Zombie Allegiance to the Flag of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA ... A Sobering Look at a Pet Statist Ritual

in #anarchy8 years ago

Let's break down the "pledge of Allegiance." What does it REALLY mean and should we make it MANDATORY for EVERY American to participate in saying it?

I created this video last night after seeing an incredibly blatant push for Statist ritualism on Fox News. Guarantee it's worth your time. Check it out!

Here's the word breakdown of one of the greatest pet rituals in the Statist Religion.

"I pledge" (solemn promise, giving yourself as security for the fulfillment of a contract)

"allegiance" (the commitment of a subordinate)

"to the flag of the United States of America" (You know the united states, according to 28 US Code 3002, Chapter 15 part “A” is a CORPORATION, right?)

"and to the republic for which it stands" (a republic is a representative government, government literally means “mind control.” You know, that government that reason or eloquence, but force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master) but people all over claim that we are a democracy which is a majority rule scenario. That’s certainly not freedom. (In describing the concept of a democracy, statist Benjamin Franklin rightly defined it as two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner) so, in fact, we are neither a democracy nor a republic, we are an oligarchy, ruled by elite bankers and corporate giants, who ensure the creation of laws which thus creates criminals of those who occupy the ranks of the non- ruling class, which is everybody but them.

"One nation under God" (what if someone didn’t want to be considered as someone “under God,” what if, one day, that God is considered by the majority as Islam’s God Allah? Would you be okay saying THAT pledge of allegiance? Shouldn’t people have the freedom to opt out of that?

"Indivisible" (really we are indivisible when the Mainstream media and political puppets are always trying to stoke the fires of racial segregation and economic inequality?

"With liberty and justice for all." (In America? The leading incarceration nation on the entire planet? Where is the justice in being fined and jailed for years and having your life ruined because some bureocrat decided that you can’t be in possession of a certain plant, or you had to register your vehicle, or you couldn’t fish without permission from the government. Individual liberty has been long removed from our national landscape and replaced with collectivist ideologies which crush the man, woman or child who just want to be left alone. We are so indebted to this US corporation that we’ve leveraged the very lives of our children’s childrens children and beyond and burdened them with a trans-generational debt load, they will never be able to bear. )

I'm Brian, anarchist, owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT the viewer.

Thanks for watching/reading. If you enjoyed this or, if it impacted you in any positive way, consider sharing, commenting and upvoting! Revenue generated goes back into creating even more "in-your-face" videos. Peace!


I find it so amazing how angry people become when discussing "the pledge". People seem to try and create a false nostalgia, and pretend things were so much better years ago when they all said the pledge, ate apple pie and loved the 4th of July. Complete crap! If you feel the need to "pledge", pledge allegiance to yourself, your family and your future.

I totally agree!

or pledge allegiance to liberty, not to the destroyer of liberty.

"The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened."

  • John F. Kennedy

...when we force people to do anything, it is a degrading of everything that 'pledge' stands for in the first place... ...or at least what the statist masses believe it to mean.

"Free" humans must have independent will... ...even a out loud thought must remain free by all measures... ...if not doing what the crowd is doing makes you un-Patriotic then you are prob a step ahead of those standing and giving their souls mentally to a monster that cares not one iota for them.

...great work as usual.

I watched this video and follow you on youtube.
It is a great subject and i have a personal story to go along with it.
When i was in 8th grade, i started to do as my father taught me and question everything, including the "Pledge." One day i decided that i would not participate anymore. I believe i stood up and when everyone started to recite, i stood silent with my arms by my side. My teacher looked at me, but said nothing (i wish i knew what she was thinking, oh man, i wish she could see me know -> i just finished my doctorate).
I heard nothing of the matter all day long, she didnt say a word to me.
Later, after school i went to the movies with a few of my girlfriends. We were in the middle of the film when my sister walked into the theatre and told me we had to leave now, dad was in the car waiting and he was furious. I was very angry and left in a huff, i had no idea why i was being punished. As i got in the car my dad started to yell at me, nothing new, i was becoming very rebelious around that time. I asked what i did and he told me that my teacher called him at work ant told him that i was being insubordinate. He had to leave work early to come and pick me up.
Then I asked him, now very angry. "Did she tell you what I did?!"
He said it didn't matter, i need to learn to behave.
Thin i said, "I didn't recite the fucking pledge of allegiance!"
The car got quiet, he said sorry (this was huge, apologies never came as a single word back then, they were always followed with a "but").

This story should give a little insight into the dogma of statism. It is such a horrendous deed to not engage the system that all those around the "problem" must be punished as well. My father lost wages to discipline his unruly child that chose not to submit.

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