Brace yourselves...Bitcoin is hacked by the CIA

in #barrycooper8 years ago (edited)

I can't help what I know and all the evidence points to Bitcoin being polluted by the government. I agree Bitcoin is a great investment but I also believe the government has neutralized the threat of Bitcoin. Microsoft (one of the governments largest corporations) and banks and ATMs would never accept BC if it were not government controlled.

I expect a lot of emotion after you read this because people always get funny around money. You may consider smoking a joint before continuing.

I think the model of digital currency is the answer to ending government money monopolies but Bitcoin isn't the faultless answer. It's been hacked by the CIA. I don't mean a virtual hack of the block chain but they have it neutralized hence, hacked.

Even if block chain is unbreakable, and I believe it is, BC was neutralized by making it a part of the system it opposes....the banks. People use BC to hide their monetary transactions yet they convert it to currency then back to BC and then back to currency. This mean BC is no different than any other exchange except cash under the table. Furthermore, some people buy and sell BC through exchanges who they believe are legit. I suspicion the exchanges are government honey traps.

It's also suspicious that no one knows who invented or released Bitcoin. They tell us "Satoshi" created BC but there is no proof of that claim. In fact, many people believe the CIA created BC.

We know all these Bitcoin flaws are real. This should convince you the owners of this planet have used these holes to their advantage. After all, the last two threats to their monetary monopolies were bombed and executed in a gross fashion, Gaddafi and Hussein.

Ten years ago, I stated pot and all drugs should be legal and provided logic and proof that most couldn't see or wouldn't accept at the time. I also warned Silk Road was FBI hacked years before it was discovered I was correct. Most still don't get that anarchy is humankind's only hope and if we don't rid ourselves of government, we are doomed. No matter how much evidence I show statist, they reject it.

I have been ridiculed on dozens of occasions when analyzing important humanitarian institutions and philosophies. So, maybe I'm ahead of the curve on this one as I have been on many other occasions. I predict in the next few years the accusations I made about BC will be shown to be true.

By the way, I'm invested and will continue to invest in Bitcoin.

Brace yourselves! Here come the Bitcoin worshippers.

About the author: Barry Cooper

"You may have seen him on the pages of Maxim, or during one of his many appearances on CNN, Fox News and Spike TV. He’s the cop who turned against the drug war. In American pop culture right now, there’s nobody quite like him. As one of the former top drug cops working the Texas highways, he was ferocious, bringing down hundreds of people for possessing even tiny amounts of an illegal substance.In his new life as an anti-prohibition crusader and activist filmmaker, he’s just as ferocious, but now it’s his former colleagues in law enforcement who are sweating his intimidating gaze…Cooper is on a mission to free America’s pot prisoners and take down the abusive cops he once sought to emulate. In the terminology of war, Barry is an insurgent, lobbing bombs into the fourth estate as his form of penance for all the people he put behind bars on drug offenses.” —True/Slant

Barry Cooper has received global attention by being reported in over 700 newspapers and magazines including Rolling Stones, High Times, a feature in Maxim Magazine and a front cover feature in Cannabis Culture Magazine and the Texas Observer. He has been a guest on numerous radio shows and every cable news channel including MSNBC Tucker Carlson, FOX Geraldo At Large, ABC I Caught, NBC Mike and Juliet Morning Show and NPR’s, This American Life. He has also appeared as drug and legal expert in five episodes of SPIKE TV’s reality show, MANSWERS. Barry recently starred with Woody Harrelson, 50 Cent, Eminem and Susan Sarandon in the anti drug war documentary, “How To Make Money Selling Drugs.” The movie features Barry freeing prisoners.

“Barry was even better than he says he was. He had a knack for finding drugs and made more arrests and more seizures than all of the other agents combined. He was probably the best narcotics officer in the state and maybe the country during his time with the task force.” –Tom Finley, Commander Permian Basin Drug Task Force


We could speculate on whether Bitcoin has been infiltrated, or whether Snowden and Assange are psyops, or whether Killary Clinton conducts satanic rituals every fortnight, or we could judge the fruits of each and study them as they develop.

Exactly. Your comment is a wise formula for analyzing the unknown. Fist bump.

Video was prescient the first time, and I bet it's prescient this time, too.

As much as they pollution may occur, the system is still not only relevant, but has a potency and value worth investing into. Even if someone chose to do otherwise and invest into different cryptocurrencies, the existence of Bitcoins creates an environment more and more propitiatory to other currencies of the same potency or more. Thanks for the article and namaste :)

I will continue to invest in BTC as well. I look at it as systemic diversification.

FYI: BTC is the correct short version for Bitcoin.
BC would refer to another currency ;)

Whose to say bitcoin hasn't been an NSA or DARPA project from day one?

I don't necessarilly disagree with you, actually. So much is unknown about the creation of Bitcoin. And some of the exchanges have been rather faulty. Aaaand I'm pretty sure, that government agencies have "confiscated" and "bought" a shit ton of bitcoin.

  • History proves, that they're capable.

I've also moved most of my assets away from it anyway. Though, it got more to do with the annoyingly long transaction times, that have been going on for the last year or 2. Which wasn't what I signed up for, when I bought them at first. - Back then, it was close to instant transactions, and now I have to wait for hours without end.

On a sidenote. Could I get you to support our project, with shaming people, that trick young girls into giving away nude pictures of themselves, and then sharing them with eachother, and publicly?

  • Any money I earn on the post, will go towards expenses in reaching that goal.

The Danish government obviously ain't doing shit about it, and we will probably be facing jail time, once we go live with it. Since ostricizing people in Denmark, no matter what they've done. Is highly illegal. (People have gotten jailtime before, for sharing video's and pictures of violent robbers, and similar.)

Hope you'll consider, since you're the guy that you are. ^_^ <3

Aha, not that it's an excuse, but was rather drunk.

  • Did delete the link, asuming that was the issue @dantheman? Can remove it entirely, but could I at least get you to unflag it first? Lesson learned. And I humbly apologize. - Shall not happen again. <3

What @barrycooper describes is not Bitcoin being actually "hacked" but rather "anchored", that is to say it has got a large enough number of address/real-life ID mappings that are documented and accessible to financial authorities and law enforcement through exchanges KYC records that an overwhelming majority of users, including some that never KYC'd, can now be doxed by correlating them through all their transactions with other users that have been KYC'd, in what amounts to some sort of transitive doxing. It takes advanced technical skills and a flawless discipline to avoid letting any finger-prints that would allow the connection to be made.

Actually it's that bad that some undisclosed government agency has ordered to MIT a layer-2 technology to create a distributed KYC database on top of Bitcoin to make more systematic the address anchoring: Chain Anchor.

So, although I don't agree with some speculative views, @barrycooper is dead right on his core message here: "anonymity" and Bitcoin aren't exactly synonym. Now, that doesn't mean that Bitcoin isn't a major improvement over using completely centralized means of payment that are even more easily traceable. Bitcoin doesn't ask you who you are and will send any amount of money anywhere without questioning where the money came from. And in a very large number of cases, it is way too costly for law enforcement to establish a sufficient proof of the relation between a Bitcoin address and a real person that they usually won't even attempt to do it for minor victim-less crimes like minor tax evasion, buying weed etc. But for someone doing something that has a high enough profile to justify having agents dedicated to investigating the case, and who isn't a prodigy of network security, it's wise not to assume that using Bitcoin improves anonymity.

The point where I disagree is the assertion that Bitcoin is a CIA project. We truly have no evidence of that, and there are dozen equally good or even much better explanations. Even assuming Bitcoin was introduced by a government agency, NSA sounds like a more likely candidate, and we can't discount the possibility of factions within the government selectively increasing people's freedom to serve their design and further their own secret agenda. Tor is a good example of that kind of interested gift. The more recent Georges Soros leak contains many more examples.

Your comment is a fair assessment @recursive. Thanks.

Not a Bitcoin worshiper, perhaps more a Bitcoin pragmatist. From reading your article, and also from my own observations and studies into how Bitcoin works, it would appear the weak point is its interaction with government backed fiat currency. Is that a technical problem, or a societal problem? (just the fact it needs to interact with fiat). The reason I have started looking into Dash of late is, to my understanding, it takes the best of Bitcoin, but deals with Bitcoins inherent lack of true privacy. This is my rudimentary understanding of it.

So it seems the crypto world is new and evolving, somewhat rapidly when you consider it. I believe it is potentially world changing, but nothing that revolutionary goes unnoticed, and untouched, by the authorities.

But I believe in human ingenuity, so I am open to see how these issues pan out and develop and resolve themselves.

I am definitely feeling your vibes @naquoya.

One question though @barrycooper: Let's just assume the CIA has bitcoin hacked or neutralized. How would they go about manipulating or causing a positive reaction (for the government) in the Bitcoin market?

I mean I guess they'd have to come into the market after miners just can't mine anymore and then buy up a bunch? They'd have to do a bit of laundering since that would be on the blockchain....the market would definitely react to a lot of Bitcoin purchased.

The gold price has been manipulated through the paper-gold market. So in a way that too is hacked. But to me, the ultimate value of Bitcoin is the Blockchain. So like you say, it would expose certain things, at least to those who know how and where to look.

Like all revolutionary ideas and technologies, I don't doubt certain agencies have some type of involvement, but most likely after the fact. The uncertainty surrounding the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto just adds to the mystery.

Many of your points seem to completely ignore the fact that bitcoin is open source software. Neither 'hacked' nor 'polluted' apply here. Bitcoin exchanges have been hacked but the bitcoin blockchain has never been hacked.

I fully agree and stated the same in my post with this statement, " It's been hacked by the CIA. I don't mean a virtual hack of the block chain but they have it neutralized hence, hacked."
I think the only difference is you think Bitcoin cannot be polluted and I do. I love hearing diverse opinions. It helps me rethink things. Thanks for commenting. Peace and love!

lol just saying "its been hacked by the cia" is dishonest and reckless though. Because once the reader reads that, the rest of the sentence fades away into the distance, and you know that. That's your goal here. To get people to read the first sentence and let the rest fade away.

That's not what he said not hacked but "controlled" by the government .. I think he has a point.

So then why isnt the first sentence "Bitcoin is now controlled by the government" hell it could have always been controlled by the government, but controlled by the government is far less click bait than "bitcoin has been hacked!".

Hmm... maybe the title is suggestive ;-) but it's all about his message, that's how I see it.

I'm into Bitcoin too, sure, but I'll take a warning. Interesting coming from another point of view, especially with his experience.
It is no longer decentralized when we give the power to Exchanges and depend on them. (or Government Corporations) They watch our every move. Can we really trust them? Just lost a lot on Bitfinex... just saying. Bitcoin should be used by people, and kept in the hands ((paper)) wallets) of People not on Exchanges.

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