So you think a president rules?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)


Freemasons and the control mechanism.


So all is not what it seems, you have known that for a long time anyway, allow me to put some suggestions forward, that I have studied for over 30 years.

The masonic control over the world goes back hundreds of years, and has a hand to play in most if not all false flags around the world, you can see from a mile away a false flag, when your eyes are wide open, this is the opposite to what masons say, when they get caught in the act by police or other officials "your eyes are wide shut" tends to get them off with anything they choose to do, more on that later.

A motto they use, is one that David Icke seized upon, The Jesuit Order Out of Chaos became the motto of 33 degree Freemasons in “The first step is to create a problem, The second step is to generate opposition to the problem, fear, panic and hysteria, The third step is to offer the solution to the problem created by step one = A change which would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological conditioning achieved in stages one and two." ‘Hegelian Dialectics’

This was lifted from “Ordo Ab Chao” (Latin, Order from Chaos), and implanted firmly into what is now freemasonry law.


A Latin expression, meaning Order out of Chaos. A motto of the Thirty-third Degree, and having the same allusion as lug e tenebris, which see in this work. The invention of this motto is to be attributed to the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish petite at Charleston, and it is first met with in the Patent of Count de Grasse, dated February 1, 1802. When De Grasse afterward carried the polite over to France and established a Supreme Council there, he changed the motto, and, according to Lenning, Ordo ab hoc, Order out of This, was used by him and his Council in all their documents. If so, it was simply a blunder.

  • Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

To show how much these people are in control allow me to show you the queen of England's nurse, please note the belt buckle.


Also take a look at the first responder helicopter at a recent London false flag (London’s
Air Ambulance. )

This guarantees they are first at the scene of any 322 event, I am sure you already know about 322 if you are reading this, if not I can write another article on just that subject, they love a good terror event on 22nd of march.

So we know they are in-bedded into the political system and royal family in the UK, so how about the USA? you maybe already know about the many masonic buildings, built at a precise date to line up with calenders? if not please read here.


How about the founding fathers, you know, the guys that wrote the constitution?
Ethan Allen - Mason
Edmund Burke - Mason
John Claypoole - Mason
William Daws - Mason
Benjamin Franklin - Mason
John Hancock - Mason
Thomas Jefferson - Deist with some evidence of Masonic connections
Robert Livingston - Mason
James Madison - Some evidence of Masonic membership
Paul Revere - Mason
Colonel Benjamin Tupper - Mason
George Washington - Mason
Daniel Webster - Some evidence of Masonic connections

This leaves the remainder as no evidence of masonry =

Thomas Paine
Francis Scott Key
Benjamin Harrison
Patrick Henry
Nathan Hale
John Adams - Spoke favourably of Freemasonry -- never joined
Samuel Adams - Close and principle associate of Hancock, Revere & other Masons.

Known Masons (8): Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Joseph Hewes, William Hooper, Robert Treat Payne, Richard Stockton, George Walton, William Whipple.

Evidence of Membership And/or Affiliations (7): Elbridge Berry, Lyman Hall, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Nelson Jr., John Penn, George Read, Roger Sherman.

Summary: 15 of 56 Signers were Freemasons or probable Freemasons.



The grip these people have over the planet, was manipulated into place via central banks, when you control the money, and print it for fun, you have total power, "Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes it’s laws"
Amschel Rothchilds famous quote of course.
They have bought all the news outlets, so a few people control the information across most of the globe, it is easy to sway the masses towards any war you want, when 6 people control the news in every western country, even easier when you own all forms of news including tv and newspapers.

I said the west, though here is a photo I took last year here in Poland, the East.


You must know by now, that those elected by people are mere puppets that give the false illusion of choice, nothing changes, no matter who comes in next, as behind the scenes these above masons are the true puppet masters.


I have no doubt also that Vladimir Putin is also a free mason, although he claims he left the Royal Arch Mason. We are mere fodder to these people, they are few and we are many, when people stop being the foot soldiers for these control freaks, by becoming police, soldiers etc and start refusing to pay tax, then maybe one day we can evolve to peace love and understanding, till then we are stuck in this reality, doing this forever.

Peace and love, steem on and stay awesome!

If you can not beat them you can join them here (highly not recommended for your health)



I have a lot of interest in the freemason's they fascinate me. I would die to have that gold ring omg its gorgeous. Great article I enjoyed reading it, super cool to see the list of names thats were actually true masons. They really did shape and change the world into what it is today and they continue to.

Thank you, glad you liked it, I will write some more of them if you like.

You gotta play the long game, here.
You are only as good as your last payout.

This passes muster for me.

Do you, Jordan Maxwell?

Words of encouragement, greatly received.
I have never heard of Jordan before, will take a look now.

I had a look at his website, Jordans that is, and one thing inspired me, Hidden In Plain Sight
Symbols All Around You, that would make a good article/contest maybe, to get engagement from readers, I would though have to wait to have a much larger audience than at present.

It's hard to get traction here, but the only way open is to create 'quality' content.
A lot of it.
You are only as good as your last payout.

Agreed, though I keep running out of bandwidth for most of the day, so even a reply to people gets impossible, I am down to 33% bw at the moment, so will log off and come back later, hopefully that might help.

Hmm, I didn't know that it used that much, I haven't run into the wall since the first month or two I was here.

That wall is still there when you have only 20 sp, I managed to get rid of the freebie allocated 14.5% and fill it with my own sp, also tried to lease 150 from the minnow support bot team, nothing doing at the moment though, is there any other places to lease sp?

You would do better to find delegation donators.
Give me a little bit.

You absolute legend you, I have 99% bandwidth, I am now forever in your debt, thank you, I can use this site in the day now, I hope. I am shocked, thank you thank you thank you, I did not even know people could lend you it.

At first, I thought when is he linking this back to the title but then it hit me obviously you are considering the Freemasons in charge, although relevant this I feel is not exactly true, and to an extend from what you have written I could see them as a shadow government in most cases more shadow than light .

Personally I just think it is the nature of people to do what the freemasons are doing once capable of it, it serves to also protect themselves from the mob. Which is decidedly a bad thing without control and controlling the mob needs to be done at times in not so savoury a way.

Massively generalizing mainly as I do not have the facts to truly have a debate and this is just my opinion.

We need to have as much distrusts for those who rule or are of power as we do of those who gather.

I should most likely read lord of the flies again to brush up :)
I did say I do not have all the facts

I do (facts), and will further expand on this article tomorrow, in great detail, by next week, you will be fully armed with so much information, it may make one's head spin, stay tuned in, more coming, that I promise.

Great post my friend, The analogy I often use is a bank! i.e only those running said bank are aware of the bigger picture. Within the degrees of Masonry the vast majority are unaware of what is happening further up the line. As such there are many people within the degrees that believe they are a force for good and this kind of creates a duality within the Masons. Indeed there are further societies under the Mason umbrella.

Equally, the dark duality(side) of the power structure within the Mason's also use these lower ranks to pick out certain personality types (ruthless even psychopathic) whom are then advanced through the power structure at a faster pace.

It was interesting when Bush & Kerry were running for President, they were both members of skull & bones .. and also related! Great work @deliberator .. looking forward to the next part!

Wow, you liked it, I feel honoured, thank you, I noticed earlier, you are from the UK also, I had to leave, it was no longer safe in Birmingham, not sure what part you are in, hope it is nice though and safe.

I've been up & down from Scotland but often working in the south and south-east England. Why weren't you safe?

That in itself is worthy of a few posts, at a later date, suffice to say, I no longer have a UK passport, for now though, I can not say more, that surely keeps you hanging for said post :-)

I am not sure anyone would want to read it, so might as well just say it here, Birmingham has turned into a multicultural cesspit, with no go areas for people like me, I walked home from a party one night, with 2 friends, and 4 Pakistani youths ran down the road after us, with hammers and crow bars, I unlike my friends did not run, as I/we had done nothing wrong, I woke up the next day with a fractured skull that required to be operated on, 36 hammer blows to my body could be counted from the bruising, the whites of my eyes were black from being kicked in them, and it took 2 days just to be able to sit up in bed, as the crow bar across my back almost snapped my spine. I did not want to bring a 2 year old daughter up in that environment, so we left the UK, and as my wife is Polish, the choice was pretty straight forward, where to move to.

Hey there @deliberator es it's really bad in some parts of the country and I can see real trouble brewing in the future. The polarities are widening and the anger is growing. Luckily I'm moving around a bit but also stay as far away as possible from these areas and many cities in general.

I really feel for you and can certainly understand why you left, what a disgusting thing to have happened (hope you're much better now) and you're right it's no longer safe to bring you daughter up there :( . I have a lot of time for the Polish people and know them to be brave and proud and I hope you're really enjoying it where you are. I have often thought about heading in that direction myself (or croatia) but we shall see what happens over the next couple of years.

Thank you, & if ever you wanted to come over and have a taster of Poland, I would gladly meet up and show you around, the summer here is glorious with very little rain. I am struggling a little though only on this site, my injuries healed a long time ago, bandwidth issues, I feel certain they may be working on the issue, though have no idea what it is really, I have tried twice to lease 150 sp from minnow support, though that has not quite worked out, I will do part two to the above, as soon as I get a more stable bandwidth hopefully later today.

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