Should the United Nations change its name to the 1936 League of Nations ?

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Well ; in 1936 or there about there was an attempt to have countries around the World have a Forum to settle disputes . . .

This " International Forum " was called the ' League of Nations '...

GUESS what the outcomes of that International Forum was a few years later after 1936 . . .

TODAY there is another International Forum called something else entirely.

But just like in 1936 they get PAiD 2 ... talk & Talk ... and TALK ...

NOW those talking people have decided that one of the


in the next 30 years , yep ; after 500 MILLION years the Australian

Great Barrier Reef will DiE about 5 minutes after the Australian Politicians who
fought to prevent its listing as in danger of dying have died of old age . . .

And WHAT does the League of Nations do ?

they talk ... & ... and Talk and TALK . . .

I Believe they can do NOTHING simply because the FIVE Major Powers who have a VETO
Vote will " cut-off " their pay-check's ' if they ever TRY and do nothing except
talk and Talk and TALK . . .

After all WHO wants to HAVE to get a REAL j-o-b ?

Ship there ARE NO real JOBS anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTF do you do if someone says you cannot " count " ' paper-clips ' anymore ???????????????????????????

u R Screwed ; WTF do U do about your family and house payments ?

what the F'in is NOT Walmart HiRiNG ?

yep ; this is all Walmart's problem , not mine !

( However I BELIEVE WalMart ; as far as I KNOW is NOT TRYING to KiLL

The Great Barrier Reef, which has EXISTED for 500 million years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

But hey; profit is PROFiT Right ?

So is mass murder . . .

ANYTHING to make a dollar ; right ?

Who cares about 25 years time when the Next Election is like in 5 minutes TiME ! ! !

Yep, The League of Nations I believe have simply " found " a ' new ' Topic to talk & Talk and TALK about . . .

It sure beats having to " work " for a living . . .

So what exactly is Australia doing for The Great Barrier Reef ? I BELIEVE the human equivalent
is if a person has had their leg ripped off and amputated in some horrific accident.

Some boy-scout comes along and puts a " Band-Aid " dressing on the bleeding stump of the ripped off leg.
Sure something has been done, BUT do you think the person is going to Live ?

That is what The League of Nations has talked ... & ... Talked ... and ... Talked about as they publish in their official Press Releases that busy journalists quickly re-edit into a NEWS headline for broadcast.

Why has the United Nations STOPPED talking about The Great Barrier Reef; I believe they have simply found a new topic to talk about . . .

The United Nations I believe will do NOTHING simply because the FIVE Major Powers who Won World War Two have the VETO Power to stop the United Nations from actually doing anything...

I believe this will continue in The League of Nations until Walmart starts re-hiring . . .


I am sorry about the Great Barrier Reef. I guess no one is doing anything about it.

Hey oh some people are doing something about the Great Barrier reef, lots of Scientists are writing reports that are getting; I Believe totally ignored or buried...

And others are talking & and Talking and TALKING; especially if their are possible election votes needed soon...

other than that ?

not so much . . .

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/ Hugz ;)

DO you like the UN?

I am SURE I would LOVE the United Nations if they GREW Radishes; at least THEN they would be DOING something USEFUL ! ! !

At The Moment . . . whatever...

/ Hugz ;)

Why would the Prime Minister of Australia care about the Great Barrier Reef ?
HiS family will be OK, he will live out his life on a Government Pension guaranteed.
After all I BELIEVE the EXECUTION ORDER signed by the United Nations will relieve him of all complicity.
After all he will be dead and gone about five minutes before The Barrier Reef goes Extinct FOREVER.
Who cares about what the tourist operators will do for money and income in 25 years ; TODAY they are making money ! ! !
It will even be " easier " for ' teachers' etc. since there will be only SIX " Wonders of The Natural World " ; so less time will be needed for ' lesson preparation ' :) [ Instead of SEVEN Wonders of the Natural World ]...
How Kool is that ! ! !
Australia was founded in 1770 by Captain James COOK, time to Kill a FIVE Hundred MILLiON years old LiViNG Organism like The Great Barrier Reef ?
There are Trees some hundreds of years old , they will now live longer than The Great Barrier Reef !
All ; because I believe the League of Nations simply did not want to have to find someone else to sign their pay checks. . .
How Kool is That ? :(
/ Hugz ;)

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