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RE: The Land of the Delusional and the Home of the Cowards

in #anarchy6 years ago

"The political expression of altruism is collectivism or statism, which holds that man’s life and work belong to the state—to society, to the group, the gang, the race, the nation—and that the state may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good."
Ayn Rand


This is altruism: Altruism is the principle and moral practice of concern for happiness of other human beings, resulting in a quality of life both material and spiritual. Not sure why Ayn said that.. doesn’t make sense to me. Is it Sarcasm?

" There are two moral questions which altruism lumps together into one “package-deal”: (1) What are values? (2) Who should be the beneficiary of values? Altruism substitutes the second for the first; it evades the task of defining a code of moral values, thus leaving man, in fact, without moral guidance.

Altruism declares that any action taken for the benefit of others is good, and any action taken for one’s own benefit is evil. Thus the beneficiary of an action is the only criterion of moral value — and so long as that beneficiary is anybody other than oneself, anything goes. "

Ayn Rand

It’s not Altruism unless it voluntary. Imho.

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