I might use Steemit again.

in #anarchy6 years ago

I've been off here for awhile for a number of reasons that I'll get into, but one of my biggest supporters over my time producing content urged me to get back on here, to crosspost what I've been doing elsewhere. What's elsewhere? JeremiahHarding.com - your new destination for everything I do! That line was mildly in jest, sure, but to be clear, I haven't posted on here for some relatively serious reasons. So let me hit those before y'all get any ideas that I just got bored or something. I'll keep it short.

The first reason is financial in nature. I've moved two states away from my friends and family because basically nobody with a room would take literal rent money I had, even though I had steady work coming soon, after I would've gotten settled.Why? They all asked to see my social media, and basically left me on read after seeing it. Y'all have helped me before, so I didn't want to burden you with my finances again, but for multiple reasons detailed in that post on my site, to say I've been struggling for months is an understatement. I'm still back on rent and not sure how much longer I can keep this roof. So I've been trying to make things work on my site, taking graphics and web gigs wherever I can, and generally working my ass off to not be homeless, and while it hasn't really been working, it's been steadier than it was previously, and stabler than Steemit ever was, because ultimately, I'd make $2 a day on Steemit... on a good day. But all that aside, other reasons exist.

Awhile back, one of my posts here was flagged by SteemCleaners for "spam", when it both clearly and obviously wasn't. That false flag made the bot half the money my whole post made because some dolphin upvoted it... insulting. Like... I wish I had a bot that made me money for being a lying asshole. But I jest - if I was willing to lie for money, I'd be a great politician. Yet, this situation is not unique to me. I've come back off and on to read posts here, and some of those posts were about how people would get downvoted by petty people - not because of any real spam, but because liars were trying to suppress their content. One of the reasons I started my own site was because I saw how toxic Steemit had become, with vain popularity contests, cliques, and more, at the top of the scene, and censorship rampant. The "decentralized" platform had succumb to mob rule in many ways, and I wanted a place to post that wouldn't censor my content. Facebook has suppressed me many times, and so has Twitter. This place basically threatened to do the same with no reason, and likely damaged my name in the process. It's done the same to many others, as well. So I was discouraged.

The other reason is how much is required to convert my posts to markdown. I know HTML well, as someone who works in that sector. Constantly looking up how to do certain things wasn't appealing in concept or practice. That, combined with the fact that converting posts from elsewhere, and actively making original content for this site not only seems a gamble against cleaners and cliques arbitrarily nixing it, but against the possibility of making less than a tenth of minimum wage a day, and it seemed my time would be better spent elsewhere. Like starting my own podcast on my own site where almost nobody can tell me to do shit with any authority or gravity whatsoever. Feel free to subscribe to The Weekly Hellscape  on Google Play, Stitcher, and TuneIn - iTunes rejected me and Spotify's rules suck.

But that all brings me to this place - I'd love to be a success story on here, but it just didn't happen last time. Also I saw peoples' contests and airdrops being promoted more than original content, and a lot of shitposting where a whole post would be one image. Generally, the spam can get treated as gold, and the spam removal tools are abused to serve select groups. My content didn't do the absolute worst, but it didn't do well enough to give me more than a dollar or two most days. Might as well just panhandle at that rate. But I'm willing to give this place another shot - especially since one of my most consistent, biggest supporters wants it. We'll see how it goes.

If you just want to support me, anyway, here are some links. I make the point frequently that if a fraction of my followers on all platforms could throw a dollar a day at what I do, I could go full time. Would mean tons to me to finally be able to focus and worry less, so I could do this without distraction. Thanks so much, should you choose to.

Patreon: https://patreon.com/insanityisfree

Subscribestar: https://www.subscribestar.com/insanityisfree

Bitbacker: https://bitbacker.io/user/insanityisfree

Coinbits: https://coinbitsapp.com/$insanityisfree

Venmo: http://venmo.com/insanityisfree

PayPal: https://paypal.me/insanityisfree 


But all of that aside, there are 1000+ people following me here. Assuming most aren't bots (it's Steemit, after all), that's too many people to walk away from without giving this place another shot. So I'll be doing that, beginning today.

See y'all in the breach.


Hey!!! Good to see you are coming back???!?!?!

We have been doing multiple weekly podcasts and you are more than welcome to come on the show anytime and talk about whatever you are working on to get the word out/new business. Tue/Thur from 8PM to 10PM EST, Saturday 7PM EST to 9PM EST.

Upvoted and resteemed at 100%

@truthforce writing.

Speaking of the Information war, I went to check and see if Project Veritas was on Steemit. The account @projectveritas exists, but is it them?

I don't believe so.

You have very good content that is hard hitting and not the regular BS everyone else in your field is trying to do. I strongly believe you will do very well here and build a much larger following very quickly!

I can't remember too many of the details about the Steemcleaners bot, but it is a bot and the case could have been resolved. They have a Discord and I've helped them numerous times in the past to clean up the real spam on here. Them flagging you had to just be a mistake, and it was an automatic one that would require a human to correct. If it happens again, we can get it fixed.

This place is a bit of a popularity contest, so the way voting and flagging work can be very frustrating. It has gotten better though, and there are a ton of very good people. Most of those are staunch individual liberty defenders like yourself as well.

The conversion from your webpage to here is any easier now? Having it does make sense for the reasons you listed, and you can draw in more support from this site as you do on fascistbook, twitter, and others. I've resteemed your post for what it is worth. We learned before that resteems don't do much good. They can do a little good though from time to time, and I don't resteem anything unless I strongly believe in it.

Your work? Absolutely. It's needed. People need to get angry damn it, for we are losing the fight. I'm tired of giving ground too. The more warriors we have in this fight the better, and I do everything I can to help those at the tip of the spear as you are. Thanks for all you do, friend.

P.S. I open your webpage every day looking for updates and your weekly podcasts to listen to.

Thanks for the consistent support - I literally can't do this without people like you, and maybe this place is the next step. We'll see how this goes. Gonna crosspost my pro-gun post now.

I'll be sending you some upvotes and my SP as much as I can to get you rolling too.

welcome back!

Big changes here and alot of confusion https://steemit.com/steem/@steemitblog/social-condenser-is-live

Landlords really wanted to read you social media accounts?!!?!?!?!?!

I see on steemd.com that there's this new thing called resource credits? Can you explain that at all, @movingman? I've been away for a long time, and it seems there have been quite a few changes. I really like the ones I've seen so far too!

Resource credits are like bandwidth. It was reprogrammed and named in HF20 to try to curb abuse of SPAM accounts.

Basically, it is a fancy way to limit how much people can spam on the blockchain in comparison to their SteemPower.

To stop accounts with 0 stake from being able to generate tons of transactions.

As a side effect it also stops some real users from being able to transact as well.

I thank you for the information! If Jeremy has problems with bandwidth, I'll give him some of my SP as necessary. Since his written articles are so long at times, I am concerned he might run into the old bandwidth problems I had. @hilarski had to step in to help a brother out to get me up and rolling. Thanks again, Randy! I'll never forget how you helped me so much in the beginning.

It looks like the same bandwidth we had before, but they just changed the name. Hmmm

It probably is - maybe trying to rake in more people without using tech words.

Yeah, I thought that was nuts too. I really need to get my castle built, for I'll have plenty of space for my friends and their loved ones. People at my work and in my life see my content though, and they ridicule and mock me as well. Some of them fear me too because of it. I make them uncomfortable because of my strong beliefs. That's their fault though, not mine. I can't help that they are weak and close minded.

I wonder what happens when someone doesnt use social media lol, that would shock an employee!

People get a heart attack to the fact I have no bank account anywhere hahahah

I am no longer on Twitter and the others. I have an account on Facebook, but I don't check it unless my wife mentions sharing something I might want to see. The only place I'm putting my time into now is Steemit. Most people can't be away from social media for very long, and it seems to be very addictive. Is Steemit the same? I don't think it is. The place wasn't designed to keep your attention 24/7 and make you mindless. Here you have to actively look for what you want and participate!

i have never once blogged anything on a social media site before here!

I did use facebook for a few years before 2015 but then they asked me to do a KYC so i opened a new account. I lost lots of contacts from travels and photos but still better than to abide by the data mafia! I got a new one but then didnt use it so much and stopped using it a while ago, although you can only deactivate it and cant really delete it?!

hahahah FaceCoin! Whats your thoughts on that bullshit then :P

I despise facebook and think it is funny that they would try to do what Steem has done. It just isn't possible. One day soon facebook will be like Myspace and die a well deserved death.

I heard something about a 'link tax'? Where sites like FB will have to pay taxes to post links up etc, which should crumble it to the ground :)

Great to have you posting here again!

I've already lost it with Twitter and Voat... smh

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