Conscious Individual Disobeys Order-follower At Violently Controlled Airport

in #anarchy5 years ago

Resists having live virus and chicken dna injected into bloodstream.  

A conscience follower is arriving to the tropics and is navigating his way through the violently controlled airport chokepoints.  He’s stopped by a uniformed, badge-wearing, order-follower.

Order-follower (casually glancing around, disinterested, smug):  Yellow fever vaccination papers.

Conscience-follower:  You want a piece of paper that has a live yellow fever virus mixed with chemicals on it?

Order-follower:  What?

Conscience-follower:  The paper you’re asking about, does it actually release the live yellow fever virus along with chemicals directly into your skin?

Order-follower:  That’s not what I meant.    

Conscience-follower:  Well, food containing vaccines exists, so I thought maybe ones on paper existed, too.  Who knows in this crazy society?

Order-follower:  To enter the country, you need to have papers proving you have received the yellow fever vaccine.    

Conscience-follower:  So let me get this straight.  I need to have a paper that proves that I’ve had a live yellow fever virus jabbed directly into my bloodstream?    

Order-follower:  Yes.    

Conscience-follower:  So if I haven’t received the virus into my bloodstream, then I won’t be allowed to cross an immoral and arbitrary line called a “border”? And you and other people with badges will use violence to stop me from carrying on freely? All this happens if I haven’t got the virus in my system?

Order-follower:  Yes, that’s right.

Conscience-follower:  Speaking of rights, everyone has the right to decide what to put in their own bodies.  Trying to force something into someone’s body against their will is wrong and harmful.    

Order-follower:  Look, I don’t make the rules, ok?

Conscience-follower:  Yes, you’re an order-follower, so that much is clear.  Did you know that the yellow fever vaccine contains live virus and chicken embryo? So each person that has that vaccine in their system is a walking experiment, mixing chicken dna, human dna, and yellow fever virus! And do you know how many adverse reactions a person can get from that so-called vaccination? 

Order-follower:  I don’t care.  I’m just doing my job.    

Conscience-follower:  Not caring is part of the problem.    

Order-follower (huffy):  Come on, you’re holding up the line!

Conscience-follower:  Ok, I’ll just start walking then so that this immoral and ridiculous freedom-obstructing line can carry on.   

Conscience-follower waves goodbye, smiles, and runs away.  Order-followers pursue but lose him in a crowd.  Conscience-follower escapes airport, continues journey, gains freedom, eats cake, pats self on back.    

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from flickr



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Haaa! Love the ending!;) I love a moral story with a happy ending... and CAKE!:) Glad my travel saga proved useful.;) Keep up the great work! Sorry for not being more diligent in reading and keeping up with your excellent and important work. when I do pay a visit and read a few articles, they never disappoint. I hope your fire and passion for freedom will spread like wildfire. Hugs and blessings to you always~~

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