The greatest work towards achieving Anarchy and Freedom is not what you think...

in #anarchy8 years ago

How is a free society to be formed? If we have established the state is innately based on immoral violent threats, and the "authority" of state to rule others is total bullshit, how are we to achieve a stateless free society?

Most people, when confronted with the ideas of freedom and stateless societies, think of violent overthrow of governments. A guerrilla style uprising or something similar to overthrow one oppressive regime.

The problem I have with that kind of revolutions is:

  1. They employ violent means and they do violate non-aggression principle. I don't buy that "ends justify means" bs. Means must be in line with ends you want to achieve. If you want to achieve freedom, prosperity, peace, you cannot do it by initiating violence, starting wars, and oppressing free will of the people.

  2. They tend to require violent hierarchies of their own. Because even guerrilla style combat is still basically a military action, and requires a military, violently enforced hierarchy. And even if they do eventually succeed in overthrowing one oppressive regime, they do setup another regime, at least as oppressive of the other.

So if violent overthrow of governments don't work, what else is there to do?

There is the free market method, or let's say, black-gray market method. Which is called "countereconomics" as described by Samuel Edward Konkin the 3rd in his "New Libertarian Manifesto". He wrote it in 980's and made the claim that, new technologies and voluntary free market solutions will play a great role in bringing about freedom and end the state system.

While I'm also planning to write about disruptive technologies in another post, today I want to touch upon, the reason why vast majority of people are reluctant to use new technologies (bitcoins, open bazaar, etc) and still buy the lies of state.

I'm using a Linux computer on my laptop for more a decade and a half now. I saw the improvements of Linux for the end user during all that period. When I started first, I needed to learn things like, how to compile your own kernel and make sure your hardware actually works. Now many popular installations come with click-next-next installation, kernel supports %99+ available hardware by default, operating system comes bundled with lots of useful software from office suites to graphic design. If you compare the licensing costs of all with non-free software, that would cost thousands of dollars.

And most end users still don't use Linux. They go buy windows or mac instead.

Most people are reluctant to use the latest and best technologies, not based on features and benefits of those software or solutions, but because they are not mentally and emotionally ready for those solutions.

Meaning, there is a level of self-responsibility and self reliance that comes with say, being a Linux user.

Same with everything from bitcoins to steem to whatever new tech you can think of.

People are not emotionally mature enough to take full responsibility in their own lives. To assume ownership for all their results. Not need state's protection or provision (or at least the illusion of it).

They want the thinking "done for them" even "forced to them". In their victim hood, powerlessness, they find "relief from responsibility". They now have a political leader they can blame things on.

With power and freedom comes responsibility. Most people avoid responsibility at all costs.

That actually has something to do with not growing up fully. Staying a child in an adult body. Needing the "big momma/daddy" state to make the "hard choices" for them. With decision and choice, comes responsibility and blame. It is simply a burden most don't want to carry.

(And to be clear, I'm not excluding myself. Raised by narcissistic mom and still have mommy issues myself. At a very adult age of 44)

The best kind of meditation and self reflection I have actually found useful, involves looking directly into my own deepest fears. The thing is, most people don't want to look into their "dark side". It is like a child fearing the monster under the bed, we fear a darkness within us that doesn't exist. It is not real. When we look into the darkness inside us we realize:

1- There is not a real monster or anything out there in the dark. Our deepest fears are based on illusions. There is no death, loss, threat, separation. There is only love, life, eternal consciousness, and we are all connected.

2- We may find that we need some clean-up to do, there is some dirt in there. But it feels good when you do it. Like the difference between actually cleaning the room vs sweeping the dirt under the rug.

And then you realize "the source" to happiness, love, connection, is not anything outside, but it is in the inside. When you don't need outside validation or anything, you become "free" from the inside.

That sense of "I'm born free, I'll die free, nothing a bunch of bullies may do will change that", is something %90+ of the population does not know. Most people have the feeling "I need state for protection/provision" like a little kid needs mom and dad.

We'll only get to a free stateless, oppression-free society, when vast majority of population, %90+, has the feeling of freedom from the inside.

TL;DR: Meditate and look directly into your worst fears. Inner work is more important than outer work to


I totally agree with you. Inner work is probably the most worthwhile thing any adult can do.

The willingness to give over autonomy of the individual to others is very strong and almost a knee jerk reaction in human behavior, but also is the will to be one's own master. It's a conflict that has been going on since our beginnings as the human race. Inevitably, the end result of over reaching governments ends in violence and then the circle of violence begins anew. maybe not right away, but eventually. This has been the history of the human race since day 1 I believe.

I have been using linux for the past few years, but have been using it off and on for longer. I don't understand how most people shy away from it. Now, its easier to use than ever and with it being virtually free to get and use, I don't understand why most people would still want an overbloated operating system like Windows as their main OS. I have a windows computer for different things, like a game or two I enjoy playing every now and then, and I have to use Windows for work, but other than that, I have no real need of it. Linux is more than adequate to do basic computer tasks, much more better than Windows.

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