Debunking Barry Cooper’s Hit Piece – Logical Fallacies, Misrepresentations and Ad Hominen

in #anarchy8 years ago

I wasn’t going to respond to this, but think it’s necessary as it may score high on a search. I didn’t expect to ever have to debunk Barry Cooper though, but given how erroneous he is about me and that he was on my radio show, I probably should. Evidence from the article/video are here

Barry emailed me after posting a video about me. I did a search for the video and was a bit surprised Barry lumped me in with the sovereign citizen/freeman on the land/common law crowd. That is Barry’s first of many fallacies, but when you don’t investigate first, you have to expect errors.

I’ve done many shows debunking strawman/UCC/FMOTL/common-law/sovereign citizen/right-to-travel law stuff for years. I’ve stated I’m an anarchist many times, my videos have the black flag. The fact Barry lumps me in with them is bad, but his motivation is not honest. He thinks my position is “crazy” and in the email tells me he’s interested in collaborating with me. This seemed odd, so I asked him why he wants to collaborate with someone who’s selling crazy? Barry responded with profanity and now seems to be on a mission to discredit me. He’s done a poor job of it as I’ll show.

Barry strawman’s my position claiming all I do is tell the judge he has no jurisdiction. The judge then throws you in jail proving he does have jurisdiction.

First, we use the Socratic Method, we ask questions regarding the prosecution’s burden of proof, e.g.,

Has the prosecution submitted evidence proving the constitution and code apply to me just because I’m physically in Arizona?

Second, if a judge does throw someone in jail for asking for evidence of jurisdiction, that’s not proof the constitution applies, it’s evidence the lawyer with the robe is a criminal with an anger management problem. I’ve heard that fallacy before.

My jurisdictional challenge is a question/issue of fact, what Barry brings up in his video are questions/issues of law. The strawman/UCC/FMOTL/common-law/sovereign citizen/right-to-travel people are arguing legal interpretation, I’m asking questions of fact. They are two different things, one has proven to be very successful, the other hasn’t.

Also, the jurisdiction challenge is only part of what I teach people. For example, we learn about objections and cross-examinations. Many people I’ve worked with have impeached police officers and tax agents. Rebecka in Chandler, Arizona, not only had the cop declared incompetent, but she got a not-guilty verdict from the jury on one of the two charges.

Barry makes the claim the only reason I get so many tickets kicked out is because we’re too much trouble. Apparently we’re seen as porcupines, so the prosecution just gives up and dismisses. The same could also be said of any of success Barry claims.

The claim is false, it’s a generalization at best and speculation. The motion has been granted, that is direct evidence the jurisdictional challenge was effective. Anything else is speculation. Even if circumstantial evidence, it’s very strong and rules out any other explanation.

Barry claims as a cop he lost a probation case on a jurisdiction issue, but it wasn’t because they could not prove the laws applied. That may be true, but, did the defendant raise the same jurisdictional challenge I do? If not, then I fail to see the relevance of his anecdote.

Barry claims I am lying in the article about Joe in Hawaii. He thinks I “flat out lied” that the charges are dismissed because of Joe’s defense, challenging jurisdiction.

First, the main point of the article was that contrary to some critics’ claims, I have helped people get more serious charges kicked out. I helped Joe, he defended himself against drug charges and they were dismissed. Barry emailed for proof the charges with dismissed because of the jurisdictional challenge.

I wrote Barry telling him I didn’t have direct evidence, but there was very strong circumstantial evidence. There was the motion and what Joe reported on the show, his constant objections and asking for the prosecutor’s evidence. Barry thinks this means I’m lying, Barry insists it’s because Joe was causing too much trouble, despite the fact he has no evidence to prove it. Again, the same could also be said of any of success Barry claims.

Barry claimed I make an assumption and should google logical fallacies. Admittedly, I made an inference based on evidence, that’s what the evidence bears out. I did not assume based on prior accounts or absent evidence, that is ironically what Barry does in his video.

Barry claims the dismissal was only because we’re too much trouble, it had nothing to do with the motion and Joe’s defense, there is only one explanation, his. Barry is so absolutely certain there are no other plausible claims that he claims I’m a crazy liar. Barry is speculating and ignoring the circumstantial evidence. While I openly admit there may be cases where there are other plausible explanations, the circumstantial evidence strongly favors it was our defense.

Making an inference based on strong circumstantial evidence doesn’t mean I “flat out lied” about the dismissal. All one needs to do it is look at the successes from three continents to see many others have replicated my success. There is no evidence I’m trying to mislead anyone because I’m not.

Barry should investigate prior to condemnation as this next piece of evidence further shows. Barry repeats the claim there’s no evidence anything has been dismissed because of the jurisdictional challenge. A little time spent in the Successes part of my website may have stopped him from doing that video about me.

I don’t care if Barry wants a transcript or tries to marginalize this evidence, I’m posting this article and video so people are not misled by Barry. Anyone reading this and investigating more on my website can make up their own minds, I don’t need Barry Cooper to vouch for me, the evidence is here.

A few other examples are Helen and Bradly in England that not only had the charges dismissed, but had costs awarded against the prosecution. Their defense was challenging the applicability of the constitution and code. Helen prevailed by proving the prosecution was guilty of an abuse of process; meaning the prosecution did not have any evidence of jurisdiction and wrongdoing and should not have pursued the charges.

So the evidence is against Barry; he’s wrong I’ve never helped anyone get anything more than a minor traffic ticket dismissed and that we’ve never been successful challenging jurisdiction. That’s a lot of being wrong, but wait, there’s more.

Barry, who teaches people how to hide drugs from cops, is claiming I’m hurting people with what I’m teaching. He presents no evidence of course, just an accusation. However, following what Barry teaches, attempting to obfuscate an ongoing investigation of a police officer, can put one in serious danger and can produce several unintended consequences.

Barry claims I don’t handle criticism well, he’s wrong again. I welcome criticism, I do a three hour live broadcast most Saturdays and I don’t screen calls. All are welcome to call in and correct me if I’ve presented something that’s not true.

Barry insists I’m getting his argument wrong. I don’t see how lumping me in with the SovCit/FOTL/common law people, strawmaning my position, then calling it “crazy” and hurting people is mistaking his argument.

Barry is claiming that I “got angry” when he asked for evidence, again he has his facts wrong, kind of backwards actually. I provided circumstantial evidence and asked why he would want to collaborate with someone he thought was selling people lies. Barry is the one who responded by calling me crazy and telling me to go “fk myself” a few times. He then told me not to contact him any further. I thought that was funny as he contacted me first and I don’t communicate with people who tell me to “fk myself”.

I have no problem with criticism of my work, you have to actually address my work though.



I started disliking Barry's posts and comments on this platform after some time.

Also seems like he doesn't know what he is talking most of the time, and after the responses of his in this thread and the way he sees Steemit is disgusting in my opinion. Saying that users "steal" money of others posts because they downvote or un-vote his post.

Funny he said to you that you don't handle criticism well when he totally flipped out and went all personal on me once for suggesting to him to create new content when posting on Steemit instead of just copy-pasting his old work.

Oh well, like many older users who were doing good here for some time, the thunder wears off after a while and people start to see through the bullshit presented by them.

I respect you for creating this video and standing up for yourself.

The other thread in question where he couldn't take any sort of critcism.


I am not an "old user" and my "thunder hasn't worn off." I'm still here, I'm still blogging, and I'm still doing well.

Defending myself against your ad hominems is not the same as "flipping out." You never offer valid criticisms but instead stalk me on Steemit and spew garbage. I see you still have a Barry fetish. This is one example of the jealousy fueled ranting comments you make against me:

"And no, I don't care to hear what you've done in your former life or what made you turn around to become this self-procclaimed hero of the war on drugs. But I don't think you are deserving these payouts for writing something that takes 10 minutes and pasting the same image in every thread."

Below is an example of how I respond to valid criticisms. Many examples similar this can be found elsewhere online in over ten years of activism:
modprobe65 · 1 week ago

"Now I certainly won't argue that we don't have a problem, but I also won't overlook a misleading use of statistics. The post opens with a comparison of the number of people killed or hospitalized by cops, then compares that with the number of people killed by substances. We can do better than this."

I responded in the comment section and I added modprobes critique and my response to the article I published:

"I received a critique in the comments after publishing this article. A valid point was raised so I'm including parts of my rebuttal here. I really care about the reputation of my content so thanks to @modprobe for calling me out….Future readers of this article deserve to hear more support of my claims. I am always looking for ways to improve so I sincerely appreciate people who take their time to call me out. Peace and big love @modprobe."

I hope the ones who upvoted your comment do not agree with your assessment of my character.

Yeah really shows how active you are responding to something 2 weeks later.

I still stand by my first criticism that your post was merely a 10 minute thing with half of it being your "author signature" and you were posting old content just to make a quick buck.
Instead of bringing that up in your response you completely missed the point and attacked me personally through my account and activity here instead.

Also, it doesn't take a genius to figure out which accounts only comment on your posts and to which you reply so positively to and they to your content.

Maybe the users who upvoted my comment don't agree with my assessment of your character, but that was still not the point, it was your content all along that I was pointing at. Maybe you are the one still trying to make this personal.

I see you still have a Barry fetish.

Very professional.

Although I have re-published some content when I first started Steemit, neither of the posts you referenced above are old content. I challenge you to point out where I published either of the two pieces your referenced. @acidyo

I don't really care, the point was I wrote one critic comment and you lashed out on me and my account. Now saying what I do here is write negative comments to users - shows also how little you know about my activity on Steemit in general yet start getting all personal with me.

Maybe you saw my comment and thought that it might influence whales to "steal money from you" by which I'm referring to your comment of "losing" money by having whales flag a post they think is getting rewarded to much of the daily pool. Was that the reason you had to get all personal with my account? Because like I said in the beginning, I was just stating my opinion about your content "bitcoin hacked by the c.i.a" or whatever it was called.

Don't care enough to give you any more of my attention, I saw another thread that some user had posted about you and decided to share my opinion that I had of your content and the way you treated a criticized comment.

That's your problem @acidyo. In both threads, including this one, you lied. You lied by stating the two articles in question were old content then claimed it only took me 10 minutes to write. I called you out on it and instead of conceding your statements were lies, you said, "I don't really care..." Dude, if you expect me to just lay down and be bullied, you're delusional and don't know me very well. I won't bother you if you don't bother me. If you comment lies about me, I'm going to call you out.

This is probably what I admire most about you, Marc. You're unflinching dedication to consistent, logical thought. I got turned on to you by @jaredhowe, and I have to tell you, I have been nothing but impressed by your methodology and approach. It's one thing to say "the Constitution and pursuant statutes don't apply to me" and another thing entirely to present a case, using the tools of the state itself, that this is factually true.

Mr. @marcstevens
If you are attending Anarchapulco this year, we should have a friendly debate about the video I posted. I'm sure the debate would attract a sizable audience. We can film the debate and post it on Youtube. Are you up for the challenge? I am offering you first chance and if you can't, Joe get's the second. If he can't then this offer extends to any of the commenters under the Youtube video and this article. I posted this challenge on your Youtube Channel and never received a response.

I'm dumfounded at Mr. Stevens' analysis of my video. I did publicly apologize to Mr. Stevens in a recent Steemit article and those apologies were sincere. That said, this article is not an accurate assessment of what I said in the video or email.
Peace and Love

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