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RE: Compulsory Schooling, Where Self-Confidence and Independent Success are Cardinal Sins (A brief reflection from my time as a teacher).

in #anarchy6 years ago

Ok. Explain to me your question about percentages, vis à vis comparing taxation and slavery. Tell me what point you were trying to make.

Posted using Partiko Android


Taxation is a form of owning humans. Forget the word “slavery” if it bothers you. Let’s just look at reality:

Taxes are money taken from individuals under the threat of violence, regardless of the presence of consent (this is the definition of extortion). If I refuse to pay for schools, or military bombings of families in the Middle East, via my taxes, armed state agents will eventually come to my door. If I resist being taken away (kidnapped) by them, I will be killed.

This is demonstrative of the fact that these agents believe I am ultimately the property of the state, as my property is not my own. As the concept of property is an extension of self-ownership, the statist hallucination that it owns my property results in the hallucination that my body is also their property.

This actually fits the definition of the word slavery. You can try to differentiate between this type of human ownership and chattel slavery, and be correct that their are differences. However, it is simply another form
of farming humans in a parasitic manner, and claiming ownership over their lives.

Right. I already acknowledged that there is a common underlying principle between slavery and taxation. Nevertheless, there is a significant difference in practice between taxation and chattel slavery, particularly when it comes to collectivized goods like education. It's still wrong, but while one requires an immediate response, the other calls for a much more methodical response, so as not to pull the rug out from people who have come to depend on these collectivized goods that are funded with taxes.

Posted using Partiko Android

Show me where I suggested “pulling the rug out” from under anyone. Show me.

I've explained why what you're proposing amounts to that ad nauseam. Now if I misunderstand your position, feel free to correct me, but I'm not going to repeat myself anymore.

Posted using Partiko Android

I know what you are explaining. You don't think I should have the freedom to exercise my own individual choice regarding education right now because "we" need to abide by your personal prescription. I would never attempt to force such a thing on you. This is the difference. I am going slowly, and making you explain ad nauseam, so it becomes unmistakably clear that:

  1. I am not advocating "pulling the rug out" from under anyone and forcing them to abide by my views.

  2. You are telling me that yes, it is morally wrong for me to be forced, but that I should be forced by violence until "society" is ready.

Easy to spot the difference. You should just accept that this is what you are advocating.

It's not as simple as the government merely stealing from you. That's the difference. It's not so much that the government is stealing from you in a direct way, but that they are stealing from you in an indirect Way by forcing you into an association. now, that doesn't make it any more right, but what you have to remember is that there are other people that have been forced into that Association who have come to rely on the benefits of that Association. So if you dissolve that sociation immediately you are creating innocent victims. Therefore, you have to create a way for people to extricate themselves from that situation and a way that is not disastrous to themselves and to the society that they are living it. If you don't, then you are pulling the rug out from under them.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's not as simple as the government merely stealing from you. That's the difference. It's not so much that the government is stealing from you in a direct way, but that they are stealing from you in an indirect Way by forcing you into an association.

Right. It’s stealing. Thank you.

what you have to remember is that there are other people that have been forced into that Association who have come to rely on the benefits of that Association. So if you dissolve that sociation immediately you are creating innocent victims.

So I have to make sure everyone is okay before choosing to send my child to a different school, or deciding not to pay for bombs? I didn’t say I was going to end the system for everyone. Just that it is wrong to force me to pay. Get it? The end.

If you think you have some sort of “right” or moral high ground to tell me that I cannot be free until you deem everyone to be “ready” then you are an authoritarian, and do not understand morality. It’s not about practicality. My point stands.

You would have been the same guy back in the 1800’s saying “You can’t leave the plantation just yet! Too many innocent people depend on the crops!”

Fucking disgusting.

Oh and one other point. Had the South acknowledge the immorality of slavery they could have actually come up with a solution we're by the slaves were freed in a methodical way over the course of a few months or maybe a year or two. If they had done that, they could have avoided the Civil War, and then we could have avoided hundreds of thousands of American deaths. Honestly, I think that would have been preferable. So actually, even though I think that in practice chattel slavery and conventional taxation are very different in terms of scale and should be approached differently in terms of response, if the South have been willing to take the approach that I'm suggesting towards public education Visa V slavery, a lot of unnecessary death and destruction could have been avoided

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm not debating the desired end result with you. I'm pointing out that the situation is not as simple as you seem to think it is, and pretending that it's literally equivalent to absolute chattel slavery in practice is just dumb. That's like saying getting slapped across the face is literally the same as someone firing a 12ga at you. The same in principle? Sure. The same in actuality? No. Requiring the same response? NO! This particular issue requires a methodical, thoughtful planning process to get from where we are to where we want to be.

Your arguments have no nuance whatsoever. You're like the libertarian version of an SJW.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've explained why what's your proposing amounts to pulling the rug out from people Ad nauseam.

Posted using Partiko Android

I know what you are explaining. You don't think I should have the freedom to exercise my own individual choice regarding education right now because "we" need to abide by your personal prescription. I would never attempt to force such a thing on you. This is the difference. I am going slowly, and making you explain ad nauseam, so it becomes unmistakably clear that:

  1. I am not advocating "pulling the rug out" from under anyone and forcing them to abide by my views.

  2. You are telling me that yes, it is morally wrong for me to be forced, but that I should be forced by violence until "society" is ready.

Easy to spot the difference. You should just accept that this is what you are advocating.

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