
Just because people are benefiting from this more than others doesn't make it any sort of hierarchy. You can compare rich to poor, whale to minnow, etc, but the money isn't everything here. You can compare anything and put it over something else. That doesn't make it a hierarchy. There will always be rich and poor people. There will always be different classes of people. People here are voluntarily using this site to try and share their thoughts and maybe make some money while they're at it.
The rich can certainly join together and vote among themselves to make more money. That is their choice and they aren't harming anybody by doing so. There are also the rich who are voting on content they like. Still their choice. The "minnows" are trying to come together and vote for each other on larger scales like with #payitforward. Still their choice and not forcing change on anyone else.
Yes you need whales to make a profit, but eventually you or I could be a whale and will be able to give others a good profit. And if I get to a level where I can give some $50, $100, or $500 in one vote, why wouldn't I talk among other people with the same power to make more money.
The thing is, those "whales" aren't forcing anyone to do anything. There are no rules and you can do what you want. Hence, anarchy.

"There will always be rich and poor people"

No there won't be . There will always be rich and poor if you keep living in monetary systems. If you cannot think outside of the box of monetary system, then certainly, this would be the only social possibility you cna think of.

"There will always be different classes of people"

No there won't be. There will always be hierarchy/classes if you keep living in social systems which are designed to support such divisions and provide conditions which support behavious and values which favour such structures. If you cannot think outside of the box of hierarchy-based systems, then certainly, this would be the only social possibility you cna think of.

"Yes you need whales to make a profit, but eventually you or I could be a whale and will be able to give others a good profit. And if I get to a level where I can give some $50, $100, or $500 in one vote, why wouldn't I talk among other people with the same power to make more money."

This is called capitalism.

"There are no rules and you can do what you want. Hence, anarchy."

You have just proved that you are completely clueless about anarchism. Anarchy means absence of rulers not rules.

Okay. You can pick apart my words if you want. Yes, there are no rulers here. Obviously there are rules. The whales are not ruling anyone because they have more power.
Rich and poor doesn't necessarily have to do anything with money. If we both grow tomatoes and you grow more than me, you will be able to trade that for more of the things you need. Maybe you worked harder, maybe I just had an insect problem. Doesn't matter. You now have more than me and are now richer because of it.
And maybe we are just thinking of a different meaning on "class" . I think of it, not as being above someone to dictate, but maybe because you've been doing it longer and have more skill. A black belt is in a different class compared to a white belt in martial arts because he had spent the time to get there and has more skill. It would be beneficial for the lower class to practice within their own level or maybe just above to get better. Because it would not be enjoyable to always be losing and would probably not persue it for very long if he was always losing because everyone starts at a black belt.

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