
in #anarchy7 years ago

i have been brain washed, chances are so have you.


i know it’s a walnut, but it’s pretty cool and brain like.

First we need to know what brainwashing is, so let’s see what the dictionary definition has to say:-
To alter the convictions, beliefs, etc by systematic indoctrination.

So why do i think i have been brainwashed? Well it’s easy to tell by answering one simple question, are you Yep, that’s it, it’s the answer to this one simple question that will tell if you have been brainwashed or not. So are you I’m pretty sure most of you will be saying “of course i’m, is this guy crazy”? Maybe i am a little crazy, but the dictionary definition for is:-
1) Adj. Of, pertaining to, or like man or mankind.
2) Created by or belonging to man or mankind.

Well what does this mean? It doesn’t say a is a man or a woman. This is very important in comprehending your own self identity. If you say that you are, what you are actually saying is that you are property, and in law, property has no rights, property is what rights are exercised over. You could then say that you are a slave, but as you identify yourself as a, you are consenting to your servitude and if you consent, then you can’t be a slave, it’s that simple.

For so long i believed i too was until i looked up the definition in my good old Webster’s Concise Dictionary from 1997, it’s right there in black and white. Don’t look in the new dictionaries as they have changed the word into one word and changed the definition to hide the truth from you.
You like me, have probably had it drilled into you from an early age right through school (indoctrinated) that you are, part of the race and that you have rights and if you make a mistake, chances are you will have heard the phrase “oh well, they are only”. It’s everywhere, and when i hear people say they are, it makes me cringe. Hopefully those that read this will actually look this up, don’t just take my word for it, go get your granny’s dictionary and confirm that you are not


i would like to have some non human friends here on steemit.


human being. See monster.

monster (mon'stėr). A human-being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. "A monster . . . hath no inheritable blood, and cannot be heir to any land, albeit be brought forth in marriage; but, although it hath deformity in any part of its body, yet if it hath human shape, it may be heir." 2 Bl. Comm. 246.

- Ballentine's Law dictionary (1949).

It is said that God made man in his image, and put him on earth in dominion over the animals. If that is accepted as truth, how can any man purport to lay claim over another?

Maybe the answer to that is simple, maybe the makers of law simply need to trick men into identifying as animals.

Trick them into identifying as animals, without them even knowing that they are doing so.

If this can be done, the man in essence abandon's his divine birthright, and makes himself subservient to the machinations, or corporations, that have been created by men to rule over the profane (, or godless).

Whether you believe in evolution or creationism, the law is set up in such a way to get you to abandon the notion of God in order that they may have dominion over you. Yet, you are not meant to know that you are doing this. They ascribe false common meanings to their legal words and inject them into the culture in order to bind your mind. That way, they can win the battles, before they are even fought.

Here's one example, they capture your heart and mind with a great character. Then they give him words like this. Or like this.

In both of those clips, the second one you'd have to start from the beginning. Yet, in both of those clips; both men claim to believe in god, with their words, and they are also the heroes of these stories. They also both adamantly claim to be "human beings". I think the culture creators got a real kick out of those productions.

There are multiple layers of meanings, and one of them is meant to make fun of, and or mislead us.

Wonderful reply, and there goes my follow up .LOL. The clips are a perfect example of how this deception and brainwashing has been going on before we were even born, even our parents were brainwashed into believing they were human.

@realtreebivvy by all means follow up though, the more we write about this stuff the more we inject it into public consciousness. You know, the drug laws in the U.S. describe the term 'food' and 'drugs' as something used by "man, or other animals". The phraseology is like a spell that has been cast down upon man, the notion that he is an animal, and therefore subservient to the law as written. If these legal presumptions are not rebutted, they stand as truth. The first person that I am aware of that brought this into the public sphere is a man called Alfred Adask. If you check him out on YouTube he speaks in great depth on the matter. His case was very very interesting, to say the least.

Brainwashing?? Totally agree with. Changing things to suit the needs of 'whoever' completely agree. I wish I had an early edition dictionary to see how much the definition has changed...I think I might stop by a used book store.

Thank you for making me think!! That was one of my reasons of joining this community. If I wanted mindless dribble. I'd be on Facebook more.

That walnut got me confused at first but taking a look at it got my confusion get cleared ...
It would be a great pleasure for me if you will follow me back and look out some of my steam stories

I'm definitely nonhuman! We have all stepped through the looking glass together and it's an exciting journey we are on...
I enjoy reading the Bible more than ever now that I have eyes that see and ears that hear. Follow the way of Jesus Christ for he is the true law "personified".
People will read my words and not comprehend them until they break their own spell they were taught to cast on themselves...

Thanks for this, I am a MAN, not a freaking hu-man, wtf, every single place you look are lies, life is going to be amazing when we wake the rest of the zombis up!. Someone recommended to me to look into urine therapy and distilled water. I am doing both now and wanted to pass the information onto you. resteemed

Welcome zoomtruth to the non steemians group.

Find & acquire the Book of Aquarius, once you read it, I'd love to have a lengthy discussion with you

the walnut cutting looks like brain.. i think its a real brain before 😂

I AM that I AM. :) Nice post!

Thank you brother :) Just sewing the seeds.

Count me in as your non human friend. i am going to pay attention from now on in how i use the word human. Thank you for sharing this insight!

Cool post! There is also a definition that defines the term 'human' as 'beast-like', such as is talked about in the old testament of the Christian bible where it talks about 'the beast of the field.' I like the two terms 'earthling' or 'man-kind'. And when people ask me where I am from, I do say Earth!

Very true, the very old dictionaries say that is profane! Strangely there is no earthling in the dictionary, but i think we have seen enough sci-fi to know what it means :)

Even the word 'man-kind' has relegated RE-LEGATE) men & wo-men to be animals. We have all chosen man's law over the Natural Law of God/Nature/Creation/Source, not because we wanted to, but because we didn't know we had a choice...

This is a very important topic that you will not come across until you start asking yourself the right questions. Our teachers throw very unique challenges our way.

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