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RE: Communism and gun control.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

guerrilla tactics

They account for nothing this day and age, where you don't even know that you've already been killed by the man in a van outside your apartment building.

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That's a damn shame. I was thinking of simply using upvotes like the last time, but this new tactic of his is disheartening. Something that's clearly not spam should not be advertised (spammed) as spam.


Sure sounds to me like the man in that van was using some guerrilla tactics to me.

Poisons, assassinations, equipment appropriation, hit and runs, most explosives not dropped from a plane or shot from a super expensive piece of artillery, pretending not to be a combatant, etc, all counts towards guerrilla tactics.

Lets not forget that the US and Russian militaries, two of the three strongest in the world, have repeatedly been beaten by inferior enemy forces employing such tactics, even on foreign soil where the conventional forces have more wiggle room.

I know you have heard of the Green Berets before as almost everyone the world over has. (America has a very famous military all around.) Did you they exist primarily to teach others how to effectively wage guerrilla warfare? Their secondary purpose is to wage that same type of warfare until their training is done and the otherwise civilian force can replace them.

In fact among some members of certain circles the Green Berets are held to be the most honorable of US forces with rumors stating they have been directly charged with aiding any popular anti-government revolutions here in the states.

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