Anarchist From Croatia Unplugs From The System But Is Now Threaten With Imprisonment For Using Private Licence Plates (Where Did He Go Wrong?)

in #anarchy7 years ago

Couple of days ago a news article about a man in Croatia who has cut his ties with the system using law, emerged. I was really happy to see that somebody in my neighbourhood knew about this concept of sovereign, free, living man, but after reading the whole article I had an impression that he is doing something wrong.

Vedran Miočić-Stošić is the owner of the Ford Fusion car with the MG100616GM licence plates. These are his private plates that he designed, made and set up on his own car. Firstly he checked out the vehicle and returned the official registration plates he had used until then. On June 10, 2016, he decided that as a living man, he would use his own plates in all his movable property, and move freely along the roads, which he officially informed the Police Administration of Zadar.

These private plates are based on his "Declaration of a living man", a document that has broken all the imaginary, fictitious connections between him and the fictitious entity - the state.

As he states, this action is not a poignant, exasperated and impulsive, but it is part of a well-developed plan based on the "universal human rights of a living man", which, if he decides and legally applies to the state and declares it, no longer has authority of the law over him. Legally speaking, all persons are corporations, and Miočić-Stošić argues he terminated the contract with the state with his declaration in which he states that he is a living man, a living source of unlimited and inalienable rights, a soul embodied in the living biological human body of male sex, sovereign in his existence. No institution has declined or complained this announcement by the dead line of 30 days, so it has become legally valid.

The Declaration also contains a paragraph listing the penalties for penalizing anyone who incurs any damage, frees freedom and limits the rights of living man Vedran Miocic-Stošić.

Back to the story

Vedran Miočić-Stošić drove his car with his plates for a year now, until he was stopped by a police officer because of the rather benign traffic offense in Biograd.

He was taken to the Biograd Police Station, where he was detained, his private plates taken, written a Compulsory Misdemeanor Order, and because of the manually crafted MG100616GM tables he would receive a much more serious - criminal report - to the Municipal State Attorney's Office in Zadar for forgery of documents.

I drove my grandmother to Biograd for a visit to the hospital, when we came back I shortened my way, I turned in the opposite direction of the permissible and joined the highway, without causing any harm to anyone or putting anyone in danger."

This is the part I don't get, but I'll expand on it at the end of this post.

I was stopped by a motorcycle cop and got off right. I asked him to present himself, which is his obligation by law, he refused and rather insisted on my documents. Then I gave him an insight into the "Declaration" and the "Notice of Private Tiles" and tried to explain who I am, what my rights are, and that we "are not doing business" because he has no jurisdiction over me.

After calling in the station, he returned threatened with using force if I resist, asking me to go to him at the station. I once again tried to explain him that he is directly violating the terms of the "Declaration" for if he proceed with doing me harm, he will eventually pay for, but he still ignored what I was saying.

And that is how the legal conflict between him and the Police Department of Zadar started. He is not accepting there law, and they are not accepting his "Declaration". But they have the upped hand, so his is now facing potential imprisonment.

At my warning this man sends a response in which it is apparent that he will not give up the execution of this order, so I informed him by further letter that I would sue him for all the damage he had made to me according to the price list of the "Declaration" at the Arbitration Court of Justice of the Association " Man " which serves as the guarantee for violation of rights.

Anyone who violates the "Declaration" voluntarily agrees to the contractual relationship of the adhesive character with me and agrees to compensate for the damage they have done.

OK so we are missing more knowledge about the details of his "Declaration of a living man", as it contains more then this page provided to the press. The key principle he is leveraging this document is that law is applied on physical person, and not the living man.

Me personally, I don't know much about all the mechanics of accomplishing freedom using law in this way, but I am pretty sure from what I've read about this is that you can't escape the hand of law like this. He maid a traffic violation according to the law of Croatia, and he must pay the ticket. His argument is that he hasn't done any harm in the process, but I don't thing that it matters. The simple logic applies - if I make a violation of law in another country I am responsible for my actions in accordance with there law, not the laws of my country. For example if I don't wear my seat belt in Serbia I would have to pay 5000+ dinars (around 50e), but if I don't wear my seat belt while driving in USA I would be charged in accordance with the prices there.

I thing we made a mistake somewhere in this process, as I believe that hes "Declaration" only serves as a legal framework for voluntary action, and provide him with choice. The moment he chose to drive his car on the road of Croatia, he was obligated to follow the traffic laws prescribed by the state. Simple logic implies it. Yet again I am only starting on researching this topic, why I would like to hear your opinions, and clarifications.

Thank you for reading and make sure to post a comment if you feel like you know more about this topic.


I also read about it, but I think it is very different in Europe, because we have continental law which is very strict, and in USA you have common law, where you have precedens, and I think it is more easy to find something which will provide you to get out from the system.

Natural Law (God's Law) is different from Legalese (man-made laws)

Ignorance of the truth breeds slaves.
or expressed another way:
Knowledge of the Truth makes a man unfit to be a slave.

@drumsta You have to intentionally focus your awareness on your personal sovereignty; with that awareness (experiential knowledge rather than book knowledge, the written text and spoken word are only a guide to get you to focus within yourself) you now can educate others who have no clue to what you are talking about.

Police, judges, and courtroom attorneys can't successfully defend you because they do not comprehend this Age of Deception with worldwide institutional governance.

Legalese and the legal system is based on contracts, legal fiction, presumptions, and your consent!

You must make them aware that their legal presumptions are false because you refused to contract with them, their statutes and regulations do not apply to you, you do not consent, and they are not referring to you when they offer their legal fiction with a fictitious legal name that is similar to your given name.
They have documents (birth certificates, photo I.D. etc.) with letters of your given name in all caps - at least here in North America that is not you.

You can read all the material written on the internet about Roman Empire's use of Latin banking legal accounts, Maritime Laws, Episcopal law, Roman Empire & the Catholic Holy See owning everything for that history of enslaving humanity.

What is IMPORTANT is your focused intention to be free and outside their "legal fiction" jurisdiction because you refuse to contract with them and you see their legal fiction for what it is, "FICTION", with false presumptions about YOU.

Having said all that, it may still come to some event where a armed man in a costume with a badge will use force and harm you. They who are under the spell of institutional governance can kill or harm you - so stay focused and survive by improving your threat management skills and problem solving abilities.

I know all about this. I've been following the work of Ken Cousins from which I've learned a lot. Also Dean Clifford is one of the pioneers of this free man movement. But I still haven't researched all the legal concepts behind your enslavement, so this case boggles me.

I was read about this guy. I can't imagine what would happen if most people would do the same thing. :D

Then the prisons would be full with honest normal people :D

Haha, I was wonder that it would be different, but if would be that it's really bad. :D

Nikola, pozdrav od anarhiste iz Splita. Vidi ovaj glupi clanak koji su napisali na inace na fb stranici kazu da se zalazu za slobodu covjeka hahahahaha

"Priča o "fiktivnoj državi" ne drži vodu. To su anarhističke priče koje se u praksi mogu pokazati jako opasne i destruktivne. Država mora postojati, ona je organizacija društva..."
Tolko o tome :)

I ne znam kako istina moze biti opasna. To se jedino moze dogodit u drustvu koje laze samo sebe.

Samo se zapitaj koliko se % od svih ubojastava i represija na planeti dogodilo u ime drzave ;)

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