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RE: Applied Philosophy Of Anarchy

in #anarchy6 years ago

I really enjoy this topic. Thanks for the link.
My initial reaction is "what's in a name?" I appreciate etymology and overstand the significance of word usage. In this case though, it seems to focus on labeling and defining while missing the actual deeper point, which is to ask "what do YOU believe on this topic, and how do YOU live your life in this regard?"
Rather than figure out what 'true anarchy really is', and then seeing if you fit that definition or not.... just tell me! You did that eventually more or less.
If you pressure me to label my current position on anarchy, I'd say I'm more agnostic than anarchist! Ideally (and eventually) we will be essentially anarchist, through evolution of our consciousness. Government will play no role over our lives. How we get there from the current situation of large and intrusive government is up for debate. I'd like to do it without any major catastrophes for the people (like population dieoffs, fascist control systems, etc). An instant "cold turkey" transition would likely be the source of incredible magnitudes of human suffering. Still, I favour as quick a transition as safely possible. Ideally, we can get there soon, without anyone having to miss their daily hot shower. :)
I see widespread cannabis and hemp use (and the end of prohibition it would take to do so) as one of the quickest and most likely to succeed things we can do. I think it would be no less than another renaissance. And (ironically?) a gateway to even greater advances.
I'm going to read this again and think more about it. Thanks!


Thanks for the feedback!

The main topic of this essay is about defining the term and philosophy, as this is one of most misunderstood words in the English language. The current definitions are also used to show the intentional camouflage of the original concept.

It's not really so much about trying to "figure out what 'true anarchy really is', and then seeing if you fit that definition or not..., but rather about exposing language manipulation, how it is used to skew our perceptions and most importantly; bringing up concepts that provoke deeper thought!

I am very weary of labeling myself anything, especially Anarchist, as labels are only as accurate as others current perception of the idea.

Whatever you want to call it, the reason we have "rulers" is because we don't rule ourselves.

Thanks for kicking up the convo!

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