Anarchist Community in Real Life? Is it Possible? With Dedication, Definitely Maybe.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

Three years ago I said “deuces, fuck the world I’m out!” Quit my government job, renewed my passport and got the fuck out of the US.

Shortly before I fucked off everyone I threw a music festival in my hometown. Certainly I didn’t make a million bucks but I learned a lesson more valuable: I can do whatever I want and be whoever I want to be. Why keep dragging my pacifist ass to an army base every day to waste some more taxpayer money on building and maintaining shit I never believed in.


I landed in a place that felt like another world you can read more about it here:

And here:

One of the main differences I have noticed after coming from Alabama to the Peruvian desert is water, or rather the lack thereof. Much of what we get here is tainted by hundred year old pipes and corrupt water companies like the one owned by now deposed ex President and criminal Kuczynski.

Grey and black water are valuable resources that are also often squandered or mismanaged. Thankfully there are amazing humans like @intrepidsurfer and @silverlining1 and their #steemforest project trying to change things a bit.

Once I began dreaming of a community and what it would look like I knew a couple of things: I want to change the world for the better. I believe no man has the right to rule or tax another. I believe in cooperation over competition and that every situation can be a win/win. I believe that global change has to start where I am, and rather than waiting for someone to do something realize I AM SOMEONE, AND DO SOMETHING. Any community that I give my life to must be built around responsible food production and fresh water management. Everything would be voluntary.

So here I am, with an offer to use one of the few undisputed stretches of coastal land in northern Peru, an ayahuasca healing center interested in relocating here, a group of amazing and dedicated friends all moving in a similar direction but taking different roads to get there.

Here’s a shitty little unedited clip (my laptop shit the bed a couple of days ago) of the land as it sits.

Thats my friend in the clip by the way...

So now I have reached out to the fine folks at and was given a contact today at to inquire after collaboration work. If you care about fresh water and don’t know these two organizations I highly recommend checking them out. The warka tower produces water out of the air and the folks at waves provide water access for millions of people around the world. Fucking awesome groups with tons of potential.

And here we are. This thing has begun and we need a water tank. Today I thought maybe the world needs a steemit retreat. But also, there are endless needs that could be met in beautiful ways with one carefully crated campus of structures. I would like to buy the handle @earthship and intend to use it as a platform for learning, mine as well as yours.

I have fallen in love with Peru, and as it represents so much to me (the lungs of the earth in the Amazon, and the potential for great change here in the desert to name a couple) that really have made me realize how important the spaceship we call earth is.

Im not a fearmongerer i think, I try to remain practical and skeptical and see through the bullshit manipulation that exists everywhere, even environmentalism. That being said, this world is in trouble if we don’t change some things. So, while I think globally, I am acting locally.....sort of.

I have been on steemit only a short while but one BIG thing I have noticed is Steemians undying capacity to give when it comes to things that matter to them. I have encountered some amazing people in the anarchy community here that have already shown me many concepts to challenge my thinking. I am so thankful for Steemit.

I would like to stress here how remote my current location is. We have no atm machine. We sometimes go days or weeks without water. If it rains more than a few days thousands, then hundreds of thousands of people can go without basic necessities like food and fresh water. Also this project literally has the ability to save many lives beyond the occasional el niño emergency situation (ayahuasca and other plant medicines are having unbelievable success with treating things like drug addiction and depression which kill way more people than guns).

Also because of steemit I have been able to buy real California hash here as well as a badass gourmet hotdog with cryptocurrency. This opened up a whole new brain fuckaround for me that has been a driving force in all of this.


Everything is possible.

Be who I want to be. Do what I want to do.

Trust my heart, my brain, my hands and my friends.

Freedom through love. Freedom from violence and fear. Real freedom.

And now for the facts. It’s been a little rough for me personally this year. No worries, pronoia all day bitches, good things are coming for me, they always do. Also I am the straight luckiest person I have ever met.

Regardless of that, this thing is much bigger than me and we need help with some things if you are into it.

Donation of 5 steem for purchase of the username @earthship

Some kind of logo that says “same tribe”and maybe has like the shadowed domes of an earthbag house in the background. Earthy tones, red, orange, brown, etc.

Eventually I reckon we will need a pimped out url but in the meantime any suggestions are welcome. Ive only ever fucked around with wordpress, wix and hostgator. My skills in this area are waaaaaay limited.

Everything begins with water, and firstly we need a water tank and money to fill it. Any suggestions on steemit fundraising are welcome. I am looking into a few but seriously all input is welcome at this point.

Experts. All sorts. I am a third generation builder, trained electrician, and lifelong artist, but there is so dang much I don’t know I can’t even. Oh lord.

We would ideally have someone around ho really knows earthship building to help guide volunteers do the bulk of the hard initial work as quickly as possible. This of course will require proper planning and logistical planning but, everything is possible.

Earthship architect. We have a unique landscape with unique conditions and could use some guidance in planning how best to layout our initial and longterm plans as well as making the best use of the materials to which we have access.

Expert in solar/wind power. I am in the desert and have no shortage of either.

Eventually we will need fiat money and I reckon we will have to be open to donations for certain programs etc., and possibly concious investors. So if you or someone you know might be interested in creating what might be the first steemit community ever, anywhere (I actually have no idea about this one but would very much like to know if this will be the first) and has stacks of disposable cash lying around definitely send them my way!

I’m a shit accountant. I think I know enough to know when I am getting robbed but doing the thing I’ve always left to experts. Ideally the only currency we will use is crypto but this is a ways off. Building materials and such will be fiat purchases etc., etc. and a concious accountant would be sweet.

Documentarian. I don’t want to sound grandiose but I feel like this could be an historic occurrence with long lasting and global what if we pull it off? I’m no @adamkokesh but we all do the best we can with what we have, no? It’s all gonna be so fucking sick anyway, we want to record and document as thoroughly but yet interestingly as possible. I already know this is much easier said than done.

Resteem the fuck out of these posts and follow me as well as @earthship as I will be putting the majority of related content there.

Any and all ideas. Please don’t hesitate to share or ask questions. I am hoping to learn as much as I can and share that learning experience with anyone that wants to join me.

Thank you so much in advance everyone. Love and gratitude all day!


I like it, you are doing what any real anarchist should be doing instead of complaining. There are no taxes in Peru?

I honestly have no idea.... I haven't filed anywhere in years. That's a good question though, I'll find out. You mean like property taxes?

that could be one. Probably no one will care if you are just hanging out and growing your own food with humanure but if you start importing or exporting a lot of things and/or making money usually the tax man will show up but I don't know anything about Peru.

Yes, that is probably accurate. I ran an export business in Ecuador the better part of a year without anyone noticing. It wasn’t until we wanted residency we had to open our books a little.

Im sure there are taxes to the municipalities which are minimal and I don’t mind because the money mainly goes to keeping the town clean and safe. There aren’t any real police here, just serenazgos and oil company bulls.

As to federal property taxes i will know more when @intrepidsurfer comes around. He is my local attorney outlaw

I am the first time on your post. On your post, you have discussed many important points and share useful links. Thanks for sharing us.

Hey, thank you so much. I don't know how useful my links were except for background information.... Fishy

I can certainly pick up what you're putting done here. While it may seem like we're a small bunch of misfits I think those who see the value in moving into a new system will be the leaders in due time. We are making noise in our little corner of the internet and more and more people are hearing us. We are slowly gaining momentum and the vibe attracts the tribe.

I'm sure you will be able to fund plenty of your projects, just keep sharing your message and growing your audience. It takes only 2 moments the one you decided to do something and then the moment you realised you achieved that something.

I feel the same way about trying to help liberate others and will start locally since I am in Africa i don't need to look far to find people who are in need!

Thanks for sharing look forward to seeing your movement grow and consider me a follower now

Bro, thank you so much! And likewise I'm following you now!

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