Communism and gun control.

in #anarchy6 years ago

With the last few decades showing an increase in mass shootings, including in schools, many people now clamor for gun control, begging the same people who routinely commit genocide to take away guns from the proletariat. Many members of right wing organizations who support gun rights believe the fallacy that gun control is a left wing, particularly "communist" idea. The truth however shows that governments who seize guns are more typically right wing governments like Nazi Germany and the British Empire.

In fact, as I was just pointing out to some rather childish gun control supporters on facebook, you can not be both a communist and support gun control, it literally goes against the spirit and word of communism. In order for communism to work, the proletariat must be able to defend themselves and each other.

As Karl Marx, one of two people who are widely considered the "fathers" of communism said,

The whole proletariat must be armed at once with muskets, rifles, cannon and ammunition, and the revival of the old-style citizens’ militia, directed against the workers, must be opposed.


Now while literally trillions of dollars and millions of lives have been spent to demonize communism in the western world, it not only remains true, but is more clearly so because of said expenditure, that communism is to put it simply, power to the people. However this is not the only group of people who support gun rights, in fact disparity often breeds similarity, as mentioned above, some modern right wing organizations support gun right and have since the political climate change that saw the left and right wings of politics change in the USA.

Among these groups are the libertarians (originally a left wing term and still so in much of the non-American world,)and republicans. Now while I disagree with these groups on most things as I believe humans have basic rights beyond bearing arms, having religion, and owning property, and they typically do not. But, I will go on record as saying that in order to preserve the little bit of freedom and peace which still exists in this world, I will side with a gun rights activist regardless of his political affiliation before I side with a would be communist who wants to give the bourgeoisie even more power.

communist gun.jpg

So to summarize, gun control is bad as evidenced by its historical use leading to slavery and genocide, I as a communist will side with my most antithetical socioeconomic opponents to protect gun rights, because, without weaponry no group can defend itself from those who would subvert and destroy them.

Taking away guns from the innocent only empowers the guilty. Upvote and resteem if you agree we need to unite and defend our gun rights as it is required to defend all other rights.


I like your post, and the angle you come at it from, but I disagree with people freely able to get guns. I took a course in firearm safety and had to apply to obtain a license to obtain and possess firearms. I could have jumped through more hoops and got a restricted firearm permit, but I really have no use for a handgun.

Relatively speaking, we have very few shootings here, and even fewer instances of mass shootings, and I have never thought that anyone was going to try to take something that was mine at gunpoint.

I'm not a communist though, but I would like to live in a commune.

I do believe that safety classes, or better yet mandatory gun education in schools should be a thing. But denying humans the right to defend themselves is wrong, and dangerous.

Agreed. Oh, and I made a binance account. Make sure they paid you.

Oh, lol they actually pay both the referrer and referee when the latter makes a certain amount of trade value.

Crap, I think I was supposed to put this on the other post. Haha

Oh well, I don't mind having a comment here too. lol

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It doesn't really matter what kind of guns the proletariat has, the governments of the world have much more efficient weaponry.

Very common misconception. Many people who have never been a part of or faced off against guerrilla tactics share that misconception. Throughout history very few revolutions have been won by the superior force. Even going to modern history we have every America war from Korea and Vietnam to the modern "war on terror" as evidence that armed civilians are capable of winning a war against a force with superior numbers, weaponry and other equipment, training, and violence of action.

Vietnam is perhaps the best example as the Vietnamese not only fought off the US and its many allies, but did so after over two decades of continuous war against the Japanese and the French.

Out side of US examples you can look at the current war in Syria, with the Syrian military fighting against the terrorists for nearly a decade now. Of course this example isn't the best as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the other terrorists inside Syria have been supported by NATO and a few others for the duration.

In a civil war the military is even more limited than usual. They know they are fighting their own friends and family, they are unable to do widespread bombings or shellings, everything they do to establish or strengthen martial law turns more citizens into rebels, chemical and biological warfare are a no go, and the rebels can easily destroy railways, bridges, the power grid, factories, industrial centers, etc, etc.

Guns in the hands of good men are so important that the US airdropped single shot pistols to resistance members during WWII. Single shot pistols were thought to be useful in a global war with hundreds of millions of people involved.

So all told, the power or efficiency of your weaponry matters far less than you might think. Another way of putting it would be to point out that Germany had the best tanks in WWII, but routinely faced losses due to their inability to maneuver them effectively. In the real world, power isn't everything.

This post will be downvoted by bots. Do not waste your upvote.

guerrilla tactics

They account for nothing this day and age, where you don't even know that you've already been killed by the man in a van outside your apartment building.

This post will be downvoted by bots. Do not waste your upvote.

That's a damn shame. I was thinking of simply using upvotes like the last time, but this new tactic of his is disheartening. Something that's clearly not spam should not be advertised (spammed) as spam.

Sure sounds to me like the man in that van was using some guerrilla tactics to me.

Poisons, assassinations, equipment appropriation, hit and runs, most explosives not dropped from a plane or shot from a super expensive piece of artillery, pretending not to be a combatant, etc, all counts towards guerrilla tactics.

Lets not forget that the US and Russian militaries, two of the three strongest in the world, have repeatedly been beaten by inferior enemy forces employing such tactics, even on foreign soil where the conventional forces have more wiggle room.

I know you have heard of the Green Berets before as almost everyone the world over has. (America has a very famous military all around.) Did you they exist primarily to teach others how to effectively wage guerrilla warfare? Their secondary purpose is to wage that same type of warfare until their training is done and the otherwise civilian force can replace them.

In fact among some members of certain circles the Green Berets are held to be the most honorable of US forces with rumors stating they have been directly charged with aiding any popular anti-government revolutions here in the states.

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