The RAP leads us to the RAPP (Day -44)

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

This will be my seventh post in this 50 post lead up to the World's First 5 Year Long April Fools' Day Joke. For someone with pretty close to NO social media content creation habit, this has been a great exercise. One thing learned is that social media superstars will need to be recruited for this project to succeed. Another thing learned is that the discipline of posting daily is causing the ideas to blossom and gel amazingly. Each day the plan becomes markedly better, so we don't mind at all that with the low number of actual page views we are getting, we are still basically in stealth mode.

Just yesterday, we posted about the RAP, which stands for the Reduce Aggression Principle, about which (after explaining it) we wrote:

" We do not expect the RAP to be a major draw to  this movement, compared to the silly memetic avalanche we will unleash,  but we just thought some of you early potential Founding FOOLs should know where our heads are at."

Today, @brindleswan noticed an overlooked email from @mazi with a link to a review of Rick Falkvinge's Swarmwise from Robert David Steele, the author of The Open-Source Everything Manifesto. He pointed out the following from the book:

" Have ONE vision and ONE value base.  This is what keeps the group focused and coherent. "

This led to more thinking about the RAP and realizing that all the other elements are just hooks to lead people into this one powerful principle. Through swarmwise tactics, employing memes, fun, economic incentives, online and local social incentives, we will create the First Principled GigaSwarm. Imagine one billion people understanding that solving social problems with "Government" means endorsing Aggression, and pledging to always look to reducing that kind of thinking and action whenever possible. This pledge would be the RAPP - the Reduce Aggression Principle Pledge.

To reiterate and expand upon yesterday's explanation of why the RAP is better than the NAP; the NAP requires embracing anarchism which most aren't ready for. Also the borderline cases involving  children, animals, the mentally incapacitated and seemingly justifiable preemptive aggression scenarios go away with the RAP. Imagine a group of pioneers organizing a wagon train to head out to find a new home in the frontier. One of the potential leaders describes an amazing utopian place he is sure they will find if they just follow one simple rule, only head west until we can't head west no more. This rule might work for the pioneers if they're lucky, but because the utopia described doesn't seem plausible and the rule doesn't seem flexible enough for the real world, this wagon train never gets organized. Another potential leader, describes a wonderful but not utopian place and a more flexible rule, "Head West unless we have to go around or backtrack due to obstacles". That leader gets the wagon train going, because the goal is realistic and the rule more practical.

On April 1, 2017 we begin a 5 year mission to unite One Billion FOOLs in taking the RAPP to get us to an Amazing Voluntaryist Future! 

If you would like to contact @brindleswan you can send email to [email protected]. Include  your Bitshares account in a comment for free SHMITS and a chance to win  some GIGGLS. Don't have a Bitshares account? Go to: 


Strength in your projects, I invite you to comment my publication, thanks for sharing

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