JAMES BONG - Agent Of Anarchy - Episode 8

in #anarchy7 years ago

Bong gets a mysterious visit from an unlikely ally as big altcoin news comes into the fray.

Scene 1

K is dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Billy Jean”.  He’s wearing a Star Wars t-shirt, tight high-water jeans, and a fedora.  He thinks he’s alone…..

Miss Moneybit (giggling):  Hey K.
K (shocked, gasps):  Hey, how’d you get in here?!

Miss Moneybit:  Symphy let me in.
K (turning to Symphy):  You’re not programmed to let people in without my authorization!

Symphy:  Miss Moneybit made a very convincing argument which overrode my programming.
K (arms folded):  Do tell.

Symphy (innocent smile):  She said that allowing her to see you dance would be a great lesson in humor for me and that any improvement to myself would ultimately benefit you.

K:  Interesting logic.    
Moneybit (still giggling):  I haven’t told you the best part! I’m filming this!

K:  Not funny.
Moneybit:  Not a joke.  This should earn a handsome profit on Dtube.

K:  Where’s the camera?
Moneybit:  Hidden on me.  And no, you’re not allowed to look for it.

K (whiny):  You’re not really posting it on Dtube, are you? 

Moneybit:  Oh, relax.  No, I’m not.    
K (relieved):  Whew, thanks.

Moneybit (satisfied grin, ear to ear):  I’ll just save it for a special time when I need to blackmail you.
K (sighing):  So what brings you by?

Moneybit:  I’m bored and my Spanish isn’t so good, so my options are limited.
K: Your brutal honesty is appreciated.

Moneybit:  And I’ve had a bit of tequila, too.  Where’s Bong?
K:  Getting away from it all. 

Moneybit:  Even you?
K:  Especially me.

Moneybit:  Do you have any idea where he goes?
K:  Nope.  That’s how he is.  Enigmatic to the core.

Moneybit:  And he has no family?
K:  So he says.  Anytime the subject is broached, he gets edgy.

Symphy:  K, I’m sorry to interrupt, but there is breaking news regarding altcoins that I think you’ll find pertinent.
K:  Thanks, Symphy.  Throw it on the holoscreen.   

A hologram of a news broadcast coming from the BBC pops up in the middle of K’s living room.

K:  Wow, Symphy, you were right.  This is big.  The English government is putting a 20 percent tax on all altcoin transactions.

Moneybit:  Which means that most merchants will either stop accepting altcoins, or people will stop purchasing with them.  Or both.

K:  True.  But this might end up being a disadvantage to them in the long run.  It’ll push altcoins onto the black market.
Moneybit:  You mean the real free market.

K:  I stand corrected, yes, the free market.  Prices will spike and altcoins will become more popular than ever!
Moneybit:  The best of times.

K:  And the worst of times.  Symphy, end transmission.  I can’t stand to listen to these presstitutes any longer than necessary.

Hologram disappears.

Scene 2

General Small is talking to Sir Hugo Trax via holocall in General Small’s office at CIA headquarters.

Trax:  Did you find bugs in your office?
Small:  Yep! We found a ton of em!

Trax:  I can only imagine how those magically appeared. And don’t act so boisterous when you’re announcing that our communications have been compromised.   

Small:  Yes, sir.
Trax:  Anyway, I assume they’ve been destroyed.

Small:  Yes, sir.
Trax:  So now that Bong doesn’t have access to our systems anymore, we need to find a way to get him to England.

General Small:  You want me to do what?
Trax:  Get Bong to England.

Small:  You’re in London.  I’m in the US.  Why do you need my help?

Trax (facepalming):  Good point.  I don’t know why I should ever ask you for help on anything.  I don’t even know why I keep you around.

Small:  Because you know that whoever takes my place will be just as incompetent.
Trax:  True enough.  Ok, back to Bong.  Do you have any ideas on how to lure him here?

Small:  Well, I always like a good honeytrap.
Trax:  I’m sure you do.  Bong is too smart for that, though.

Small:  How about this? We could spot him on grid surveillance and send a team after him.
Trax:  We can’t just attack a super spy out in the open like that.  We’d get way too much unwanted attention.

Small:  We could threaten his loved ones.
Trax:  He’s a loner, remember?   

Small:  How about a bribe?
Trax:  Your ideas, amazingly enough, are getting worse.  Unlike us, he has morals.  Bribes are out of the question.

Small:  What can we give him that he wants?
Trax:  I think I’ve got it.  He doesn’t have loved ones, but he does have moral principles that he cares about.

Small:  Moral what?
Trax:  Yes, nearly a foreign language to guys like us, I know.  Anyway, I’ve got an idea for the perfect bait.  See ya, Small.

Small:  Wait! You’re not gonna tell me? 

Trax:  If I need something screwed up, I’ll call you.

Scene 3

James Bong is sitting at the bar and lounge in the Seehof Hotel in Davos, Switzerland.  He is alone with the bartender.

Bong (to bartender):  Another scotch and soda,  please.

Bong stirs the ice with his finger in the empty rocks glass in front of him as he stares sadly and blankly into space.  A striking, young female dressed to impress approaches Bong.

Female:  Is this seat taken?
Bong (continues distant stare):  The entire bar is taken.

Female (to bartender):  I’ll have what he’s having.  (sits next to Bong) You’re a very wanted man in London, you know.
Bong (glances at female): I’m a very wanted man in many places.    

Bartender delivers drinks.  Bong gulps his down.

Female (amused): You’ve crossed some very influential people in certain circles.  They’re trying to find a way to get you to London quietly.

Bong (amused):  The ever-nebulous “they”.    
Female:  Do you know who I am?

Bong:  Mary Poppins.
Female:  Diana Gateschild.    

Bong turns and looks her up and down.

Bong:  They sent you to find me?
Diana (scoffing):  Hardly.    

Bong:  Then what are you doing here?
Diana:  I came here to warn you.

Bong:  Warn me about what?
Diana:  To not go to England.  Not on their terms, at least.

Bong:  They can murder me anywhere in the world.  Why is England so damn special?

Diana:  Because they know about your past and want to keep things localized and quiet.  They might also think that you can be turned. 

Bong:  And how do you know all this?
Diana:  Because members of the ruling class can be exceedingly paranoid and take certain precautions.

Bong:  You mean you spy on each other.

Diana gives knowing smile.

Bong:  And why are you helping me?
Diana:  Because I want to do what’s right.    

Bong:  How touching.

Diana (stands up):  Look, James, my gut tells me that at some point you’ll want to confront your past.  When that time comes, you can go to England on your own terms and have a chat with the Gateschild brothers.  At least if you go on your own terms, you can surprise them and have a chance at survival.  But until then, be weary of any temptations they might throw your way.  My father can be very clever.  Goodbye, James. I’ll be watching you. 

Stay tuned for Episode 9!

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from wikipedia


Ah Bong... my favorite Steemit series!

Thanks Rich!

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Thank you for the great content.
Tag work with @team-solutions and I will be happy to promote.

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