maintain society”.  

Paying taxes supports the system of government slavery that we all live under.  

Last, but not least, what about the Self Defense Principle? Do most people live in harmony with it?

Let’s look at this from multiple angles.  

There are many methods and tools for self-defense.  How many people actually possess the skills or tools necessary, though? 

Sadly, too many people worldwide don’t even consider guns to be a legitimate self-defense tool.  Furthermore, there is no knowledge that gun ownership is a natural right under the Self Defense Principle.  

The good news is that gun ownership is very high in the “USA”.  So there’s a bright spot, anyway, that at least a couple hundred million people still know and exercise their right to own a self-defense tool.  

Now for the bleak part.  

People almost never resist "government".

TSA, Police, IRS, CPS.  Name an alphabet soup agency, and they get almost no resistance when they attack individuals or families.  

This has to change for freedom to occur.  This has to change for the paradigm shift to occur.  At the very least, people have to defend themselves by speaking truth when facing aggression from "government" order-followers.  Bare minimum.

Humanity, in the aggregate, then, is doing very poorly at this point, 2019, in terms of knowing and living in harmony with the NAP and SDP.  

I’m doing fairly well, I think, better than most.  However, I know there is still a lot of room for improvement on a personal level as well.  

Part 12 Coming Soon!

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from Mark Passio's 

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