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RE: Mother Aya Wellness April 2018 Retreat

in #anarchy6 years ago

Ok. Interesting venture. I just emailed you with some questions. Thank you for expanding the AnarchoForko concept out of the box. I just wish you would expand the thing past 12 at a time, if at all possible. ...or begin doing it 2 times per month so we can do marketing for "group packages"... including NO PASSPORT transportation in and back out of Mexico, plus availing a dwelling and vehicle during the stay. Are you connected with a travel agent there? I know it's a "retreat", but I envision many coming to Alcopulco for 2-4 weeks... maybe even attracting libertarian "snowbirders" who normally go to Florida. [email protected] Anyone. Anytime


The shaman can only hold 12 people at a time, and I feel that a small group is better when we work with plant medicine. I'll email you back tomorrow with all the information you need.


Thank you, ma'am. I look forward to the email. Thusly, I ask: Is there a "supply" of shamans available to assist you if more than one group of 12 became interested in attending during the same time frame? Or is this going to be a "one woman orchestrated band" enterprise? (assembly? How do you colloquially define this business/activity you are promoting?). The closest thing I can relate to is combining Chin Na and Tai Chi, which was connected with the Kung Fu training I received back in the mid '90s to '01. So forgive me for my ignorance in this realm if I am inaccurate or overly questioning. I do realize what you are teaching presents the path to a perfect antidote for the debilitating anger in marxist feminazi SJWs... and ESSENTIAL to infuse into a "unplanned" community if we ever expect to see enough women embrace NAP and think clearly.

Right now, we are overwhelmed by the spirit accurately illustrated in this meme:
who invited the libertarian.JPG

I believe you may hold the key to overcome the "sausageFest" Libertavia has been for the 47 years of its history. What do you think the ratio of men/women was at Anarchopulco 2018

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