Debating Dogma. Fighting Taboos and Compelled Speech

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)


Before you feel triggered, I do believe that what you believe is true for you.
The belief in your world is what makes you. No one wants to take it away from you.
If you however want to question your worldview, through logic and rational argument, the objective truth can be reached, in most cases.

The problem for me starts, when having a different opinion is categorizing me as a member of an inherently evil group of bigots. This is bigotry by definition. It is evil. It results in initiation of violent aggression towards someone who uses words you do not want them to use.

If you start with insults, you will never convince anyone to your values. If my view is narrow, it is your subjective view, which, if you have nothing to support it with, makes you the person of a narrow view.
You are free to think who you are is true. It is nobody's business. Please do not impose it on others.

Why is it your business what others think of you? If you are so sure of who you are, why someone else thinking differently is important? What does it change if you impose your opinion on others?
Changing minds with a well thought-through argument, supported with evidence is the civilized way of changing opinions. Calling people bigots, is just bigotry.

Why would you want to dictate others what to think based on what you think about yourself? The subjective reality is in your head. If it corresponds with subjective realities of everyone, it becomes the objective reality of given level of evolution of human awareness. Your subjective reality cannot be forced upon other subjective realities. Your freedom cannot be at cost of freedoms of others.

Addressing the reality by what you think, not by what I think is a favor. It should not be mandatory. It should not be expected. It should be a polite request, the same as when schizophrenia patients want you to talk to their invisible friends or Body Dysphoria patients want you to not see their limb, that is there.
I can entertain this delusion, they think is real, but I do not have to. It does not make me a bigot.

If you want me to address an invisible person, which is an invisible woman hiding in a man for example, I have the right to refuse, based on how I see the world. The way you think about the world cannot be imposed on the way I see the world.

I do not just think I am a man. I have all science to support it. 99,95% of people do not have an issue identifying themselves as man or woman. It is not a choice. I was born a man. If you were born a woman, but think of yourself as a man, or whatever undefinable infinity of gender, according to biology, medicine and all science we have, you are a woman, who thinks she is something else.

No amount of thinking you are something makes you that. It is a disorder that causes a delusion that creates those thoughts that are incompatible with your body's integrity.

There is no science to support that someone is whatever they think they are. I can tell you I think I am a bird. I may believe it really and truly. You can pretend I am a bird, but you will know you are pretending. The difference is that I do not know I am pretending. It feels really true to me. It is not my fault. But I will never fly.

It is the same as when a man thinks he is a woman. He, thinking he is a she, will need a prostate exam and will not get pregnant, no matter how hard he thinks he is a she.
This is what the Body Integrity Dysphoria is. The disorder makes people think they are not what they are.

It is fine, as long as you do not think someone is an ignorant, evil bigot for having own thoughts. Imposing your view on others and categorizing 99,95% of people as bigots, because they see the reality differently, is being a bigot and it is evil.

We are what the science says, which is the objective reality of current level of evolution of human awareness.

Gender fluidity is a very new concept that is based on very flawed theory of an alleged pedophile, who was forcing children to pretend an imaginary sex, taking naked photos of them touching etc. to get weird kick out of it. Brainwashing is not science. There is nothing else to support this theory. Indoctrination is evil.

If there is an exception from norm, it is an exception from order, therefore a disorder. There is nothing prejudice about knowing how language works.
There is an objective reality that is made of the subjective realities of the humanity. The exception from norm, is an exception from order of things, therefore a disorder. It is not debatable.

I am not to be forced to believe someone is whatever they think they are, because it is evil.
If you think I should be forced, you are evil.

Compelled speech does negatively influence my life. You calling me a dumb, in-tolerate jackass, narrow-minded bigot, evil asshole... and many more open-minded and tolerant terms, implies that you would like to use force against me, to hurt me when I use words you do not want me to use. This is being a jackass, a bigot and it is evil.

Is my thinking oppressing you? Are my words I choose to address the reality as I see it, that happens to be how 99,95% of people see it? Expressing the objective reality and not submitting to your subjective reality is oppressing you?
Do you have to oppress me? My freedom of speech and thought, to feel less oppressed?

I do not choose my gender. No one does.
You do not have a disorder because you are a minority. You have a disorder when you call a cat a dog, the Sun in your opinion is the Moon and when a man for you is a woman. Whether it is you yourself or someone else it is a delusion to think they are what they are not, just because you think so.

The disorder is when you do not address the reality as it is described by science, therefore objective reality as the humanity perceives it. Liking chocolate ice-cream over vanilla is a personal choice. Gender is not personal choice for anyone, apart from people with a disorder.

No one is saying trangender people do not exist. Transgender people exist throughout history, but so do people with other disorders. It does not make their distorted view of reality the objective reality for everyone.
People should not be expected to talk to invisible people, because schizophrenia existed for thousands of years.
I should not be expected to talk to the invisible man hiding in a woman.

There is a strong connection of transmania with fall of cultures and empires throughout history.

There is very strong evidence of consequences of trying to make people equal instead of treating them equally.

People with many thought-body integrity disorders exist. It is a very well know scientific fact.
It is also a very well known scientific fact that you do not become what you think you are only by the act of thinking.
The claim that people are what they think they are is a highly unscientific delusion.

If I really believe I am Zuck, it does not make me Zuck.
When I really believe I am a woman, but I am not, it still does not make me a woman.

The laws of physics, biology etc. do not change if I think and believe deeply I am Zuck.
They do not change when I believe I am something I am not, also when it comes to gender.
0,05% of people are no different in this respect and cannot change the reality with thoughts.

In fact thoughts do influence material reality, but this is a highly complicated metaphysical, spiritual, philosophical subject, and I do not think we should go there, if we cannot even agree on definition of what the material reality is.

Yes, there are many studies confirming people suffering from many disorders. They prove there is a gender/body integrity disorder among many other disorders that distort the perception of reality.

If there is any evidence I missed, please present your sources on the science proving the delusion is real.

Would not addressing the invisible people someone thinks and believes deeply they exist, be considered bigotry, being a jackass, having narrow world view, and other insults used to describe rational people?

Then we better all, not just start talking to invisible people, but we better start believing right now they exist, not to oppress the schizophrenia patients.

Being transgender is a real thing. Thinking you are something you are not is not.

I have searched, but could not find anything apart from the evil pedophile's study, that all delusional people use to support the transmania, as being legit.

All the scientific evidence I found supports my opinion.
This leads me to believe this is an objective opinion, therefore very likely to be true.

I am very open for you to change my mind.
I love an opportunity to learn new things and people changing my mind.
I like being better today than yesterday.

I do not misgender people. I believe they misgender themselves, because of the illness they suffer from.
I will call them whatever if they ask me nicely. If they believe they are my master and start forcing me to use words I should have the freedom to choose, I will do the opposite.

It is my moral principle to oppose all kinds of oppression.

If my body was huge, it is the evidence I am obese. It is the objective truth.

If I believe I am not, does it change it? Does my body change because of what I think about it? Am I whatever I feel I am?
Should you have the freedom to address the reality as you see it?
You could choose to make me feel better about my limitations and lie to me, like I lie to myself so well, I cannot see the truth?
Should you be expected to believe me?

Objectively I am an obese man. This is the reality. If you believe I am not, you are delusional.

I may think I am a thin girl, but it does not make it so.

I can think I am a 5 year old girl. Still sex with me would not be considered a pedophilia.

So my body is not obese, my body is not Zuck's, my body is not a 5YO girl's... and no amount of thinking it is will change that. If I think I am obese when I am very thin, it is called an anorexia or bulimia. It is a disorder.

How does the delusion I am something else when I am not change, in regards to gender and stops being a disorder?

I do not want to be considered a bigot if I do not misgender anyone, but rather address the gender they misgender.

Gender is used in grammar. Every noun has a gender. There cannot be an undefinable infinity of genders.
There are 2 sexes, therefore 2 genders. In grammar there is an additional "it", we would use to describe things or animals. You can be an "it"if you want... but I think addressing people by what they are, not by what they think they are, is just being honest. It does not matter, they suffer from not being able to identify themselves. I do not think lying to them will help. I would however call them what they want... if I ever met anyone from this tiny minority of people suffering from this illness.

I know a lot of gay people, transsexuals... but they all are against the transgender mania. Are they evil bigots too?

Any exception from the rule, therefore a disorder; an out-of-norm distortion, happens due to a delusion in thinking process. It can happen only within the spectrum between 2 genders/sexes.

I feel compassionate. It really sucks. I would like to help transgenders not to commit suicides, but evidence shows that encouraging this delusion has the opposite effects.

Instead of treating it is as an illness; addressing it and trying to help, pretending it is not a disorder, does not help, but causes more suicides.

As a compassionate being, it hurts me that people suffer so much, hate their life so much, they blame others and when they find out blaming does not work because it does not make them less unhappy, they kill themselves.

I am looking for better solutions.

I do not think compelled speech and resentment, or evil hatred toward people (the 99,95% of humanity) will help anyone.

I hope I did not spoil your day, but defending freedom of speech is my moral duty as a person that believes in a voluntary society.

Straight from the horse's mouth:
horses mouth.jpg

I believe that every interaction between humans should be voluntary. I want for each individual to be the only controller of their lives and their property. I am an anarchist, a capitalist, a voluntaryist, but most of all, I am an individual, who does not recognize your value by the status you achieved in an imposed, imaginary collective. No matter who you are; if you respect others, respect me, I will always respect you.


If you are interested in off-grid living, homesteading, medicinal plants and alternative lifestyle, check out my other blogs @lostambores and @smokeymcpot





"A dogma is a set of beliefs accepted on faith; that is, without rational justification or against rational evidence. A dogma is a matter of blind faith."

Ayn Rand, Playboy, March, 1964

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You make a lot of good logical points. The thing that really scares me about the trans movement is when they start putting younger & younger kids on hormones. Kids are very easily confused about their identities, add in a culture looking for trans heroes & you get big pharma patients for life. Surgeries & pills lead to more surgeries & pills that is the way the for profit medical system “treatments” are designed. At some point we will have statistical evidence telling us the younger these treatments are administered the worse the psychological outcome. But that will be many years down the road & the profits will be rolling in the meantime

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