
I appreciate you trying to present 'evidence' that kafka is lying. And I have read everything in the post you mention. However, it doesn't take away anything about the fact that Kokesh, or in this case, one of his staff (who obviously worked on Kokesh's behalf) was trying to hire a hacker to do...well, whatever they were trying to do. That's wrong. Period. And as Larken describes: typically something politicians are known to do. Someone disagrees, questions and they try to silence them. I am not saying that there was ever a threat to his life, since we're not talking about the Kennedy's here, but still, trying to hire someone to do anything to anyone is just plain wrong. Even if it would just be to make Kafka look bad (which is also wrong). This kind of behavior can spin out of control in no time...History should have taught us that.

and i appreciate you reviewing the evidence.

however... ben asked for nothing that you wouldn't ask from a private investigator, lawyer, or public relations firm.

this kind of confusion over bens motives always follows when people take private communications and publicize them without consent or context

So the screenshots were Ben?

according to you... unless you're lying

You are using them as evidence I am lying. So, they’re authentic?

jesus. you can't be that dumb. let me reword this for you simply.

IF the screenshots you provided are not a lie... then it still is very clear that ben asked for nothing that you wouldn't ask from a private investigator, lawyer, or a public relations firm.

do you understand that now?

I didn’t know public relations firms and PIs targeted people and tried to locate them physically (for unknown purposes) for simply writing opinion articles on a blog. Ben did say I was “really fucking with our money over on Steemit” because a donor pulled back. But I didn’t steal. I wrote an article. Are PIs and PR firms hired to shut people up like that?

Hmm. Maybe I am dumb.

Again, I do appreciate you commenting back here. I don't know you, so I don't have anything against you. However, with what you are saying, you are not making the case for Ben (Adam?) any better. So maybe it wasn't a hacker he/they were trying to hire. Maybe it was a private investigator...So here's my question: why on earth would one want to hire a PI for this? For Kafka in this case. In my opinion, the wise and healthy thing to do is to communicate with the person in question (Kafka), maybe explain things as to the why and what, and try to leave the conversation in a friendly manner. Kafka or anyone else doesn't have to agree with Ben/Adam, but it would surely gain more respect. Instead, this matter seems to have gotten out of hand and he/they tried to hire a hacker, or PI or whoever, to solve their issues. I stand behind my first opinion: that is wrong. If these kinds of things happen, it shows that this man (Ben/Adam) can't discuss issues with people, let's others handle his issues with others and therefore can't really be trusted. How would it be possible to trust such a person in the future? Now, don't get me wrong. I am not personally attacking anyone here. I like Kafka, because from the beginning of my time here, he seemed like one of the most genuine people, but of course, I don't know him in person, so you never know. As for Adam, I liked him in the beginning too. Now, the ideas he has are not what I would have, but that's OK, I don't have to agree with everyone. But this 'thing' is spinning out of control far too much.

i personally do not know bens objectives. what i do know for a fact is that this had nothing to do with myself, adam, or anyone else currently on the team. my best answers to your questions would be a guess at best.

but i don't assume that ben had ill intent. ben thought that his communication was going to remain private... with someone he thought that he could trust. if he wanted to be evil, he would have no reason to soften his words.

kafka has a long history of trolling. it's what he does. the conversation between ben and kafka's cyber terrorist has been so twisted, guessed at, and made into fact that even i get confused at times.

however, at the end of the day... when i read carefully and without bias through kafka's evidence... i see ben having all the chances to ask for harm, but never asking.

You're right. I don't see that anywhere either. However, the sentence: 'He lives in Japan, so there's no other way to reach him', could be understood as: 'If he lived closer, we could try something else.' To be honest, I think it's that one sentence that makes it all a bit creepy to me. If I read this about me, I wouldn't feel very comfortable either...

As for the trolling... First of all, I don't read all of kafka's comments or replies to someone, so I can't say with certainty if that's the case. What I do know, is that he is a smart man who wants answers. He questions Adam's motives and he has every right to do so. If Adam were an actor, no one would care, but he's not. He wants to be in a very serious role and with that, he will have to answer very serious questions. And if people ask these questions, and there is no proper answer in reply, I would get annoyed too and become more assertive than before. It is human nature to want to know more, and if this is not satisfied, some people just don't take no for an answer (in this case, no discussion). There's a huge difference between wanting answers to serious questions and trolling.

I have been here on Steemit since June 2017 and Kafka was one of the first people I followed, because what he does and writes caught my interest and like I said: I think he is one of the most genuine people here. However, I have never seen him get this passionate about a discussion with someone as he is now, so I figure this must be with a very good reason.

i get where you're coming from. i do.

i do think that what ben was talking about is a difficult thing to discuss because those were private communications... we don't know intent. i could go through your text messages and find something that out of context could look nefarious just as you could to me. that's the problem with publicizing peoples private communication and then guessing at the intent.

finally... i do hope that you only embolden your criticism and skepticism. i work on the campaign. i am still skeptical to adam. i am critical of adam. and that's a good thing and how all intelligent people operate. so i'm glad that you are critical and skeptical. i'm glad that you are asking questions and not jumping on bandwagons. continue seeking truth always. unfortunately, i myself don't have all the answers that you wish that i did. but never stop looking if you're passionate about knowing.

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