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RE: Why I Respect the DAO Hacker But Not The DollarVigilante

in #anarchy8 years ago

I dont understand the hate towards Jeff, regardless of what your opinion about him is, he is a good businessman and entartaining person. I have been watching his Anarchast podcast for long where he interviews many anarchists, and discusses good ideas with them.


I explain in detail where i dissagree with his ways. Have you read the post?

I don't know how can you compare a thief to a well respected freedom advocate?

The DAO hack was clearly a theft, the code doesn't matter, exploiting vulnerability to steal money is theft nontheless. I am anarchist, but this "code is the law" is nonsense, laws don't create morality, just as government laws are immoral, the same way exploiting private contract-code law is also immoral.

Freedom Advocate? just because he says he is it doesn't make him so. His page is full of propaganda. head to toe. No objective analysis. I am anarchist myself and I am appaled from his ways.

The DAO allowed tha vulrenability. code is law. free market in all its glory

So based on the same logic if somebody finds a vulnerability in your online bank account platform he can legally and morally empty your bank account?

The DAO investors have agreed to the code, but they haven't agreed to the vulnerability and the unforeseen thefts that could occur.

The same way if an armed robber would enter in their office, they would obviously file charges against him, and not say " well we agreed to the code, which implies that armed robbers can rob us anytime".

I agree and disagree with both of you. I don't really know much about @dollarvigilante and if so many people follow him, he must have some good content. However, @kyriacos is very right in pointing out the problems of centralization. This is also my criticism of anarcho-capitalism. I like many ideas from it and it's better than communism and statism, but it inevitable creates situations of centralization and inequality in the long run. I believe that idealizing any ideology is an illusion, including anarchism and atheism. Humanity will forever be in a struggle between various ideas, and any idea will always favor some form of centralization in some individuals. Life is a perpetual struggle; there will be no utopia or equality.

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