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RE: 10 questions for a statist

in #anarchy6 years ago

Nice post man. It's definitely impossible to convince anyone of anything they don't already want to believe. But by asking questions that involve the other party directly and encourage critical thinking on subjects they probably haven't thoroughly thought through (those last three words are hard to say together, damn) you are planting seeds that have a solid chance of taking hold.

Thanks for sharing!!


Thank you friend! Belief creates the reality. If only enough individuals understood the consequences of their actions...


I feel that with the Internet and availability thereof ignorance is becoming more and more of a choice. And as more and more of our lives is recorded it's getting harder to hide shitty self serving actions.

today, when the knowledge is awaiting at a click of a button, it requires some kind of mental imbalance to stay ignorant. I have a perfect example of a very ill person in comments section under the post I wrote about him:

Bro. You are a burner supreme. It is easier for people to profess belief in a lie than that they have been lied to and believed it.

Thankfully the systematic slavery that has been in place for so long is collapsing under its own weight. The fact that these poor bastard are operating on steemit and still don't see it astounds me.

A perfect example of what is to come sitting on their faces and wiggling around and they still can't see it.

Keep fighting the good fight friend. And try not to worry too much. Balance is essential in everything and without idiots there can be no genius 🙌

right? they seem intelligent, but when it comes to defending the cult, they invested whole life to be taught the (un)holy scriptures, they will crucify you with foam dripping from their yap. and all you want is for them to leave you alone... I feel discomfort, when innocent people are suffering, because they don't know what suffering really is. I'm even friends with death, congratulating it making life possible. I know it may seem like I worry. It's passion really. But thanks for the reminder. Here's a penny for your thoughts ;)

Thank you friend. Passion is often a more powerful motivator than truth. You have both it seems, and therefore you also have great potential for good.

Keep directing your passion onto the truth and inevitably people will be swayed. Maybe not all, but the right ones will be and that is enough.

Truth defends itself. I am just channeling it. You can grow and get more inline with the truth, which would be "raising vibration" that cuts the line of truth more often, or you can be of "low vibration" and cut the truth line rarely. If someone refuses to recognize their limitations, they are on a lower evolutionary level. They will not build "the new" with "the old". Trying to solve a problem with the problem is the definition of insanity. It just keeps you spinning in the ego-loop of your ignorance. Thanks for inspiration:

Absolutely. Was it einstein that said: “no problem was ever solved by the same thinking that created it.”?

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