Anarchists Are Not Surprised By Political "Scandals"

in #anarchy7 years ago

This isn't complicated.

Many people in positions of power maintained by the threat of violence have a personality which enjoys dominating others.

This is why I support peaceful anarchy. Anarchy means "no rulers." It has a starting point of the non-aggression principle where no human being can rule over another human being and there is no justified reason to initiate force against another peaceful individual. Those who enjoy dominating you want you to believe the world would go down in flames without the dear leaders to protect you.

In reality, those leaders light the flames for their own benefit.

Anarchists are not surprised when another politician shows their true nature. The next "scandal" is just a matter of more people waking up to the reality this system of government creates.

Thanks to blockchain technology, for the first time in human history, networks can be more effective than hierarchies for achieving consensus. Non-natural monopolies on force and currency creation backed by theft and threats of violence are no longer needed to achieve our goals as a species, assuming we continue moving up Maslow's Hierarchy of needs as we have been for the past 100+ years. Our circle of empathy is growing, and eventually it will not allow rulers to dominate others.



i have ready the myth of authority and watched yhur description video and it looks like what is going to be a good idea. All my life i have actually hated the government and hated having to be controlled by someone but i have never thought we could exist without them

Control systems will crumble as the priests of science wither away. We are waking up to the realization that only consciousness is real, all else if virtual.

only consciousness is real, all else if virtual

What would be your best support for that worldview? I've been listening to some interesting stuff on meditation lately and how this perception can be reached.

My own experience, and the search for understanding these anomalies. This lead me to years of research and Physicist Thomas Campbell's work. His book is available online free.

He also has hundreds of videos of his lectures. Here is a link to one of his sites.

Thanks! I'll check it out. The simulation hypothesis stuff is super interesting.

Wow ... sounds like so much is evolving with crypocurrency. Not just financial system , but also political, social, cultural and economic systems will evolve with cryptocurrency. May be our behavior, nature and sentiments will also evolve with the evolution of so many systems around us . This seems to translate into the true evolution of us human beings.
Wow... it can be start of something so grand and amazing as that. I didn't think of it before reading your post. Thanks for opening my mind :)

Yes evolution is going to be in more areas than we can imagine. And its awesome.

So glad this post got you thinking in that direction. :)

I can relate the word anarchy, with others that currently define the current situation of my country.

We live in an Anarchy run by a Tyrant who are vanished autocrats who destroyed our beautiful country. Venezuela.

Puedo relacionar la palabra anarquia, con otras que actualmente definen la actual situacion de mi pais.

Vivimos en una Anarquia dirijida por un Tirano que son autocratas vandidos que destruyeron nuestro hermoso pais. Venezuela. Anarchy run by a...

I'm sorry, but I think we're using the word differently. Anarchy means "without rulers" and you're describing a terrible situation with a tyrannical ruler. That's the opposite of anarchy. You're living the direct result of not having anarchy.

Anarchy means no rulers. It means we can't aggress against each other and the initiation of force is not an option. It means we have to coordinate and cooperate for mutual benefit.

I said well. I meant the good sense of the word. It would seem that here there was not or there was a government, but there is, and they are communist thieves who are autocrats and tyrants who destroyed our country.

I'm very sorry to hear that. The belief in authority is a vile, dangerous thing.

I know brother, I know you are a very human man and with a good heart, I would also like to change the world, my friend @swissclive has spoken very well of you, and now I follow you and I sponsor as a witness in my post in English.
thank you for your good wishes. one day the world will be better.

Lo se hermano, se que eres un hombre muy humano y con buen corazón, yo también quisiera cambiar el mundo, mi amigo @swissclive me ha hablado muy bien de ti, y ahora te sigo y patrocino como testigo en mis post en ingles.
gracias por sus buenos deseos. llegaremos lejos algún día.

The world will only be what we make of it. If we choose to accept the status quo and live under violent authority that is government, we will only get more of the same.

Thank you for your support.

it is hardly the beginning. I'm going to work hard to make this a better place. I'll continue to support him as my witness in English.
tomorrow will be a great day.
If I can help you in any other way, do not hesitate to tell me. The only problem is that I am Hispanic and I do not speak English. I use a translator to communicate with you.

Your communication has been fantastic. Thankfully, technology once again enables us to connect on a deeper level, in spite of our language barriers. Thank you for that effort.

(Google translate)

Tu comunicación ha sido fantástica. Afortunadamente, la tecnología una vez más nos permite conectarnos a un nivel más profundo, a pesar de nuestras barreras idiomáticas. Gracias por ese esfuerzo.

This is one of the many things that excites me about blockchains and cryptocurrencies.

Really hoping Civic hits mainstream so at least my son might not have to worry about his identity being stollen.

People need more self-confidence in order to free themselves from their rulers. They know that some of the rulers are corrupt, but they hesitate taking the initiative of changing things. They prefer to be ruled rather than standing up and creating their own future, and I believe it is because people in general are lacking in character and in self-confidence. Why this happens is something that would take a looong time to clarify.

It is a sort of Stockholm syndrome that many people are having.

Indeed. It's sad how much we want to be ruled. I think a bit part of it comes from how we parent. Peaceful parenting is so important. We have to teach our kids to follow reason, logic, and evidence not positional authority.

Yes, yes, and yes! It's about time we collectively shine the light on the shadows Government and those running it help create. There exists immense fear of exposure and vulnerability that will create more acts of diversion in society but core global consensus type networks are just a metaphor for the change that has started.

I resteemed this awesome post.


You hit the nail on the head, my friend. I'm mean look at politics and how many politicians are narcissistic/egotistical pricks! Literally any one you can think of! it's a sick world out there! Blockchain save us!!!

Thanks for sharing this wonderful description @lukestokes

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