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RE: What Happened To Chris Cantwell and How Government Causes Racism with Adam Kokesh

in #anarchy7 years ago

Chris Cantwell was clearly acting in the Vice documentary. The whole thing a phony fake show. Either he was recruited by the Feds or he's a Mason.
Cantwell, just like Kessler (former Obama fanboy and Soros operative), turned "white nationalist" over the last 2 years.
Both then assigned leading roles in the Charlottesville PsyoP Hoax, which aimed to demonize white nationalism as well as exacerbate the divide & conquer in the US:
There's been several of these fake White Nationalist terror attacks lately (almost as many as the fake jihadi attacks).
White Nationalism is demonized because it is incompatible with the New World Order and the Kalergi Plan.
The Kalergi Plan is a masonic plan to ethno-genocide whites to create a mulatto citizen of the future to be governed by Jews and Blood Aristocracy.

There are many powerful Freemason lodges behind the implementation of the Kalergi Plan, among which Pan-Europa and the Jewish controlled Lodges. Obviously someone is funding the NGOs ferrying migrants across the Mediterranean.
pan-europa (1).jpg

I consider myself a citizen of the world and don't believe in borders, but orchestrated mass immigration (from Africa so not even refugees!) to Europe just to bring about the New World Order and create a new mixed-race world citizen to be ruled by Jews doesn't sit well with me.

Jews love the muslim and african invasion of Europe, yet don't want any such migrants in Israel and still use DNA testing for Israeli citizenship.
It's clear what's going on but pointing out these facts will get you labelled as racist and anti-semite and in some european countries even locked up for "hate speech".
While I don't think White Nationalism makes much sense in America (whites are not indigenous there), in Europe it might be the only way for indigenous europeans not to go extinct in the long run, especially in Western Europe.


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