
All with the freedom of mind own themselves.

being left alone is not really doing anything, what do you want to do that you are prevented from doing now besides speeding, not paying taxes, getting high and owning an unregistered machine gun?

I think perhaps we're coming at this from different perspectives.
There are men I'll never meet, thousands of miles away; making dozens of decisions each day about how I should live my life.
There are also men all around me, with guns, who believe I should abide by all of those decisions.
If they catch me doing something in violation of any of them; they will enthusiastically attack me until I'm either compliant or dead.
I can't give you an exhaustive list of the things I want permission for (even if I could, it'd need updating daily)
I don't want different decisions; I want zero policemen.

then who do you call when their noisy teenagers across the street?

What's wrong with noisy teenagers? 😉

I have a right to quiet enjoyment of my property. They have no right to trespass on the schoolyard after dark. I don't want to deal with them myself, if they turn out to be violent teenagers I don't want the liability of defending myself from them, it is not even my property, so I put that liability on my public servants, what's the alternative?

How do you get the idea that you have a right to send "your public servants" to my house with guns to force me to pay for "your public " ""servants"".

If you don't pay your taxes you will get a letter from the IRS, you have to be a real asshole about not paying your fair share before anyone with guns shows up to make you. Probably they will just garnish your wages. No guns needed, they can just take it out of your check.

what makes you think you have a right to give the people from the IRS the right to steal the money from my bank account, and if I somehow can prevent that from happening or if I defend myself against your stealing of my wages.

What do you personally advocate should be done to me personally if I don't pay the extortionist (to pay for your extortion service) of the political ruling class. Please be literal and specific.

If you go to the bank and slide her a note she'd have to be a real arsehole to not just hand the money over. You probably won't even need to shoot anyone.

You pick the schoolyard for the reason that you think you own it also and you have a say, which you don't because no one owns it unless it's private property.

But let's change it in your neighbours yard.

Do you have a right to let some teenagers to be violently removed from the yard of your neighbour because they make noise, and you make assumptions that you have that right because the MIGHT turn out violent?

So you harras them for making noise?

I pick the school yard because that is a real life scenario. Not a hypothetical.

"no one owns" it is not true, it is the property of the city.

Do you have a right to let some teenagers to be violently removed from the yard of your neighbour because they make noise, and you make assumptions that you have that right because the MIGHT turn out violent?

Looks like you made the same assumption, if they are not violent why would they need to be violently removed? If they leave when the police ask them then there will be no violence. If they don't then the police are responsible for the liability of the violence, not me personally. I don't really want to deal with a lawsuit fro some dead kids family because that kid was a violent asshole.

So you harras them for making noise?

Nope, they are violating my rights and harassing me, in addition to trespassing, I have a right to quiet enjoyment of my property, they have no right to trespass or be loud.

"the city" can't own anything "the city" is not a person.

They are violently removed. If I would personaly would go to the kids and ask them to move and if they didn't do than I would be Liability for the violence I use. I'm the one using violence. You can't shift liability or responsibility for the harressment and violence by letting someone else do it.

What is that; I have a right to quiet enjoyment of my property. This is very vague, noise can come from everywhere and everything. They have no right to trespass (on your property), that's right then you can remove them or have them removed Because you own the place you get to say what happens there.

But can you give someone else a right that you don't have, to do something that you yourself have no right to do?

If they catch me doing something in violation of any of them; they will enthusiastically attack me until I'm either compliant or dead.

If there is no policing you end up like Chicago. Rampant violence and high murder rates.

Does Chicago not have any police?

yeah, and 100,000 gang members.

Not in most areas, hence the excessive gang violence and highest murder rate in the US.

Now here's a conundrum, is the gang violence there because they took the police away or did the police leave because the gang violence was too much for them? What caused what?

the gang violence is there because we choose to prohibit drugs.

Is your question really; What do you need freedom for? ........Well guess what ....non of your business you don't get to decide : P

no, it's more along the line of, "what are not already free to do"? If you want to drive fast you can go to a race track. If you don't want to pay taxes just be poor. you can get a machine gun with a tax stamp.

Why do I need to ask you for permission to do things?
If you get to decide when I can do things, what hoops I must jump through, what stickers or stamps I must have. That you have a right to my money if I get above an arbitrairy line of wealth which you decide what that is.

If I can tell you what you can and must do, or can and must not do,
that you need to ask permission and sticker and stamps from me. And that if you get money above some abritrary line that you are not poor anymore, according to me, and you must give me that money.
or else I incarcerate you and if you defend yourself from me, I can kill you if you do not obey my myriad of rules.

What makes you think that you are free?
And that your not my slave?
What makes you think that you have an obligation to obey me?
What makes you think I can take your money and you must pay me?.........and say.......If you don't want me to take your money/possessions, then you have the option to stay poor............really?
